Christian-Owned Bridal Shop Under Fire for Declining to Schedule Lesbian Gown Fitting

Christian-Owned Bridal Shop Under Fire for Declining to Schedule Lesbian Gown Fitting.

BLOOMSBURG, Pa. – A Christian-owned bridal shop in Pennsylvania is under fire for declining to schedule a gown fitting for two lesbian women.

According to reports, an unidentified woman called W.W. Bridal Boutique in Bloomsburg recently to schedule a gown fitting for herself and her lesbian partner. When the owner, Victoria Miller, declined by stating that the business could not accommodate the request, the woman took to Facebook to post about the matter.

“Unfortunately, she would not be able to schedule an appointment for us because they currently do not service same-sex couples — it’s just not something they do,” the unidentified woman said.

“We feel we have to answer to God for what we do,” Miller told reporters this week. “And providing those two girls dresses for a sanctified marriage would break God’s law.”

As previously reported, Christians live by the mandate in 1 Timothy 5:22, which tells followers of Christ to “neither be partaker of other men’s sins; keep thyself pure.” Businesses such as Miller’s believe that to assist in a same-sex “wedding” would violate Scripture’s command not to partake in another’s sins as it would be a form of participation.

Once again, we see who the real haters are:

But after the matter was posted online, homosexual advocates took to Yelp, Google, Facebook and other outlets to flood the boutique’s pages with negative reviews.

“This company is formed by religious extremists who practice hate filled-customer service,” one wrote.

“Victoria Miller is a whack job that seethes hate,” another posted. “She will burn in hell for her statements about God hating gay people. I hope you go out of business.”

So, lying, negative reviews, lying because not about genuine issues about customer service, but merely hatred at a practicing Christian running her business according to the dictates of her conscience.

And someone had the audacity to lie about what she said, and claim that she will go to hell for her supposed statements.

We know who has a much bigger chance of going to hell…

But a others decided to show support for Miller and W.W. Bridal Shop, stating that she has the right to follow the Creator’s commands despite attacks from same-sex advocates.

“In case anyone was wondering, the negative reviews are not real reviews. They are simply from people who don’t believe someone has the right to run their own business according to their own religious beliefs,” one wrote.

“Standing for God is never wrong, no matter what society says,” another stated.

“God commands us to love the sinner but hate the sin,” a third remarked. “That means you don’t do things to promote the sinful acts.”

Exactly. Good on the supporters, for coming to her defense!

According to BloomUToday, the Bloomsburg town council may now be seeking to pass a regulation barring businesses like W.W. Bridal Shop from declining requests from homosexuals and others despite their religious beliefs.

Ah yes; as has happened elsewhere:

As previously reported, a number of businesses have been under fire in recent years for declining to participate in same-sex ceremonies. In December, an administrative law judge in Colorado ruled under the threat of fines that baker Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cake Shop in Lakewood must not refuse orders to make cakes for homosexual celebrations. He was later ordered by the Colorado Human Rights Commission to train his staff to accommodate homosexual events and to submit quarterly reports to prove that he has not refused the requests. Phillips is currently fighting the matter in court.

In Portland, Oregon, investigators concluded earlier this year that Christians Aaron and Melissa Klein of Sweet Cakes by Melissa discriminated against a lesbian when they declined to make a cake for her same-sex ceremony. The case is now in a conciliation phase to work toward a settlement, but if an agreement cannot be reached, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries has warned that “the bureau may bring formal charges and move the issue to BOLI’s Administrative Prosecution Unit.”

The Klein’s closed their bakery last year and moved all operations to their home, as they state that homosexuals used “mafia tactics” to force them out of business, sending threatening emails , harassing their vendors and ransacking their bakery truck as they packed to leave. But the couple vowed to continue to stand, giving glory to God in a note that they affixed to the bakery as they closed down in September.

“This fight is not over. We will continue to stand strong,” it read. “The Lord is good and we will continue to serve HIM with all our heart.”

Persecution for the faith is not just something that happens in the Third World…

Now it happens in America, Canada, and elsewhere in the First World, too…


Strip Club Dancers to Protest Topless Outside of Ohio Church During Sunday Service

Strip Club Dancers to Protest Topless Outside of Ohio Church During Sunday Service.

