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Oil latest newsSee more newsBy Mark Hosenball WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Islamic State militants fighting in Iraq are selling oil from oilfields and refineries they control to local communities and smugglers, augmenting their...
Why do oil companies in Russia waste oil rather than repair rusty pipelines? (Greenpeace International)
noodls 2014-08-15
(Source: Greenpeace International) Oil companies have nothing to lose from spills in Russia according to Vladimir Chuprov, head of the Greenpeace Russia Energy Programme. "Fines are negligible...
(Source: Willbros Group Inc) HOUSTON, Aug. 14, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Willbros Group, Inc. (NYSE: WG) today announced that the Company will be attending EnerCom's The Oil & Gas Conference® 19...
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