New Left Review I/4, July-August 1960

Neil Carmichael

Not Waiting For Lefty

it is always easy to see things as we want to see them and it is particularly tempting in this apathetic era to see a strike of apprentices as youth hardening itself in the cauldron of industrial strife. Tempting to think of them as the new generation challenging the old and prepared to question the false priorities of Capitalism. But these boys chose to sherik [*] Sherik—to deride volubly, to boo and shout at (in Glasgow)., admittedly good naturedly, the CND loudspeaker van announcing Scotland’s Aldermaston. Was this, for them, merely another facet of the Adult World, the Adult World which for six years has been fruitlessly negotiating their wage claim?

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Neil Carmichael, ‘Not Waiting for Lefty’, NLR I/4: £3

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