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The present confrontation between the Zionist settler colonialist project in Palestine and the indigenous working people

category mashriq / arabia / iraq | imperialism / war | feature author Tuesday July 22, 2014 17:28author by Ilan Shalif - Anarchists Against the Wall; A-Infos; Ahdutauthor email ilan.shalif at gmail dot comauthor address Tel Aviv Report this post to the editors

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Operation "Protective Edge". Its Hebrew name translates as "Mighty Cliff"

The main confrontation between the Israeli ruling capitalist elite and the Palestinian working people which have continued forcefully over the last few weeks forms part of ongoing efforts by Israel to transfer them out of Palestine, or at least pressure them into voluntary transfer.

The reason for the eruption of the intense confrontation of recent weeks is the recent intensification of international pressure exerted on Israel to withdraw from the territories occupied in the 1967 war. Most of its efforts are to relieve this pressure, and to overcome the contribution of the recent agreement between the West Bank (partly) ruling elite and the Hamas ruling elite of the Gaza Strip.

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[Italiano] [Ελληνικά]

The present confrontation between the Zionist settler colonialist project in Palestine
and the indigenous working people*

The main confrontation between the Israeli ruling capitalist elite and the Palestinian working people which have continued forcefully over the last few weeks forms part of ongoing efforts by Israel to transfer them out of Palestine, or at least pressure them into voluntary transfer.

The pressure is applied in the territories still in the possession of the Palestinian citizens of Israel and more intensively in the territories occupied after the war of 1967 and still held by the Palestinians - mainly in the territories annexed to Jerusalem, the C-status areas of the West Bank and the areas adjacent to the separation fence of the Gaza Strip.

The current confrontation

The reason for the eruption of the intense confrontation of recent weeks is the recent intensification of international pressure exerted on Israel to withdraw from the territories occupied in the 1967 war. Most of its efforts are to relieve this pressure, and to overcome the contribution of the recent agreement between the West Bank (partly) ruling elite and the Hamas ruling elite of the Gaza Strip.

Years ago, in order to diminish the pressure to get out of the territories of Palestine occupied in the 1967 war, Israel gave in to a small extent, evacuating its settlers from the Gaza Strip, taking its forces out of it and ending its direct rule. It converted the Gaza Strip into a huge ghetto, controlling all supplies entering into it or going out, and all movement in and out by the residents. As part of its strategy when Israel partly "freed" the Gaza Strip, it refrained from an orderly transfer of jurisdiction and internal rule of the area to the Palestinian Authority, instead enabling it to be taken over by the separatist Hamas fundamentalists - which Israel itself promoted years ago as competition to the Palestinian ruling elite with whom it had made the Oslo Accords twenty years ago.

Controlling the residents of the Gaza Strip and its regime (and avoiding setting it entirely free from Israeli hegemony) is a way to protect Israel's main efforts to keep its rule in the West Bank.

Israel's repeated refusal over many years to sign a non-aggression treaty (tahadia, or ceasefire) with the Hamas ruling elite revealed a significant part of the lies and excuses about an "inability to reach agreement with Hamas".

When the change of regime in Egypt defeated the Muslim Brotherhood, which Hamas was allied with, the siege of Gaza saw an immense increase and the supply pipeline of resources and funds to the Hamas regime was almost lost. As an act of desperation, the Hamas ruling elite came to an agreement of conditional surrender to the ruling elite of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank (whose details have not yet been finalized). This threatened the Israeli strategy of divide and rule which worked for so many years and was part of the justification for avoiding a peace agreement with the Palestinian Authority and a withdrawal from the West Bank occupied in the 1967 war.

To disrupt this surrender agreement and unity between the existing splits in the Palestinian ruling elite, Israel launched an attack on Hamas - both in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip - with the hope of inciting an intense confrontation whose resolution will restore the independent rule of a separate, weakened and submissive Hamas... But the Egyptian government ruled by General Sisi which was responsible in the first place for cutting supples to the Gaza Strip ruled by Hamas, refused to play its part because of its enmity with the Muslim Brotherhood and its Hamas branch, and thwarted this attempt.

The confrontation is still far from resolution

Top Israeli heads admit that they want Hamas rule in Gaza to continue. However, Israel's immediate rejection of Hamas' conditions for an immediate ceasefire - without ending the occupation - is conclusive evidence of the real motives behind Israel's current hostilities. Hamas itself publicly admits that it will agree to a no-fire agreement lasting many years which is less than independent (and will agree to less, if minimal supplies of materials and money enabling it to continue functioning are ensured). However the Egyptians are still refusing "to play ball".

Israel could independently consolidate the rule of Hamas in the Gaza Strip - independent of the West Bank Palestinian Authority and independent of Egyptian cooperation. However, the sacrifices involved are so large and the political costs and dangers are so great that Israel is trying to gain time and delay the resolution by increasing the pressure on the Hamas elite, and try secret political efforts to pressure Egypt behind the scenes to yield a bit, in the hope of reaching a better and cheaper agreement.

