
Odysseus King of Ithaca Part 1
He is most famous for the ten eventful years he took to return home after the decade-long ...
published: 13 Dec 2013
Odysseus King of Ithaca Part 1
Odysseus King of Ithaca Part 1
He is most famous for the ten eventful years he took to return home after the decade-long Trojan War and his famous Trojan Horse ploy to capture the city of Troy. Name, etymology and epithets The name has several variants: Olysseus (Ὀλυσσεύς), Oulixeus (Οὐλιξεύς), Oulixes (Οὐλίξης) and he was known as Ulyssēs in Latin or Ulixēs in Roman mythology. Hence, "there may originally have been two separate figures, one called something like Odysseus, the other something like Ulixes, who were combined into one complex personality." The etymology of the name is contested. Many scholars say the name Odysseus derives from the verb odussomai (Greek: ὀδύσσομαι), meaning "to be wroth against" or "hate", suggesting that the name could be rendered as "the one who is wrathful/hated". Homer in references and puns relates it to various forms of this verb. It has been also suggested that the name is of non-Greek origin, probably not even Indo-European, with an unknown etymology. In Book 19 of the Odyssey, where Odysseus's early childhood is recounted, Euryclea asks Autolycus to name him. Euryclea tries to guide him to naming the boy Polyaretos, "for he has much been prayed for" (19.403f). Autolycus "apparently in a sardonic mood ... decided to give the child a name that would commemorate his own experience in life. 'Because I got odium upon myself before coming here ... from many ... let the child's name be Odysseus to signify this.' The pun was prophetic as well as commemorative." Odysseus often receives the patronymic epithet Laertiades (Λαερτιάδης), "son of Laërtes". In the Iliad and Odyssey there are several epithets used to describe Odysseus. Genealogy Relatively little is known of Odysseus's background other than that his paternal grandfather (or step-grandfather) is Arcesius, son of Cephalus and grandson of Aeolus, whilst his maternal grandfather is the thief Autolycus, son of Hermes and Chione. Hence, Odysseus was the great-grandson of the Olympian god Hermes. According to the Iliad and Odyssey, his father is Laertes and his mother Anticlea, although there was a non-Homeric tradition that Sisyphus was his true father. The rumor went that Laertes bought Odysseus from the conniving king. Odysseus is said to have a younger sister, Ctimene, who went to Same to be married and is mentioned by the swineherd Eumaeus, whom she grew up alongside, in Book 15 of the Odyssey. "Cruel Odysseus" Homer's Iliad and Odyssey portrayed Odysseus as a culture hero, but the Romans, who believed themselves the heirs of Prince Aeneas of Troy, considered him a villainous falsifier. In Virgil's Aeneid, he is constantly referred to as "cruel Odysseus" (Latin "dirus Ulixes") or "deceitful Odysseus" ("pellacis", "fandi fictor"). Turnus, in Aeneid ix, reproaches the Trojan Ascanius with images of rugged, forthright Latin virtues, declaring (in John Dryden's translation), "You shall not find the sons of Atreus here, nor need the frauds of sly Ulysses fear." While the Greeks admired his cunning and deceit, these qualities did not recommend themselves to the Romans who possessed a rigid sense of honour. In Euripides's tragedy Iphigenia at Aulis, having convinced Agamemnon to consent to the sacrifice of his daughter, Iphigenia, to appease the goddess Artemis, Odysseus facilitates the immolation by telling her mother, Clytemnestra, that the girl is to be wed to Achilles. His attempts to avoid his sacred oath to defend Menelaus and Helen offended Roman notions of duty; the many stratagems and tricks that he employed to get his way offended Roman notions of honour.- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 0

