
The Evil Dust - the history of asbestos, an excerpt
100 years ago asbestos became known as a magic mineral and the use of millions of tons of ...
published: 16 Sep 2013
The Evil Dust - the history of asbestos, an excerpt
The Evil Dust - the history of asbestos, an excerpt
100 years ago asbestos became known as a magic mineral and the use of millions of tons of asbestos created a very profitable industry. And for almost as long, the industry has known that asbestos is extremely dangerous to people. The documentary is part of the international awarded series "Late Lessons from Early Warnings" which explores how we have been able to respond to warnings about the hazards posed by some of the greatest technological innovations of the last century. We have not always been that successful. Directed and produced by Jakob Gottshau, Express TV Production Photography: Michael Daugaard Film Editing: Jesper Osmund Music: Niels Mosumgaard Narration: Brian Patterson Year of Production: 2006 Watch more: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bz8IFlfcBZ0oM2NQRVFOdC1xX28/edit?usp=sharing- published: 16 Sep 2013
- views: 11

What does asbestos look like?
Fibre Safe have provided a short video showing the most common types of asbestos found dur...
published: 22 Aug 2013
What does asbestos look like?
What does asbestos look like?
Fibre Safe have provided a short video showing the most common types of asbestos found during our inspections. This may help you to identify asbestos products easier however we would always recommend getting a professional to do this. For more information visit our website www.fibresafe.com- published: 22 Aug 2013
- views: 34

Download high quality version http://tinyurl.com/dzsyq2 Asbestos is a tough, heat-resistan...
published: 30 Jan 2009
author: WorkSafeBC
Download high quality version http://tinyurl.com/dzsyq2 Asbestos is a tough, heat-resistant mineral that was added to the building materials of many older ho...- published: 30 Jan 2009
- views: 122420
- author: WorkSafeBC

Asbestos: Still legal and in use -- Reuters Investigates
The word "asbestos" is enough to clear a room, if not a building. Reuters' correspondent ...
published: 10 May 2012
Asbestos: Still legal and in use -- Reuters Investigates
Asbestos: Still legal and in use -- Reuters Investigates
The word "asbestos" is enough to clear a room, if not a building. Reuters' correspondent Ben Berkowitz explores the hazards of asbestos with Mark Van Baalen, a geologist at Harvard University, and Dr. David Sugarbaker, the chief of thoracic surgery at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. (May 11, 2012)- published: 10 May 2012
- views: 17501

Don't Mess With Asbestos (Pt. 1 of 3)
A practical look at the rules on asbestos for three groups: Homeowners; contractors; and w...
published: 10 Oct 2008
author: ctnsandiego
Don't Mess With Asbestos (Pt. 1 of 3)
Don't Mess With Asbestos (Pt. 1 of 3)
A practical look at the rules on asbestos for three groups: Homeowners; contractors; and workers.- published: 10 Oct 2008
- views: 33276
- author: ctnsandiego

Within Safe Limits: Preventing Asbestos Exposure
A safety video on the dangers of asbestos and how to prevent exposure....
published: 12 Jun 2013
author: alabamaagc
Within Safe Limits: Preventing Asbestos Exposure
Within Safe Limits: Preventing Asbestos Exposure
A safety video on the dangers of asbestos and how to prevent exposure.- published: 12 Jun 2013
- views: 35
- author: alabamaagc

Clear and present danger: Asbestos exposed
The film shows common places where asbestos can be found in a typical Queensland home buil...
published: 02 Apr 2013
author: WorkSafeQueensland
Clear and present danger: Asbestos exposed
Clear and present danger: Asbestos exposed
The film shows common places where asbestos can be found in a typical Queensland home built before 1990, when asbestos was commonly used as a construction ma...- published: 02 Apr 2013
- views: 1187
- author: WorkSafeQueensland

Libby, Montana: An Asbestos Legacy
Processed vermiculite from the WR Grace Libby MT Mine contained tremolite, a form of asbes...
published: 08 Jul 2012
author: markdcatlin
Libby, Montana: An Asbestos Legacy
Libby, Montana: An Asbestos Legacy
Processed vermiculite from the WR Grace Libby MT Mine contained tremolite, a form of asbestos, that found it's way into local homes and has caused hundreds o...- published: 08 Jul 2012
- views: 4921
- author: markdcatlin