Ilan Shalif

For more on the Israeli anarchist communists' position on the Palestinian struggle, see Ahdut's (Unity) Position Paper at

* The Israeli National Socialist elite that has dominated the Zionist settler colonialist project in Palestine, established the State of Israel. It was sponsored by the imperial powers and functioned in their service. After establishing Israel, it was pressured/forced to promote an Israeli capitalist elite. This capitalist elite, nurtured by the National Socialist elite into which is integrated part of the older elite, integrated into the global capitalist system, and controlling Israel for the past 37 years - since taking over rule in 1977.

The Israeli capitalist elite continues with the Zionist settler colonialist project which enables it to exploit the toiling masses in Israel and in the occupied areas of 1967 (including the Gaza Strip) while functioning as a junior partner in the global imperial system. Besides the Palestinian lands being taken over and pressuring the Palestinians to transfer, the occupied territories supply cheap wage slaves, and are held as captive markets and suppliers of natural resources.

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Mashriq / Arabia / Iraq | Imperialism / War | en

Tue 12 Aug, 06:24

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oabubakralbaghdadi570.jpg imageWhat do we think about the current crisis of Iraq? 21:25 Tue 24 Jun by Kurdish Anarchists Forum 0 comments

The Iraq crisis has been continued for decades while it has been under the power of Saddam Hussein or under the “current democratic Regime” since the invasion of 2003. There were no freedom, no social justice; no equality and also little opportunity for those who were independent from the political parties who were in power. In addition to existing brutality and discrimination against women and the ordinary people a very big gap was created between the rich and poor, making the poor even poorer and the rich richer. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, History's wheels turn faster and scream as blood does not oil the axes enough* 23:23 Mon 26 Aug by Ilan S. 0 comments

The turmoil in our region expresses the melting of world history as we knew it. It accelerates before it reaches its end as the axes of the old order cannot hold it any more. The Zionist settler colonialist bridgehead of the developed imperial countries in the cradle of human culture at the east of the Mediterranean Sea is being eroded by the resistance of the indigenous inhabitants who are recruiting supporters from all over the world. The cracks in neoliberal global capitalism, which seemed to have reached its ultimate victory just a few years ago when the end of history was declared, are pointing to the real end of the history of egoistic and alienated class society. In the day-to-day struggle here, it is still hard to discern the cracks in the structure of the system, but you can already smell it in the clouds of tear gas at the weekly demos and feel the ground tremor under your feet. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, Some activities the Anarchists Against the Wall initiative involved with lately 17:23 Tue 15 Feb by Ilan S. 0 comments

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textIraqi trade union leader on the current situation in Iraq 20:28 Wed 03 Oct by Manuel Baptista 0 comments

Falah Alwan, president of the Federation of Workers Councils & Unions in Iraq was recently on a short visit to Lisbon to gather some support for the workers' resistance inside Iraq.

textIsrael: "Occupation 40" - first actions in Tel Aviv 16:48 Wed 06 Jun by Ilan Shalif 1 comments

The 6 days of actions to commemorate the atrocities of the 40 years of Israeli occupation from the 1967 war started in Tel Aviv this afternoon, after an appetizer in the form of nightly hanging of placards during the last few weeks.

text6 days of protests to mark 40 years of occupation 18:50 Tue 05 Jun by Kibush 40 0 comments

For six days, June 5 to 10 - corresponding to the days of the 1967 War - a wide spectrum of events will take place, including exhibitions, demonstrations, theatre plays, academic conferences etc., in order to place a the occupation and the millions suffering under its yoke on the public agenda. June 9 and 10 had been declared as International Days of Protest Against the Israeli Occupation, and we will hold The main march and rally on Saturday, June 9.

textItaly: "Resistance, disobedience, solidarity" - an evening with an Israeli refusni 17:09 Tue 21 Nov by FdCA Fano 0 comments

On Monday 20th November 2006 at the Istituto Tecnico-Commerciale Battisti in Fano, eastern Italy, with Lior Volinytz, a 19-year-old Israeli refusnik and activist in the Anarchists Against the Wall initiative.

textIsrael, Direct action near the border of Gaza Strip 01:29 Sun 19 Nov by Ilan S. 0 comments

It happened when the Zionist leftist peace now (who refused to join the previous Saturday more radical left demonstration against the massacre in Beit Hanun) had their demonstration and at Erez road block. 25 activists organized by the anarchists against the wall initiative traveled to the region bordering the Gaza strip. When the boring speeches started at the peace now not far away demonstration, we entered a compound of army tools of war - about 50 heavily armored soldiers carriers and 5 D9s (of the model that crashed to death Rachel Cury). We climbed on two of the carriers and placed around pictures, banners, and other materials representing massacred people. The soldiers on guard there tried to make us go away but we just ignored their commands. Police officers who came there just asked to see our ID cards, but surprisingly did noting more.

text655,000 Dead in Iraq since Invasion 17:23 Fri 13 Oct by Anarcho 0 comments

According to a new study published by a medical journal between 420,000 and 790,000 Iraqis have died as a result of war and political violence since the beginning of the US-UK invasion in March, 2003, with 655,000 considered the most likely figure.

textStatement on al-Badil article 16:51 Mon 11 Sep by Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

On 27th July 2006, Alternative Libertaire (France) distributed a text entitled "News from Lebanon: the Israeli attack" by our Lebanese comrades, Al-Badil al-Chouyouii al-Taharrouri (Libertarian Communist Alternative). This text denounced the Israeli war, Western plans for a Great Middle East, and criticized Hezbollah as a religious and reactionary organization.

