The public’s right to know

The slow drip of information on possible changes to Gaza access policy are a reminder that we, the people of Gaza and Israel, who were under fire for 50 days, know very little about what our leaders are up to. Don’t we have a right to know what was agreed upon in Cairo that brought Operation Protective Edge to an end, and what about the other things that are up for discussion at the negotiating table? Continue reading

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What the MFA got wrong on Gaza

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a new communique entitled “Behind the Headlines: The Myth of an Israeli Siege on Gaza”. It’s worth reviewing some of their claims. Continue reading

Posted in econmic development, Movement of goods into Gaza, Movement of goods out of Gaza, Movement of people out of Gaza, Seperation Policy | Leave a comment

Why Israel should allow construction materials to enter Gaza

Since the start of Operation Protective Edge, many people have asked us if we still believe that restrictions on the entrance of construction materials to Gaza should be lifted. Since the answer to this question is yes and since it is not obvious why to many people, we attempt here to share the answers to your questions and arguments on the subject. Continue reading

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The closure didn’t stop the Gaza tunnels

Although Israel has been imposing restrictions on the entrance of construction materials to Gaza since 2007, tunnels were still built. How did this happen? Shattering an illusion. Continue reading

Posted in Infrastructure, Movement of goods into Gaza | 2 Comments

Gaza’s future: 15 facts that can’t be ignored

IsraeIi Minister of Transportation Israel Katz fantasizes about completely separating Israel and the West Bank from Gaza and he’s not alone. But reality bites and some things can’t just be wished away. Continue reading

Posted in Adress updates, econmic development, General, Movement of goods into Gaza, Movement of goods out of Gaza, Movement of people into Gaza, Movement of people out of Gaza, Seperation Policy | Leave a comment

What you need to know about Gaza

Gaza is in the news again and everyone seems to have an opinion though very few seem to know the facts. Regardless of your viewpoint, analysis and conclusions, here are some important things to know. Continue reading

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Due to rocket fire

Until recently, Palestinians could get a permit to travel from Gaza if they had a tragedy or a wedding in the family. Today, even this is all but impossible. Why? Continue reading

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Building in ruins

Israel’s decision to prevent the transfer of construction materials to Gaza’s private sector, and severely restrict materials for international projects, is entering its ninth month. The ban has further harmed Gaza’s economy and may have a serious impact on the entire region. Continue reading

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Tilbani and the biscuit factory

The strange story of a shipment of biscuits that made the long journey from Gaza to Italy in search of the right packaging Continue reading

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Cold comfort

The siblings of a recently widowed woman cannot visit her because they’re in the West Bank and she’s in Gaza – separated by travel criteria Continue reading

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