WARSAW, Ohio – Dancers at an Ohio strip club plan to protest topless outside of an Ohio church during this Sunday’s services, reports state.

New Beginnings Ministries in Warsaw has been standing against Foxhole North in Walhonding for several years, and the strip club has protested the church in return. In 2010, the matter made headlines after dancers from Foxhole showed up outside of the church in bikini tops while holding signs quoting from the Book of Matthew, such as “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing” from Matthew 7:15.

“Everybody has sinned, and that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna get into heaven,” stripper Laura Meske told the Associated Press. “I believe in Jesus. I don’t believe what they preach. They preach hate.”

“You don’t stand up there for years for hate. That’s not hate. That’s love,” replied church member Debi Durr, as a fellow congregant offered food to the strippers outside.

Interesting. Protest / counter-protest; to be expected, I suppose.


British ‘Retro’ Couple Claim Living Every Day Like in the 1950s Saved Their Failing Marriage


Like many other couples their age, 49-year-old Mandy Jones and her husband Gary, 48, were struggling to save their failing marriage. That’s when they hit upon a unique solution – they decided to give the 1950s lifestyle a try. Now, the couple from Staffordshire claim that the change has actually saved their marriage.

So what’s so great about the fifties that it could bring Gary and Mandy closer to each other? Well, some might find this regressive, but Mandy says that she now cooks for her husband every night, just like most women did back then. So Gary gets to come home from work every night to a ‘dutiful’ wife and a wholesome 1950s dinner.

And that’s not all – Mandy, a part-time caterer, spends all her free time cooking, cleaning and darning Gary’s socks. She dresses in vintage frocks, drives a 1949 Chevrolet and listens to rockabilly records on her jukebox. She strongly believes that all women should adopt a similar lifestyle if they want to keep their man happy.

“It may seem strange and we get the odd nasty comment, but this way of life works for us and has saved our marriage,” Mandy said. “We love everything about the 1950s, from the clothes to the way of life. Since we started living like this I’ve been a better wife and Gary and I are closer than ever.”

Interestingly, the couple had bonded over their love of rockabilly and fifties’ fashion, when they first met 30 years ago. But in the last five years, their passion for all things 50s has reached new heights. They were quite bored of regular life: “Gary and I were sick of the same routine and we were bickering on a daily basis,” said Mandy. “We spent our weekends drinking at the pub until the early hours and it just got so boring.”

So the couple decided to change every aspect of their lives to match the fifties, starting with their house. They redecorated their entire home, including their kitchen, which is now an American diner-style eating space. “The diner was converted to the place it is now about a year ago, to incorporate quite a few original fifties items and some retro modern items to give the actual fifties feel” said Gary.

Their house is filled with all sorts of vintage memorabilia – old radios, telephones and even a 1961 original jukebox imported from South Carolina – all in mint condition. Mandy has perfected vintage hairstyles and makes her own retro-style clothes to impress her husband. And in their free time, the couple go Lindy Hop dancing or visit vintage fairs. “We’re absolutely madly in love with the life of the forties and fifties – dancing every weekend,” said Gary.

According to Mandy, “After a bad day there is nothing better than putting our jukebox on and doing a quick Lindy Hop,” Mandy added.

The couple said that they’ve met a lot of people with similar interests and made a lot of friends along the way, some even as far off as Australia.

“The lifestyle that we lead, pretty much in the fifties style has done wonders for our relationship – it’s given us a common interest. It’s a hobby that we both do together and it’s made us both stronger,” said Gary. “1950s marriages definitely work better than marriages these days,” Mandy added. “The divorce rate is so high at the moment and it never used to be in the past.”


Posted by on August 8, 2014 in good news


Judge Strikes Law that Would Have Closed Three of Alabama’s Five Abortion Facilities

Judge Strikes Law that Would Have Closed Three of Alabama’s Five Abortion Facilities.

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – A federal judge nominated by then-President Jimmy Carter has struck down a Alabama law that would have closed three of the state’s five abortion facilities.