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textIsrael burned the stew Aug 02 by Ilan S. 0 comments

The present Gaza war was started before the actual shooting, by Egypt's blockade of the Gaza Strip, intended to break the rule of Hamas due to it being a part of the Islamic Brotherhood movement. [Italiano]

imageIsrael/Palestine: Background to the present conflict Jul 27 by Ilan S. 0 comments

Egypt insists on dissolving the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot, Hamas, in the Gaza Strip. Israel "just" wants to sabotage the yielding/compromise by Hamas to the Palestinian West Bank Authority. The relevant political context for the present round begins in November 2012, with the agreement between Israel and Hamas under Egyptian sponsorship. [Italiano] [Português]

textSyria: the Struggle Continues – “Day of Rage Against Al-Qaeda & Assad” Jan 19 by TŘÍDNÍ VÁLKA 0 comments

Since nearly three years that an uprising broke out in Syria (as a local materialization of the upheavals shaking the whole regions of Maghreb and Mashreq) most of the reactions, comments and critics from militant structures which claim to be revolutionary, internationalist, communist, anarchist… go in the same direction: doubts about what happens, doubts about essential material determinations that give birth to the movements that develop in front of our eyes, doubts about the class nature of these events, doubts about the potentially subversive content of struggles of our class when it doesn’t wave the “good” flags, etc. [Português] [Français] [Italiano]

imageWhat's going on in Syria? Sep 05 by Monte 0 comments

The difficulty in understanding the current geopolitical situation often depends on the interpretative framework that is used to decipher events. I believe that the world-systems theory that defines the current crisis in the hegemony of the centre - the USA - is the one which more than any other is able to explain the complexity of the redefinition of the relationships of power and balances, the redefinition of alliances and new strategic areas. [Italiano

imageThe civil war in Syria and the new arrangement of the Arab and Islamic world Sep 03 by Bruno Lima Rocha 0 comments

With the Syrian government's defences being seriously affected, the trend is that the Assad regime is falling, transforming the Syrian territory into a new Iraq, with an escalation of sectarian war reaching absurd levels. [Português]

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imageWhat do we think about the current crisis of Iraq? Jun 24 KAF 0 comments

The Iraq crisis has been continued for decades while it has been under the power of Saddam Hussein or under the “current democratic Regime” since the invasion of 2003. There were no freedom, no social justice; no equality and also little opportunity for those who were independent from the political parties who were in power. In addition to existing brutality and discrimination against women and the ordinary people a very big gap was created between the rich and poor, making the poor even poorer and the rich richer. [Italiano]

text6 days of protests to mark 40 years of occupation Jun 05 0 comments

For six days, June 5 to 10 - corresponding to the days of the 1967 War - a wide spectrum of events will take place, including exhibitions, demonstrations, theatre plays, academic conferences etc., in order to place a the occupation and the millions suffering under its yoke on the public agenda. June 9 and 10 had been declared as International Days of Protest Against the Israeli Occupation, and we will hold The main march and rally on Saturday, June 9.

textStatement on al-Badil article Sep 11 AL 0 comments

On 27th July 2006, Alternative Libertaire (France) distributed a text entitled "News from Lebanon: the Israeli attack" by our Lebanese comrades, Al-Badil al-Chouyouii al-Taharrouri (Libertarian Communist Alternative). This text denounced the Israeli war, Western plans for a Great Middle East, and criticized Hezbollah as a religious and reactionary organization.

textLebanon- The Smoke, Anguish and Terror of a Fascist Attack Sep 02 Grupo Qhispikay Llaqta, Perú 1 comments

The anarchists of Peru and the rest of the world oppose the fascist attacks of the Israeli State against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples. We refuse to follow reformist or reactionary positions that call for the formation of a new Palestinian state- a state that even if established could only survive subject to the mandates of American imperialism. Instead, we support and instigate the class struggle in the region as a means toward the eventual foundation of an Anarchist Federation, which in turn is the only way to secure a truly humane and dignified existence for the working class of these countries.

textOn the slaughter in the Middle East Aug 19 Anarkismo 19 comments

«Being slaves of God, the people owe to be, also, slaves of the Church and the State, insofar as the State has been blessed by the Church» Michael Bakounin

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