Wttenoom Gorge Asbestos Mine - Australia's Chernobyl
Lang Hancock started mining blue asbestos with Aboriginal labour in the Hamersley Ranges i...
published: 28 Oct 2012
author: kulaluk1971
Wttenoom Gorge Asbestos Mine - Australia's Chernobyl
Wttenoom Gorge Asbestos Mine - Australia's Chernobyl
Lang Hancock started mining blue asbestos with Aboriginal labour in the Hamersley Ranges in the 1930s. In 1943 he started the Wttenoom Asbestos Mine in Witte...- published: 28 Oct 2012
- views: 1473
- author: kulaluk1971

Introduction to Asbestos from 1959
This clip is from the 1959 film, "Asbestos: a Matter of Time," by the Bureau of Mines (US ...
published: 21 Apr 2007
author: markdcatlin
Introduction to Asbestos from 1959
Introduction to Asbestos from 1959
This clip is from the 1959 film, "Asbestos: a Matter of Time," by the Bureau of Mines (US Department of the Interior.) The entire film is available on Goggle...- published: 21 Apr 2007
- views: 98065
- author: markdcatlin

Asbestos Awareness Training Video TheAsbestosHotline com www keepvid com
published: 22 Jun 2012
author: ready2style
Asbestos Awareness Training Video TheAsbestosHotline com www keepvid com
Asbestos Awareness Training Video TheAsbestosHotline com www keepvid com
- published: 22 Jun 2012
- views: 1849
- author: ready2style

HD Stock Footage - Story of Asbestos 1921 Reel 1, Asbestos mining and manufacturing
Purchase Link: http://www.buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_na_588.html True HD direct fil...
published: 25 Apr 2013
author: BuyoutFootage
HD Stock Footage - Story of Asbestos 1921 Reel 1, Asbestos mining and manufacturing
HD Stock Footage - Story of Asbestos 1921 Reel 1, Asbestos mining and manufacturing
Purchase Link: http://www.buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_na_588.html True HD direct film transfer The Story of Asbestos 1921, Reel 1 Panorama of asbestos ...- published: 25 Apr 2013
- views: 1246
- author: BuyoutFootage

Asbestos Removal
Safe & proper removal of asbestos covered piping in a basement by Healthy Homes, Inc. and ...
published: 30 Dec 2009
author: healthyhomesincmi
Asbestos Removal
Asbestos Removal
Safe & proper removal of asbestos covered piping in a basement by Healthy Homes, Inc. and Asbestos Removal Technologies, Inc. Call (248) 358-3311 or visit ww...- published: 30 Dec 2009
- views: 71513
- author: healthyhomesincmi
Youtube results:

Building an Abatement Enclosure for Asbestos, Lead, Mold or Dust Control
OAI, Inc. students demonstrate how to build an Abatement Enclosure for Asbestos, Lead, Mol...
published: 19 Jan 2013
author: Robin Moseley
Building an Abatement Enclosure for Asbestos, Lead, Mold or Dust Control
Building an Abatement Enclosure for Asbestos, Lead, Mold or Dust Control
OAI, Inc. students demonstrate how to build an Abatement Enclosure for Asbestos, Lead, Mold or Dust Control. This is sponsored by the USEPA ARRA Kansas City ...- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 422
- author: Robin Moseley

Working safely with asbestos - for the home renovator
To minimise the chance of anyone being exposed to asbestos, it is very important that DIY ...
published: 09 Dec 2010
author: WorkSafeQueensland
Working safely with asbestos - for the home renovator
Working safely with asbestos - for the home renovator
To minimise the chance of anyone being exposed to asbestos, it is very important that DIY home renovators and tradespeople prevent the release of asbestos fi...- published: 09 Dec 2010
- views: 11282
- author: WorkSafeQueensland

Motivo para nao utilizar telhas de AMIANTO ( ASBESTOS )
Ótima explicação, com imagens que mostram todo o processo que nosso organismo faz para se ...
published: 19 May 2012
author: Cibermalas
Motivo para nao utilizar telhas de AMIANTO ( ASBESTOS )
Motivo para nao utilizar telhas de AMIANTO ( ASBESTOS )
Ótima explicação, com imagens que mostram todo o processo que nosso organismo faz para se proteger das fibras de amianto. Outro nome para as fibras de Amiant...- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 1478
- author: Cibermalas

how we removed our asbestos floor tiles
Find out more at http://wp.me/p2m51s-2rj. After uncovering potentially asbestos vinyl tile...
published: 16 Jun 2013
author: Karah Bunde
how we removed our asbestos floor tiles
how we removed our asbestos floor tiles
Find out more at http://wp.me/p2m51s-2rj. After uncovering potentially asbestos vinyl tiles under old carpeting we researched our options and this is how we ...- published: 16 Jun 2013
- views: 1301
- author: Karah Bunde