U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson issued his ruling on Monday in a 172-page decision, declaring that a regulation that mandates abortionists to obtain admitting privileges at a local hospital is unconstitutional. The bill had been signed into law in 2013 as a safeguard for women who may need additional care should they become injured during an abortion.

So the progs don’t care whether an abortion done in a haphazard manner could potentially injure the life of the mother; they only care that access to them be maximized, regardless of the consequences…

Planned Parenthood of the Southeast, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the abortion facility Reproductive Health Services soon filed a lawsuit thereafter, claiming that he requirement is unnecessary and would close most abortion facilities in the state. Thompson issued a temporary injunction on the regulation while the case moved forward in court, and on Monday, sided with the abortion providers, stating that it is impermissible to make it difficult for mothers to obtain an abortion.

“The resulting unavailability of abortion in these three cities would impose significant obstacles, burdens, and costs for women across Alabama,” he wrote. “The evidence compellingly demonstrates that the requirement would have the striking result of closing three of Alabama’s five abortion clinics, clinics which perform only early abortions, long before viability.”

Thompson also compared a the availability of abortion facilities to the availability of local gun shops.

“Suppose, for the public weal, the federal or state government were to implement a new restriction on who may sell firearms and ammunition and on the procedure they must employ in selling such goods and that, further, only two vendors in the State of Alabama were capable of complying with the restriction: one in Huntsville and one in Tuscaloosa,” he wrote. “Similarly, in this case, so long as the Supreme Court continues to recognize a constitutional right to choose to terminate a pregnancy, any regulation that would, in effect, restrict the exercise of that right to only Huntsville and Tuscaloosa should be subject to the same skepticism.”

Ah yes; heaven forbid someone has to drive further / arrange transportation for the procedure; that’s an undue hardship, doncha know…

Opponents of the law rejoiced after receiving word of Thompson’s ruling.

“As the judge noted today, the justifications offered for this law are weak at best,” stated Louise Melling, deputy legal director of the ACLU. “Politicians, not doctors, crafted this law for the sole purpose of shutting down women’s health care centers and preventing women from getting safe, legal abortions.”

Shouldn’t it be elected officials who craft laws? Heaven forbid politicians do their jobs!

But Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley, a doctor, said that the bill he signed into law last year was important from a health standpoint.

Hey – didn’t Ms. Melling say politicians, not doctors, crafted this law? Yet the politician who signed it into law is himself a doctor!

So she’s lying…

“Abortion is a fundamental assault on the sanctity of innocent human life, and I believe that it should only be done as a last possible effort to save the life of the mother,” Bentley said in a statement. “As a doctor, I firmly believe that medical procedures, including abortions, performed in Alabama should be done in the safest manner possible. This law ensures that if a complication arises there is continuity of treatment between doctor and patient. This ruling significantly diminishes those important protections. I will always fight for the rights of the unborn, and support an appeal of today’s decision.”

I’m sure he’s right; that a procedure that is entirely unnatural, unlike a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage, can’t be the best thing for the woman’s health, and that there are certain risks entailed in undergoing such, and that a law ensuring the possibility of quicker medical treatment for the woman in the event of something going wrong during the procedure would indeed be a good thing. Of course, the fact that he opposes abortion himself personally is all the ammunition progs need to claim he’s biased, unfortunately… But what else can he do? He has the right to stand up for what he believes. It’s too bad the judiciary has so much power, to strike down laws clearly expressing the will of the people through their elected representatives, as we’ve seen as state after state has its courts strike down laws forbidding / preventing gay marriage. Judges are running amok…

Justice Thompson was also in the headlines in 2003 when he ordered Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the courthouse rotunda. Moore refused, but the monument was later moved to a room that was not open for public viewing. He was later removed from office by the Alabama Court of the Judiciary after he declared that he would not stop acknowledging God, but was reelected as chief justice in November 2013 with 52 percent of the vote.

