November 2014 Breaking News Rise of
ISIS ISIL current events bible prophecy
September 15 Breaking News ISIS video surfaced
Beheaded British aid worker
David Haines
2014 September Breaking News ISIS ISIL
USA UK foreign fighters in
Iraq and
2014 August Breaking News
Islamic State Iraq/Syria & the Levant Calip-HATE
Global Threat - Levant countries include
Jordan Turkey Egypt Cyprus Palestinian territories Jordan
Israel Lebanon.Iraq and Syria Part 1
2014 July Breaking News
President Barack Obama ordered More USA troops to Iraq
2014 July Breaking News
Associated Press President Barack Obama ordered More USA troops to Iraq plus special forces considered
June 17 2014 Breaking News Will Iraq fall to jihadists? Did
USA forces die in vain and the thousands injured for nothing and lose billions of dollars in military equipment being taken to Syria? Will ISIS terrorist group create an
Islamic caliphate? Then what? Will
Obama protect USA civilians &
Government & military personnel Here are the latest developments
June 13 2014
Iran &
Russia supported Syria Iraqi militants taking over Iraq - USA interests and ground covered threatened from USA war in Iraq loss of life and injuries in
Region next step Obama states considering all options part 3
June 13 2014 Breaking News Obama to decide on Iraq strikes in the days ahead
June 13 2014 Breaking News Obama to decide on Iraq strikes in the days ahead - A
Shock and Awe airstrike campaign has and will show the strength and effectiveness the USA is against thugs and anyone who undermines the capabilities the USA brings to the table when all options are considered and followed through with pinpoint precision - USA already has boots on the ground for training
Iraqi soldiers and critical moments like now to take action on providing
Air strike coordinances to wipe out threat immediately
June 13 2014 Breaking News Obama after pulling USA forces out of Iraq Obama Considering Airstrikes Part 2;_ylt=A0SO8xZ60JpTfioAKSNXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0dDVkc2U3BHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1NXSU1DMF8x
June 13 2014 Breaking News Associated Press
Less than three years after pulling
American forces out of Iraq, President Barack Obama is weighing a range of short-term military options, including airstrikes, to quell an al-Qaida inspired insurgency that has captured two Iraqi cities and threatened to press toward
Baghdad Part 1
June 13 2014 Breaking News
New York Times Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki secretly asked the
Obama administration to consider carrying out airstrikes against extremist staging areas, according to Iraqi and
American officials
June 12 2014 Breaking News Obama pulls USA troops out of Iraq
Islamic militants move in - Associated Press Iraq
Sunni militant group vows to march on Baghdad
June 12 2014 Breaking News
Washington Post Insurgents seize Iraqi city of
Mosul as security forces flee
June 12 2014 Breaking News
Iraq crisis Islamic terrorists al-Qaeda forces seize Mosul and
Tikrit - USA and UK speak of deep concern as al-Qaeda take swathes of northern Iraq, sparking a mass exodus of civilians
June 12 2014 Breaking News
500 thousand civilians men, women and children have fled their homes since fighting escalated since
January 2014;_ylt=A0SO8z0tgplTCwoA3p5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEza29jM205BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNQRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDQ0M18x
- published: 24 Sep 2014
- views: 61509