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Action: Stop Arming Israel

Israel's assault on the people of Gaza in 2009 was conducted by a powerful Israeli army using disproportionate and indiscriminate force against civilian populations in clear breach of humanitarian law. Yet the UK government continues to license the export of military equipment for use by Israel.

This must stop. Please write to the Alistair Burt MP, the Minister responsible for the Middle East, and help us end the UK's material support for Israel's aggression.

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Dear Alistair Burt MP,

In April 2009 the Foreign Secretary announced a review of UK arms sales to Israel in light of the atrocities in Gaza.

Yet despite ongoing human rights violations and the UK government's own arms export guidelines, licences for arms sales to Israel continued to be granted throughout 2009.

By selling arms to Israel the UK is giving direct material support for Israel's aggression and sending a clear message of approval for its actions. UN special rapporteur Richard Falk has challenged the complicity of countries "knowingly providing the military equipment including warplanes and missiles used in these illegal attacks".

In recent months Palestinians campaigning against the illegal Separation Wall in the occupied West Bank have been targeted as part of a vicious crackdown on their freedom of expression and association. Villages such as Ni'lin, Bil'in and Jayyous have been subjected to raids by Israeli soldiers, who have broken into homes, fired teargas and arbitrarily arrested and detained numerous Palestinians, including children.

This latest escalation of repression and human rights abuse demonstrates exactly why the UK should not be arming Israel. I urge you to implement a two-way arms embargo on Israel until it ends its human rights violations and complies with international law.

Yours sincerely,

Tags: campaigns | fighting occupation | palestine | stop arming israel

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