Cheating wife jailed for trying to kill her husband when friend she recruited as a hitman went to the police

  • Kelly Cliff asked friend Dalton Bowen, 47, to arrange for her estranged husband to be 'wiped off the face of the earth'
  • Shocked Bowen turned his former neighbour over to police
  • Cliff denied soliciting the murder of her husband but was found guilty and jailed for six years

By Anna Edwards


A cheating wife has been jailed for trying to hire her friend to murder her husband after he found out she was having a string of affairs.

Kelly Cliff, 40, plotted to kill Carl Gallagher, 47, after she started a series of relationships with other men.

The mother-of-two asked friend Dalton Bowen, 47, to arrange for her estranged husband to be 'wiped off the face of the earth' after their 22-year relationship turned sour.

Kelly Cliff, 40, who has been jailed for six years after trying to hire a hitman to wipe her husband 'off the face of the earth'
Cheating wife Kelly Cliff, 40

Cliff has been jailed for six years after trying to hire a hitman to wipe her husband 'off the face of the earth'

But Bowen turned his former neighbour over to police, telling officers: 'I may have a reputation for kicking a** - but I don’t go around killing people'.

Cliff denied soliciting the murder of her husband but was found guilty by a jury following a four day trial last month.


Yesterday Cliff, from Aldridge, West Midlands, was jailed for six years at Wolverhampton Crown Court.

The court heard how Cliff wanted her husband dead after their volatile relationship broke down.

In September last year she left the couple's home with another man but had moved back in by Christmas.

The court heard just four months later Cliff was again seeing another man which was when she decided to 'be rid of her partner once and for all'.

Prosecutor Hugh O’Brien-Quinn told the court: 'She wanted him dead - she wanted to be rid of him, rid of him permanently.

The court heard the mum-of-two asked friend Dalton Bowen, 45, to arrange her estranged husband's death as she wanted to end their 22-year relationship 'once and for all'

The court heard the mum-of-two asked friend Dalton Bowen, 45, to arrange her estranged husband's death as she wanted to end their 22-year relationship 'once and for all'

'The reason she chose Dalton Bowen to kill her husband was because he was trusted as a friend, was a man of violence and somebody who was unlikely to speak to police'.

Mr Bowen described the moment she turned up at his home 'out of the blue' to ask how much it would cost to have her husband killed.

Cliff wanted her husband dead after their volatile relationship broke down

Cliff wanted her husband dead after their volatile relationship broke down

Bowen, from Bilston, said: 'She said she wanted her partner killed, wiped off the face of the earth.

'I have a reputation for kicking a** - using my fists - but I do not use tools and do not go around to kill people.'

The father-of-five was so shocked by the suggestion that he instead went to the police on April 5 and she was arrested.

Officers revealed text messages between Cliff and Bowen’s phones proved she was serious about having him killed.

After the hearing Detective Constable James Connell, from West Midlands Police, said 'Cliff is a cold and callous individual who has now been convicted of a very serious offence.

'This was a very rare case for us, and I have certainly never come across one like this before.

'I have no doubt that Cliff was serious in her plot to have her ex-husband killed, even though they had got back together.

'Over a number of years he had continually forgiven her but she continued to be unfaithful and wanted him out of the picture.

'The evidence against her was overwhelming and I’m satisfied that she will now be spending several years behind bars.'


The comments below have been moderated in advance.

what a nutter! and what about her poor children?

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Sad and pathetic lady, hope she goes down for good

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Jeez, what's wrong with just getting a divorce?

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No honour amongst criminals

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this woman has had a lucky escape, sure at the time she wanted her husband gone but I wonder what the rest of her life would be like if he was murdered. At least now she has a chance to build a new life honestly without that horrible thing hanging over her head. She will do her time, repent, be with her children and maybe some day come to peace with those she has wronged. Also praise for Mr Dalton, he may enjoy an a** kicking but he clearly knows wrong from right.

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Hell has no fury like a woman's scorn, wonder what must have happened to the man that started this saying.

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Six Years? Are they having a laugh? She tries to get him murdered and that's all she gets?

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6 years (Out in 2 and a half) for callously ordering a cold blooded murder. Minimum term should be 12 years served in prison for this evil woman!!

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