#PMLN 검색 결과

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  2. was born & bred by a dictator, their approach is dictatorship. They tend to encourage DAMNocracy not democracy

  3. Dear Rana Sana Ullah, If will react, your govt will be hurled. Chose your words wisely, and stay in your limits.

  4. Gullu Butts Force is the only Law Enforcement Agency which is adhering the orders of today. The irony of helplessness is unmistakable.

  5. My Analysis: All Elections in Pakistan were rigged; Rigging in 2013 was for simple majority; did'nt want to share power at Center.

  6. for -led govt that Imran Khan moves to a bulletproof car becuz he faces assassination threat after 3 PMLN attacks on his car.

  7. I condemn stone-pelting by ill-behaved citizens in Gujranwala has advised & continues to advise restraint to its activists

  8. threats of violence are working: Imran's shifting from Container into Bullet Proof Vehicle & decision to rush to Islamabad is proof

  9. "Saying will respect your democratic rights is just like saying Asma from Hospital will return your 20 Rupees." LOOOOOL

  10. PM of Pakistan BETI support Violence Inqilab ki shero k hatho Pitai RT Attack By worker on

    , , 님 외 7명
  11. Gvt. is making horrible mistake by planning n carrying out attacks on us,it'll have 2 face the music played by 3rd power in dt case

  12. 3 types of supporters 1.Relatives n their friends 2.Corrupt ppl 3.The PAINDUS & GULLUs who dont even know Y they R supporting ?

  13. Political workers put their lives on the line but in they put their butts on the line for their leader *cute*

  14. Begairti of supporters at it's Peak !!!! They are trying to justify shameful act of firing and brick bating on IK 's container.

  15. This is shameful: appear to be PML-N activists and chanting anti PTI slogans -- while standing on police vans!

  16. All political workers need to understand that every stone thrown only dents their own leader's stature

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