Odysseus King of Ithaca Part 2
Odysseus (/oʊˈdɪsiəs/ or /oʊˈdɪsjuːs/; Greek: Ὀδυσσεύς, [odysˈsews]), also known by the Ro...
published: 13 Dec 2013
Odysseus King of Ithaca Part 2
Odysseus King of Ithaca Part 2
Odysseus (/oʊˈdɪsiəs/ or /oʊˈdɪsjuːs/; Greek: Ὀδυσσεύς, [odysˈsews]), also known by the Roman name Ulysses (/juːˈlɪsiːz/; Latin: Ulyssēs, Ulixēs), was a legendary Greek king of Ithaca and a hero of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey. Odysseus also plays a key role in Homer's Iliad and other works in that same Epic Cycle. Husband of Penelope, father of Telemachus, and son of Laërtes and Anticlea, Odysseus is renowned for his brilliance, guile, and versatility (polytropos), and is hence known by the epithet Odysseus the Cunning (mētis, or "cunning intelligence"). He is most famous for the ten eventful years he took to return home after the decade-long Trojan War and his famous Trojan Horse ploy to capture the city of Troy. Name, etymology and epithets The name has several variants: Olysseus (Ὀλυσσεύς), Oulixeus (Οὐλιξεύς), Oulixes (Οὐλίξης) and he was known as Ulyssēs in Latin or Ulixēs in Roman mythology. Hence, "there may originally have been two separate figures, one called something like Odysseus, the other something like Ulixes, who were combined into one complex personality." The etymology of the name is contested. Many scholars say the name Odysseus derives from the verb odussomai (Greek: ὀδύσσομαι), meaning "to be wroth against" or "hate", suggesting that the name could be rendered as "the one who is wrathful/hated". Homer in references and puns relates it to various forms of this verb. It has been also suggested that the name is of non-Greek origin, probably not even Indo-European, with an unknown etymology. In Book 19 of the Odyssey, where Odysseus's early childhood is recounted, Euryclea asks Autolycus to name him. Euryclea tries to guide him to naming the boy Polyaretos, "for he has much been prayed for" (19.403f). Autolycus "apparently in a sardonic mood ... decided to give the child a name that would commemorate his own experience in life. 'Because I got odium upon myself before coming here ... from many ... let the child's name be Odysseus to signify this.' The pun was prophetic as well as commemorative." Odysseus often receives the patronymic epithet Laertiades (Λαερτιάδης), "son of Laërtes". In the Iliad and Odyssey there are several epithets used to describe Odysseus. Genealogy Relatively little is known of Odysseus's background other than that his paternal grandfather (or step-grandfather) is Arcesius, son of Cephalus and grandson of Aeolus, whilst his maternal grandfather is the thief Autolycus, son of Hermes and Chione. Hence, Odysseus was the great-grandson of the Olympian god Hermes. According to the Iliad and Odyssey, his father is Laertes and his mother Anticlea, although there was a non-Homeric tradition that Sisyphus was his true father. The rumor went that Laertes bought Odysseus from the conniving king. Odysseus is said to have a younger sister, Ctimene, who went to Same to be married and is mentioned by the swineherd Eumaeus, whom she grew up alongside, in Book 15 of the Odyssey. "Cruel Odysseus" Homer's Iliad and Odyssey portrayed Odysseus as a culture hero, but the Romans, who believed themselves the heirs of Prince Aeneas of Troy, considered him a villainous falsifier. In Virgil's Aeneid, he is constantly referred to as "cruel Odysseus" (Latin "dirus Ulixes") or "deceitful Odysseus" ("pellacis", "fandi fictor"). Turnus, in Aeneid ix, reproaches the Trojan Ascanius with images of rugged, forthright Latin virtues, declaring (in John Dryden's translation), "You shall not find the sons of Atreus here, nor need the frauds of sly Ulysses fear." While the Greeks admired his cunning and deceit, these qualities did not recommend themselves to the Romans who possessed a rigid sense of honour. In Euripides's tragedy Iphigenia at Aulis, having convinced Agamemnon to consent to the sacrifice of his daughter, Iphigenia, to appease the goddess Artemis, Odysseus facilitates the immolation by telling her mother, Clytemnestra, that the girl is to be wed to Achilles. His attempts to avoid his sacred oath to defend Menelaus and Helen offended Roman notions of duty; the many stratagems and tricks that he employed to get his way offended Roman notions of honour.- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 0

