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international / the left Thursday July 10, 2014 15:28 by Wayne Price
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The leader of the International Marxist Tendency has written an attack on anarchism from his Trotskyist perspective. He makes some correct criticisms of some versions of anarchism, in relation to those who reject revolution or political organization. But he attempts to defend the idea of a "workers' state" by limited quotes from Lenin and by mistating the history of the Russian Revolution.

Why should anarchists read about a Trotskyist attack on anarchism? For that matter, why should anyone learn about a point of view with which they know they disagree? There are at least two reasons. First, we anarchists will have to work with Trotskyists, discuss with them, debate with them. They are all over movements of opposition! We should know what they think. We may have to argue with them in front of other people who are deciding between Trotskyism and anarchism. We may discuss with Trotskyists who might be open to changing their minds...


international / workplace struggles Friday May 02, 2014 00:21 by Various anarchist organizations
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For far too long major segments of the working class have been dormant under the illusion that change can be delegated to exterior organizations or parties. When our struggles are bureaucratized and delegated to others, we lose ownership over them and in turn lose many benefits gained through them. A victory for the working class can only be established if our class is active in the struggle leading to victory.

From the battle for the 8 hour day, to the struggles witnessed this past year, these examples cry out for the need to organize the fight back against the war that is being waged on workers at home and abroad. Through these examples we can begin to see an alternate future and experiment towards it. This new workers' movement must be established on class struggle lines, a movement that no longer waits for politicians and bureaucrats to resolve the growing inequalities and oppressions. A movement of workers organized through our own self-activity for democratic, combative and autonomous labor and community organizations must replace the stale forms of unionism and social democratic lobbyism that have dominated and compromised most struggles of the last decades.

[Italiano] [Castellano]

See also:

international / the left Tuesday December 03, 2013 21:09 by Jan Makandal
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Sectarianism is an ideological practice, a comportment, in the ideological realm. It is rooted in the social division of labor into classes, which originated with the emergence of a gender-based division of labor in hunter/forager social formations, which itself corresponded to and resulted from the development of various relations of gender-based domination and subordination.

The fundamental basis of sectarianism is the historical development of private ownership. All the historical tendencies produced at the level of the superstructure (the political and ideological systems) — especially in the ideological field — reproduce the social reality of private ownership. This is not always necessarily for directly economic reasons, but will still have economic effects (such as competition). Sectarianism has its roots in individualism, in the promotion of personification, self-identity and self-centeredness that capitalism relies on to divide the working class and stifle its collective strength.

internacional / la izquierda Wednesday August 28, 2013 20:25 by Felipe Ramírez
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Guerrillas kurdas en Siria

Desde el año 2011 que el Norte de África y Oriente Medio se encuentran convulsionados por una ola de protestas y luchas democráticas impulsadas por amplias capas de la población, que sacudieron los cimientos de varios gobiernos que parecían inamovibles desde hace años.

Resulta claro que lo que occidente ha llamado “primavera árabe” ha transformado –y continúa transformando– el escenario político de la región desde esa tarde en que Mohamed Bouazizi, joven tunecino vendedor ambulante, se prendió fuego en la ciudad de Sidi Bouzid en protesta porque la policía le había confiscado su mercancía. La izquierda, lamentablemente más fuerte en los extremos de la región –Túnez y el Kurdistán– se enfrenta a momentos decisivos en Siria, Túnez y Egipto en medio de esfuerzos renovados del imperialismo por retomar el control de la situación e imponer su agenda propia.


internacional / história do anarquismo Sunday August 18, 2013 18:05 by Felipe Corrêa
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Bakunin e Gerdzhikov

Publicado originalmente na revista acadêmica "Espaço Livre" (, num. 15, de 2013, esse texto tem por objetivo discutir, desde uma perspectiva teórico-histórica, algumas questões organizativas relativas ao anarquismo.

O presente artigo tem por objetivo discutir, desde uma perspectiva teórico-histórica, algumas questões organizativas relativas ao anarquismo. Ele contesta a afirmação repetida constantemente, de que esta seria uma ideologia/doutrina essencialmente espontaneísta e contrária à organização. Retomando o debate sobre a organização entre os anarquistas, o artigo afirma haver três posições fundamentais sobre o assunto: aqueles que são contrários à organização e/ou defendem articulações informais em pequenos grupos (antiorganizacionismo), aqueles que defendem somente a organização no nível de massas (sindicalismo/comunitarismo) e aqueles que sustentam a necessidade de articulação em dois níveis, político-ideológico e de massas (dualismo organizacional).


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E' uscito Alternativa Libertaria, luglio 2014


Tue 19 Aug, 14:16

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