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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war Tuesday July 22, 2014 17:28 byIlan Shalif
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Operation "Protective Edge". Its Hebrew name translates as "Mighty Cliff"

The main confrontation between the Israeli ruling capitalist elite and the Palestinian working people which have continued forcefully over the last few weeks forms part of ongoing efforts by Israel to transfer them out of Palestine, or at least pressure them into voluntary transfer.

The reason for the eruption of the intense confrontation of recent weeks is the recent intensification of international pressure exerted on Israel to withdraw from the territories occupied in the 1967 war. Most of its efforts are to relieve this pressure, and to overcome the contribution of the recent agreement between the West Bank (partly) ruling elite and the Hamas ruling elite of the Gaza Strip.

See also:

[Italiano] [Ελληνικά]

mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war Wednesday July 02, 2014 19:59 byKAF
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هەڵوێستی سەربەخۆی جەماوەر لە نێوان داعش و دەوڵەت

بەدەر لەوەی کە هێرشی (داعش) و ڕەوی سوپای دەوڵەتی عیراق کێ و چی لە پشتەوەیە، بەدەر لەوەی نەخشەڕێژانی ئەم هێرشە ‌هێزە دەرەکییەکان و دەوڵەتەکانی ناوچەکەن یا هێزە نێوخۆییەکانی عیراق، جەنگێكی سەرتاپاگیر لەنێوان دەسەڵاتداران و دەسەڵاتخوازاندا لە ئارادایە و باجدەری سەرەکی ئەم جەنگە و هەموو جەنگەکانی سەراپای مێژوو، تەنیا خەڵکی سڤیل و چین و توێژە بندەستەکانی کۆمەڵن.

[العربية] [English] [Italian] [ελληνικά] [Deutsch] [Français]

afrique de l'ouest / impérialisme / guerre Wednesday January 23, 2013 17:30 byAlternative libertaire
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Finie la Françafrique ? Décidément non et, malgré les beaux discours de Hollande, sur cette question comme sur tant d'autres, le PS et l'UMP, c'est bonnet blanc et blanc bonnet.

« La France n'a aucun intérêt au Mali, a déclaré François Hollande à la presse le 16 janvier. Elle est seulement au service de la paix. » Tiens donc ? La France n'a aucun intérêt dans la zone sahélienne ? Même pas les mines d'uranium du Niger, exploitées par Areva pour approvisionner les centrales nucléaires françaises ?

[English] [Castellano] [Italiano]

Voir aussi:

ireland / britain / imperialism / war Wednesday January 09, 2013 03:14 bySean Matthews
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The continuing opposition by loyalists to the decision by Belfast city council to limit the flying of the Union Jack (bringing it into line with other council chambers) is a product of a deeply sectarian colonial settlement that smothers the importance of class.

The disturbances were pretty predicable in the context of summer riots over parading, intra-unionist rivalry and rising anger in traditional protestant working-class communities over shortage of jobs, housing and perceived gains made by the ‘nationalist’ community. The mass inflammatory leafleting by unionist parties in the days leading up to the council vote served to heighten fears in a constituency which is easily inflamed and mobilised in defence of the realm. This is not the cause of the disturbances; but the logical conclusion of capitalist decay and opportunist politicians battling for the hearts and minds of protestant working class communities - disenchanted and disillusioned with the peace dividends promised over 10 years ago.

machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre Sunday November 18, 2012 23:18 byAlternative Libertaire
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Depuis le week end dernier l’armée israélienne a amorcé une nouvelle attaque meurtrière contre la bande de Gaza, suite à l’attaque d’une Jeep de l’armée israélienne par des groupes de résistance armée palestiniens. Sous prétexte de s’en prendre à des «terroristes», les bombardements touchent en réalité pour l’essentiel des civil-es, y compris des enfants.

C’est bien à l’Etat d’Israël que revient la responsabilité de ce nouveau carnage. C’est lui qui par sa persistance à refuser aux Palestinien-nes la satisfaction de leurs droits les plus élémentaires, à les empêcher de vivre dignement, à maintenir un véritable état d’apartheid et à réprimer dans le sang la résistance que ces injustices occasionnent, maintient la Palestine dans un état de guerre perpétuelle...

[Gaza, la prisión al aire libre más grande del mundo] [Italiano]

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E' uscito Alternativa Libertaria, luglio 2014

Imperialism / War

Mon 11 Aug, 11:24

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