DOKU ● Griechische Helden der Antike - Odysseus → Dokumentation Deutsch | 2014
→ Viele Faszinierende Neue Dokumentationen Auf Deutsch 2014: Ich Hoffe Ihr Habt Viel Spaß ...
published: 03 Apr 2014
DOKU ● Griechische Helden der Antike - Odysseus → Dokumentation Deutsch | 2014
DOKU ● Griechische Helden der Antike - Odysseus → Dokumentation Deutsch | 2014
→ Viele Faszinierende Neue Dokumentationen Auf Deutsch 2014: Ich Hoffe Ihr Habt Viel Spaß An Meinen Lieblings-Dokumentationen 2014. DOKU-WÜNSCHE BITTE ALS KOMMENTAR UNTER DAS VIDOE SCHREIBEN. Wünsche Euch Einen Schönen Sommer - Marcus! TAGS: ★|★|★Dokus|★|Dokumentationen|★|Reportage¬n|★|Dokumentarfilm|★|H ★|★|★Dokus|★|Dokumentationen|★|Reportage¬n|★|Dokumentarfilm|★| TAGS: extra tags ganze folge serie doku film komplettdokumentation,doku,2014,2014 dokumentation,dokumentation 2014,2014 doku,doku 2014,reportage,reportage 2014,2014 reportage,dokumentation deutsch,deutsch dokumentation,doku deutsch,deutsch doku,doku arte,dokumentation arte,dokumentation phoenix,arte doku,arte dokumentation,phoenix dokumentation,doku 2013,doku geschichte,dokus,doku hd,doku doku arte dokumentation doku deutsch arte doku knast doku universum doku doku 2013 scharfschützen doku polizei doku feuerwehr doku doku mafia mafia doku tschernobyl doku doku knast dokumentation deutsch hells angels doku bundeswehr doku geister doku ufo doku dmax doku magersucht doku doku polizei ddr doku doku krieg dinosaurier doku japan doku prostitution doku doku waffen waffen doku doku gangs auschwitz doku doku phoenix mittelalter doku zdf doku nordkorea doku doku geschichte gefängnis doku doku hd aliens doku reportage n24 doku geschichte doku bodybuilding doku slenderman doku deutsch afghanistan doku doku tiere ksk doku russland doku scientology doku weltall doku china doku schlangen doku weltraum doku tier doku doku universum weimarer republik doku depressionen doku bundeswehr illuminati doku irak krieg doku indien doku islam doku freimaurer doku thailand doku graffiti doku feuerwehr rettungsdienst doku gsg9 doku bermuda dreieck doku panzer doku bbc doku gang doku israel doku kriminalfälle doku sniper doku kalter krieg doku serienmörder doku löwen doku serienkiller doku deutsch phoenix doku ameisen doku zuhälter doku doku mittelalter pferde doku iran xtra tags: Gehirndoping leistung optimieren gezielt erinnerungen vergessen biology doku dokumentation wissen bildung neuroscience gehirn dopen verbessern memory memories"dokus" "dokumentationen" "documentation" "repo" "report" "reportage" "interview" "fernsehn" "fernsehen" "online tv" "onlinetv" "streamtv" "streaming" "stream tv" "online stream" "online streaming" "kabel eins" "kabel 1" "rtl" "sat1" "sat eins" "rtl" "rtl 2" "berlin tag und nacht" "toto und harry" "terra x" "terrax" "k1 reportage" "online anschauen" "online ansehen" "two and a half man" "king of queens" "big bang theory" "mobile ads" "youtube mobile" "live tv youtube" "youtube tv" "german" "deutsch" "germany" "deutschland" "globalisierung" "hitler" "geschichte" "weltkrieg" "polizei" "zuhälterei" "prostitution" "rotlicht" "skandal" "breaking news" "today news" "aktuelle nachrichten" "nachrichten heute" "zdf neo" "zdfneo" "arte" "kunst" "politik nachrichten" "unetrhaltung" "lustig" "dokus online ansehen" "serien stream" "serien anschauen" "kinoxto" "kinox to" "mo short long term enzyme PKM zeta inhibitor erinnerungsvermögen internet vs. Menschlichkeit steigen besser erinnern können gehirndoping drogen einfach ausblenden trauma traumata traumatische medikamentekostenlos Kinderfilme, Dokumentarfilme für Kinder, Kinderserien, Klassische Kinderserien, Peter Lustig 1980er Jahre, Löwnzahn Classics mit Peter Lustig, Kinderlehrfilme, Lehrfilme, Alltag Lernen mit Peter Lustig, Lehrreich, lehrreiche Kinderserien, Kinderdokumentationen, Dokumentationen für Kinder, retro Kinderserien, Dokus für Kinder, Dokumentation für Kinder, Die Sendung mit der Maus, Die Sendung mit dem Elefanten, Die Maus Spezial, gute Kindersendung, informative Kinderserien, Wissen für Kinder, Kinder lernen mit Fernsehen, Peter Lustig, Fritz Fuchs, Löwenzahn mit Fritz Fuchs, Doku Neu, Löwenzahn NEU, neue Kinderserien, Mittendrin,- published: 03 Apr 2014
- views: 145

hi all, please come visit my E-Cig reviews website at:- http://www.E-Cig-Reviews.com follo...
published: 07 Jan 2012
author: igetcha69
hi all, please come visit my E-Cig reviews website at:- http://www.E-Cig-Reviews.com follow me on twitter http://www.twitter.com/igetcha69 join the forum - h...- published: 07 Jan 2012
- views: 85480
- author: igetcha69