A-ha! That bastard! Well, then, this comes as no surprise…

Thanks President Cahtuh, leftangelical… I hope you can sleep at night, and when you die, may the Lord have mercy on your soul. (Or not; as He sees fit…)


Female Dartmouth student plagued by stalker may drop out over school’s anti-gun policy

Fox News has the story. (Hat tip: Wintery Knight)

Frankly, I don’t have much sympathy.

Because the issue is not about stalking or guns; the root problem lies elsewhere.

It’s about two things: social media, and young women’s focus on careers.

If young women weren’t putting their personal information, their hopes, dreams, plans, out on social media for all the world to see, a stalker who meets them working as a teenager in a café would not know their plans, as to where they were going to be going on even a given evening, much less when and where they’re going to school, what they’re studying (to be able to potentially find out where their classes are), what residence or neighbourhood they’re living in, etc. People, esp. women, on social media give far too little thought to the consequences of putting out all their personal information, stuff a stalker might find useful in stalking them.

Of course, a young woman of middle and upper class background who is NOT bent on a career requiring higher education, also might well not be working at a café at sixteen to try to raise money to pay for it. And we patriarchal reactionaries all know that society is the worse off for women delaying marriage and childbearing in pursuit of higher education and careers; society would be far better off if women’s priorities were much as they used to be, NOT regarding a high-paying career as the ultimate achievement to which they should aspire. And a working-class woman would probably end up working NOT during her high school years, but after them, at something like a factory job as they’ve long done, but not have that be the ‘end-all, be-all’, focus of their lives, making room for meeting a husband and raising kids.

Thinking about this particular situation: the guy got arrested, and is in jail, and may well end up sentenced to four years in prison.

Let’s say she hadn’t moved away, but as he stalked her locally, she was just as able to get him arrested and imprisoned.

A woman not blabbing about her life on social media AND not going away to get an expensive Ivy League education, who was still afraid of him stalking her on his release, could change jobs, and/or move away, and/or potentially concealed / open carry a weapon as she desires if she’s living and working in a state that allows such, and/or find a nice guy, get married, and entrust her protection ultimately to him. And while still at home, in a more traditional society, her father would be her protection, and hopefully see himself in such a role, rather than pushing her towards / being okay with her decision to pursue higher education and a high-paying career.

There will always be stalkers, unfortunately.

But different societal circumstances would lessen their opportunities, which would be a good thing in itself.


Iran and sexual freaks politics


oogenhand links an interesting account of how Iran ostensibly deals with homosexuals; because Iran apparently views transsexualism favourably, supposedly their medical system pressures homosexuals into ‘transgender’ operations.

Radfems versus trans, trans vs. queers; this is what you get when you mess with traditional sexual roles; you open a Pandora’s Box, with new conflicts generated, between different kinds of abnormal hate-filled, chip-on-their-shoulder freaks…

The real solution is NOT to pick sides, like Islamic fundy republic Iran seems to be trying to do, but rejecting all of them in toto, as we once did, here in the West…


QotD: “For them, it was a fun game to get their dicks hard to. Because once it was over, they were able to take off their costume and return to the role of man”

QotD: “For them, it was a fun game to get their dicks hard to. Because once it was over, they were able to take off their costume and return to the role of man”.

oogenhand links an interesting piece by a radfem who worked as a dominatrix, who contends that BDSM is ‘misogynistic’.

I suppose the kind she was involved in might be classified thus, given her description of the types of activities she and her male clients were involved in…

But the other kind, wherein a man dominates a woman, usually is the exact opposite: a man pretends to dominate a woman, but the moment a woman says a ‘safe word’, has to stop whatever he’s doing, untie her, comfort her, whatever… Others have made the point that this amounts to ‘topping from the bottom’, as the man is never really independent; at a word, he is suddenly under the woman’s control; and therefore, it’s just ‘play-acting’, just ‘pretend’ domination of the woman by the man. If a woman really wanted to be dominated by a man, there would be no ‘safe word’, but that of course is unthinkable according to BDSM ‘orthodoxy’, you have to have one… (Funny how these sexual ‘liberationists’ have to have rules, eh?)

Frankly, that, and this radfem’s kind, just go to show that all BDSM is really, really messed up, regardless of which kind it is…


Posted by on August 7, 2014 in Sex, Sin


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