News & Events

The Center for Economic Policy Research is gathering economists' signatures on a letter to Members of Congress regarding a court proceeding which has blocked Argentina from being able to repay it foreign bondholders. Please take a look and sign if you agree.

More information available here.

18th Annual Conference on Economics and Security

June 19 - 20, 2014
Perugia, Italy

This year the Annual International Conference on Economics and Security will be hosted by EPS Italy. It has become the main international forum for defence and peace economists, attracting  participants from all around the world.

More information available here.

Economists for Peace and Security works to promote non-military solutions to world challenges, and more broadly to work towards freedom from fear and want for all.

Michael D. Intriligator

EPS mourns the passing of Trustee
Michael D. Intriligator

Obituary from Los Angeles Times.

Statement by James Galbraith, on behalf of the EPS Board.

We mourn the passing of Michael Intriligator, a wise and generous man, a great spirit in our lives and a driving force in the work of Economists for Peace and Security.

Mike Intriligator became known to me long years ago, when as a student I first read his lucid text on mathematical economics. We became friends when I joined the Board of Economists Allied for Arms Reduction “ as it then was“ about twenty years ago, and made the fortunate decision to ask him to serve as a Vice Chair.

From that point, we worked together closely. Everyone at EPS drew on his insights, on his contacts, on his reputation and above all on his inexhaustible energies and dedication.  On internal matters we enjoyed his counsel, his constant encouragement and his unfailing support. He even came to meetings, hopping a red-eye to attend, and between meetings he gave his time on matters large and small. He would respond, almost at once, to pleas for help.

Mike's knowledge ranged over many fields, from pure theory, to armaments and strategic interaction, to the economics of health care, and to the practical difficulties of the Russian economy in the post-Soviet era. He was honored by membership in the Russian Academy of Sciences the only American economist with that distinction.  He was a stalwart for us during the challenging moments of recent US political history, especially at the start of the Iraq war.

Kate Cell, a former EPS Director, writes for us all:

"Mike was a wonderful person--brilliant, humane, generous, cultured, curious, and kind. A great loss to the profession and especially to EPS whom he guided with wisdom, and supported by deploying his own peaceful
weapons: his vast network of colleagues, editors, publishers, former students, and other friends and admirers."

For everyone at EPS Mike Intriligator was a friend.  And those who knew him best, loved him most.

June 27, 2014

Michael Intriligator, Peace and Security Strategist, R.I.P.
by EPS fellow John Tepper Marlin, July 8, 2014