Odysseus Griechische Helden der Antike
Die zahlreichen verschiedenen griechischen Namensvarianten für Odysseus, von denen die bei...
published: 26 Apr 2013
author: Jüstus Musikbücher
Odysseus Griechische Helden der Antike
Odysseus Griechische Helden der Antike
Die zahlreichen verschiedenen griechischen Namensvarianten für Odysseus, von denen die bei attischen, böotischen und korinthischen Vaseninschriften hauptsäch...- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 679
- author: Jüstus Musikbücher

ODYSSEUS (Clash of the Gods) part 1 (1/4)
Odysseus (Greek: Ὀδυσσεύς, Odusseus) or Ulysses (Latin: Ulyssēs) was a legendary Greek kin...
published: 10 Oct 2010
ODYSSEUS (Clash of the Gods) part 1 (1/4)
ODYSSEUS (Clash of the Gods) part 1 (1/4)
Odysseus (Greek: Ὀδυσσεύς, Odusseus) or Ulysses (Latin: Ulyssēs) was a legendary Greek king of Ithaca and the hero of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey. Odysseus also plays a key role in Homer's Iliad and other works in the Epic Cycle. King of Ithaca, husband of Penelope, father of Telemachus, and son of Laërtes and Anticlea, Odysseus is renowned for his guile and resourcefulness, and is hence known by the epithet Odysseus the Cunning. He is most famous for the ten eventful years he took to return home after the ten-year Trojan War and his famous Trojan Horse trick. ΕΛΛΑΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ ΜΥΘΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΟΔΥΣΣΕΑΣ ΙΘΑΚΗ ΤΗΛΕΜΑΧΟΣ ΠΗΝΕΛΟΠΗ ΛΑΕΡΤΗΣ ΠΟΣΕΙΔΩΝ ΔΙΑΣ ΚΙΡΚΗ ΚΑΛΥΨΩ ΠΟΛΥΦΗΜΟΣ ΟΔΥΣΣΕΙΑ HELLAS GREECE TROY ILION ODYSSEY ODYSSEAS ODYSSEUS ULYSSES TROJAN HORSE GREEK MYTHOLOGY CYCLOPS POSEIDON ZEUS ITHACA SCYLLA CHARYBDIS SICILY TELEMACHUS PENELOPE LAERTIS CIRCE CALYPSO SIRENS POLYPHEMUS HOMER ILIAD ~FAIR USE~ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. !!!! DISCLAIMER!!!! I do not own any of the content of the particular file and definitely i do not make profit from it, it's strictly educational.- published: 10 Oct 2010
- views: 30830

Troy - Achilles , Odysseus and Patroclus HD DVD
Troy - Achilles , Odysseus and Patroclus HD DVD 720p
Achilles trains Patroclus and Odysse...
published: 24 Feb 2014
Troy - Achilles , Odysseus and Patroclus HD DVD
Troy - Achilles , Odysseus and Patroclus HD DVD
Troy - Achilles , Odysseus and Patroclus HD DVD 720p Achilles trains Patroclus and Odysseus trying to convince the greatest warrior to go for war.- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 6

Juice Leskinen & Coitus Int - Odysseus
Juice Leskinen & Coitus Int - Per Vers, runoilija (1974) - 8. Odysseus -- 04:21 Laulu: Pen...
published: 11 Jun 2013
author: J.T.Bukowski
Juice Leskinen & Coitus Int - Odysseus
Juice Leskinen & Coitus Int - Odysseus
Juice Leskinen & Coitus Int - Per Vers, runoilija (1974) - 8. Odysseus -- 04:21 Laulu: Penninkilampi Säveltäjä: Alatalo Sanoittaja: Juice Video: http://youtu...- published: 11 Jun 2013
- views: 811
- author: J.T.Bukowski

Mythic Warriors - Odysseus and Circe
Season 1: Episode 8 - Odysseus and Circe Mythic Warriors (full title: Mythic Warriors: Gua...
published: 31 May 2013
author: alyssea84uk
Mythic Warriors - Odysseus and Circe
Mythic Warriors - Odysseus and Circe
Season 1: Episode 8 - Odysseus and Circe Mythic Warriors (full title: Mythic Warriors: Guardians of the Legend) is a Canadian-produced animated television se...- published: 31 May 2013
- views: 3073
- author: alyssea84uk

http://www.cinespider2005.org http://www.cinespider2005.tk....
published: 25 Dec 2011
author: TheCinespider2005
http://www.cinespider2005.org http://www.cinespider2005.tk.- published: 25 Dec 2011
- views: 4701
- author: TheCinespider2005

