But there’s no money in being consistently right – and so once again we turn to you for help.

Why should you support’s fundraising campaign? For one, we were the first Western media outlet to report the imminent re-invasion of Iraq – in this story written by News Editor Jason Ditz and published 4 days before the air strikes.

This illustrates the predictive value of you come here for the truth about US foreign policy – and we give it to you, without fear or favor. And this isn’t the first time we’ve scooped the rest of the media. We’ve been doing it for over 18 years:

  • When George W. Bush went into Afghanistan, we said it was a quagmire – and while neocons insisted we were wrong (and traitors, to boot!), it turned out we were 100 percent right.
  • When they said Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction" we said it was a lie. Again, the usual suspects yelled "treason!" – but if telling the truth is treason, then we plead guilty.
  • When the neocons claimed they building Iraqi "democracy," we said they were inviting chaos – and will deny the accuracy of our prediction?
  • When NATO pushed eastward we warned of a new cold war was in the making. Hardly anyone else saw it – but we did.
  • When we said Israel was turning into apartheid South Africa, Israel’s amen corner went ballistic – but we were right about that, too.

So what do we get for being right when most of the Very Serious People were wrong? We hope to get what we deserve – your financial support.

For all these years we’ve been telling you what’s happening in the world – before it even happens! That’s worth a lot more than you can probably afford to give, but please – give what you can. Make your tax-deductible donation today.

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Updated August 13, 2014 - 3:11 PM EDT
Pentagon Plans Ground Op for Yazidi Rescue
  US Airstrikes Complicated by Changing ISIS Tactics
  Pentagon Sends More 'Advisers' to Iraq, Officials Vow More Aid
  PKK Fighters Help Peshmerga Protect Irbil from ISIS
Iraq: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
  Maliki Refuses to Go, Asks Court to Rule on Legality of Succession
  ISIS: A Growing Oil Producer in Iraq and Syria
  Last 'Moderate' Rebel Area in Northern Syria Poised to Fall
  Regional Leaders Signal Support for Abadi as 268 Are Killed in Iraq
'Furious' Israel Rails at New UN Gaza Probe Panel
  Cairo Talks Continue; Netanyahu Tries to Sell Cabinet on Truce
FAA Sets No-Fly Zone Over Ferguson, Missouri
Afghanistan's Ghani: No Power-Sharing If I Win Recount
Ukraine Army Vows to Stop Russia Aid, But Convoy Rolls On
Pentagon Adds Tanks, Vehicles to Cache in Norway Caves
Iraq Policy: Washington's Puzzle Palace Keeps Getting Curiouser  by David Stockman
More Children Are Dead Than Fighters: A Plea for Sanity in Gaza  by Manal Tellawi
The US Government Still Tries to Subvert Cuba  by Sheldon Richman
Hillary the Hawk Is Out of Her Cage  by Justin Raimondo
America Helped Make the Islamic State  by Charles Davis
What the US Should Do in Iraq: Stop What Is Counterproductive  by Andrew J. Bacevich

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Read more

Justin Raimondo
Hillary the Hawk Is Out of Her Cage

Ivan Eland
An Even Worse Constitutional Scandal Than Iran-Contra and Watergate

Nebojsa Malic
Covering for the KLA

Lucy Steigerwald
War Against War! and the Necessity of Graphic War Photos

Ran HaCohen
Yet Another War of Deceit

David R. Henderson
An Economist’s Case for a Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy

Additional Contributors
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