Last of the Romans

Last of the Romans

E. Christian Kopff

Andrew Crocker did not attend his commencement exercises at Michigan State University in East Lansing on May 2. He was home dealing with family matters. So he missed the awarding of two honorary doctorates.

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The End of the United Kingdom?

The End of the United Kingdom?

Emma Elliot Freire

Of course Scotland won’t leave the United Kingdom. That was the conventional wisdom when the referendum on Scottish independence was announced two years ago. But today no one is quite certain what the outcome will be.

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A Very American Hotel

A Very American Hotel

Christopher Sandford

Forty years is a long enough stretch, but it seems far less than half a lifetime ago when, as a surly British teenager, I found myself clutching an all-day pass to the 1974 World’s Fair in Spokane, Washington.

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  • Is ISIS 'An Existential Threat'?

    Pat Buchanan | August 12, 2014

    U.S. air strikes since Friday have opened a corridor through which tens of thousands of Yazidis, trapped and starving on a mountain in Iraq, have escaped to safety in Kurdistan.

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  • Iraqi Christians' Bloody Summer

    Aaron D. Wolf | August 8, 2014

    Christian women are being raped and murdered, Christian men are being shot execution-style or strangled or crucified. And now we have reports of Christian children—it rends the soul to say—beheaded and set on display in public parks. This is Mosul in the summer of ’14, under the control of ISIS, the Islamic State, whose rise to power was set in motion by the lies of neoconservatives.

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