Video SparkNotes: Homer's The Odyssey summary
Check out Homer's The Odyssey Video SparkNote: Quick and easy Odyssey synopsis, analysis, ...
published: 25 May 2011
author: VideoSparkNotes
Video SparkNotes: Homer's The Odyssey summary
Video SparkNotes: Homer's The Odyssey summary
Check out Homer's The Odyssey Video SparkNote: Quick and easy Odyssey synopsis, analysis, and discussion of major characters and themes in the epic poem. For...- published: 25 May 2011
- views: 132772
- author: VideoSparkNotes

Odysseus feat. Ruby Goe - Used to Be My Friend
Pre-order the track here: http://smarturl.it/UsedToBeMyFriend?IQid=yt
Follow Odysseus:
published: 08 Jun 2014
Odysseus feat. Ruby Goe - Used to Be My Friend
Odysseus feat. Ruby Goe - Used to Be My Friend
Pre-order the track here: http://smarturl.it/UsedToBeMyFriend?IQid=yt Follow Odysseus: https://facebook.com/OdysseusOfficial https://twitter.com/ThisIsOdysseus https://youtube.com/OdysseusOfficial Music video by Odysseus feat. Ruby Goe performing Used to Be My Friend. (C) 2014 Herve Productions Limited under exclusive licence to Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited- published: 08 Jun 2014
- views: 4670
Vimeo results:

odysseus' gambit //twitter @alexloracercos
rate it on imdb please: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1886621/...
published: 16 Sep 2011
author: Alex Lora
odysseus' gambit //twitter @alexloracercos
rate it on imdb please: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1886621/

Odysseus' Gambit (english)
rate it on imdb please: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1886621/...
published: 13 Apr 2011
author: Alex Lora
Odysseus' Gambit (english)
rate it on imdb please: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1886621/

Odysseus in Ithaca
Odysseus moors his boat in an alien architectural machine, a labyrinth with echoes of De C...
published: 06 Oct 2009
author: peter rose
Odysseus in Ithaca
Odysseus moors his boat in an alien architectural machine, a labyrinth with echoes of De Chirico and Escher- a place of mystery and power where the rules of visual perspective are transformed and another space erupts.
Youtube results:

Seiya, Shiryu y Hyoga vs Odysseus
published: 19 Jun 2011
author: RENZO1997XD
Seiya, Shiryu y Hyoga vs Odysseus

Michael Kocáb, Ondrej Šoth: ODYSSEUS
Michael Kocáb, Ondrej Šoth: ODYSSEUS
"Predstavením ODYSSEUS by sme chceli vzdať úctu rež...
published: 26 Nov 2013
Michael Kocáb, Ondrej Šoth: ODYSSEUS
Michael Kocáb, Ondrej Šoth: ODYSSEUS
Michael Kocáb, Ondrej Šoth: ODYSSEUS "Predstavením ODYSSEUS by sme chceli vzdať úctu režisérovi Evaldovi Schormovi a kameramanovi Jaroslavovi Kučerovi. Spolupráca s nimi bola pre nás veľkou umeleckou i životnou inšpiráciou." Michael Kocáb a Ondrej Šoth REALIZAČNÝ TÍM Hudba: Michael Kocáb Libreto podľa Homéra: Zuzana Mistríková, Ondrej Šoth Réžia: Ondrej Šoth Dramaturgia: Zuzana Mistríková Choreografia: Ondrej Šoth Film: Vasyl Sevastyanov Scéna: Ondrej Šoth Kostýmy: Andrii Sukhanov Strih a kompozícia filmu: Martin Ondrejka Fotografia a plagát: Anton Faraonov Efekty lanovou technikou: Alexander Palášthy - Alpine Partner Inšpicienti: Lena Képesová, Beáta Gogová / HUDOBNÁ NAHRÁVKA Hudobná réžia: Jiří Zobač, Leoš Komárek, Miroslav Jirounek, Jaroslav Krček, Michael Kocáb Texty gréckych árií: Michal Horáček Text piesne "Úleťák": Michael Kocáb Pôvodnú hudbu Michaela Kocába nahrali a naspievali: tenor: Peter Dvorský soprán: Magdaléna Hajossyová kontratenor: Jochen Kowalski bas: Peter Mikuláš rockový spev: Michael Kocáb, Zlata E. Kinská, Matěj Rupert škreky: Vilém Čok parlando: Zlata Adamovská, Blanka Bohdanová, Jozef Kemr, Martin Růžek, Jana Štěpánková, Božidara Turzonovová, Gabriela Vránová panova flauta: Radu Simion elektrická gitara: Michal Pavlíček, Glenn Proudfoot Slovenská filharmónia, dirigenti: Oliver Dohnányi, Miroslav Jirounek Filmový symfonický orchester, dirigent: Mário Klemens PRAŽSKÝ VÝBĚR I PRAŽSKÝ VÝBĚR II Kühnov zmiešaný zbor Slovenský filharmonický zbor Vo filme účinkujú: členovia Baletu Štátneho divadla Košice a členovia skupiny PRAŽSKÝ VÝBĚR II v postavách: Michael Kocáb (Aiolos), Zlata E. Kinská (Pallas Aténa), Klaudius Kryšpín (Teiresias), Glenn Proudfoot (Kyklop), Richard Scheufler (Poseidón) Dokrútky hudby a filmu boli realizované v Štúdiu Shoebox / OSOBY A OBSADENIE Odysseus: Sergii Iegorov, Maksym Sklyar, Vasyl Sevastyanov, Andrii Sukhanov Penelopa: Lyudmyla Vasylyeva, Elena Chetvernya Lotofagyne: Lyudmyla Vasylyeva, Anastasia Kravtsova, Olesia Makarenko-Sevastianová, Elena Chetvernya, Nataliya Bajin Litvinova, Jana Hriadeľová, Adriána Vrbová, Gabriela Gábelová, Erika Lišková, Ivana Miklošová, Bibiána Bačová, Valerija Irkaeva, Katarína Gašpárová, Emília Czagaňová, Yuliya Chemitova, Daryna Byshuk, Inessa Yagolnik Aiolos: Mikhailo Novikov, Tomáš Harvan Kirké: Lyudmyla Vasylyeva, Elena Chetvernya, Olesia Makarenko-Sevastianová Teiresias: Jozef Marčinský, Yevgen Lisovyk Kalipso: Elena Chetvernya, Nataliya Bajin Litvinova, Lyudmyla Vasylyeva, Jana Hriadeľová Nausikaá: Elena Chetvernya, Inessa Yagolnik Plavci: Ivana Miklošová, Sergii Iegorov, Maksym Sklyar, Vasyl Sevastyanov, Andrii Sukhanov, Peter Nagy, Tomáš Harvan, Jozef Marčinský, Oleksandr Skopintsev, Kostiantyn Brandler, Yevgen Lisovyk, Lukáš Bič, Peter Rolík, Oliver Stasinszký Sirény: Inessa Yagolnik, Nataliya Bajin Litvinova, Katarína Gašpárová, Elena Chetvernya Tanečné divadlo Dĺžka predstavenia: 125 min. Dátum premiéry: 26. októbra 2007- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 25

DOKU Terra X - 27 - Kreuzfahrt mit Odysseus - Im Kielwasser eines Mythos Teil 1
Ganze Reihe hier: http://neanderpeople.npage.de/terra-x-raetsel-alter-weltkulturen.html
published: 07 Aug 2013
DOKU Terra X - 27 - Kreuzfahrt mit Odysseus - Im Kielwasser eines Mythos Teil 1
DOKU Terra X - 27 - Kreuzfahrt mit Odysseus - Im Kielwasser eines Mythos Teil 1
Ganze Reihe hier: http://neanderpeople.npage.de/terra-x-raetsel-alter-weltkulturen.html Teil 1: Von Troja zur Insel des Windes Terra X spürt der historischen Wahrheit nach, die Homers Mythen über die Irrfahrten Odysseus von Troja nach Ithaka zugrunde liegen könnten. Eine spannende Reise entlang alter See- und Handelsrouten liefert Aufschluss über Leben und Kultur verschiedener Völker der damaligen Zeit. Ausgehend vom Mythos des siegreichen Griechen Odysseus rekonstruiert das Terra X-Team die historische Wahrheit Trojas. Eine spannende Reise entlang antiker See- und Handelsrouten führt an die von Homer beschriebenen Schauplätze. Neue geographische und nautische Berechnungen stützen Theorien, die in der Irrfahrt des Odysseus mehr als nur eine Legende sehen...- published: 07 Aug 2013
- views: 5