Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Prime Minister's report on (dis)integration

A major event in France is bringing things to a head. Whether this leads to the "explosion" everyone is expecting, or to just another ado about nothing, quickly squashed by damage control operations… we'll have to wait and see. At the very least it's a precursor to something…

Back in February, Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (above) commissioned a report from a panel of experts on the "refondation de la politique d'integration", roughly translated: the "recasting of the policy of integration", i.e., a re-examination of the existing policy on integration and the creation of a new one. The new policy recommended by the authors of the report would effectively destroy France, even though the old one wasn't much better. The new policy would eliminate "integration", meaning that immigrants no longer are expected to integrate - rather they are expected to remain as they are, while (I assume) the French have to become like them.

(Note: The report is hundreds of PDF pages long. I have only glanced at it, but some of what I saw is beyond belief. There is a long section on the need to investigate how it became a common belief that immigration equals a problem. The report implies that immigration cannot be considered as a problem and to do so is the real problem, which can only be solved by "republican" methods, and we know what that means: thought control, thought police. But this is not new. What is new is that it is explicitly stated in this report praised by Prime Minister Ayrault.)

The report recommends the:

"recognition of all languages in an identical manner. France must acknowledge the Arabo-Oriental dimension of her identity."

The experts also favor "the teaching of Arabic". (Note: This is not new. There have been proponents of Arabic as the second language of France for a long time). They also propose the "teaching in middle school of an African language." (Note: Ha! We did this in our public schools back in the 70's. We had Swahili teachers, working under special government entitlements, come in on a part-time basis. The joke was that there were no pupils, even though they had clamored for Swahili. Nobody came to class, and eventually they had to drop it.) 

The report suggests (besides Swahili), Bambara, Dioula, or Lingala as possible useful languages for French kids.

But here's the shocker: The issue of wearing the veil in school is being re-examined. The report recommends the removal of the ban on veils in schools. Even the French media are shocked, and François Hollande had to quickly explain that the report was "not official". While I personally feel that the presence of Muslims on French soil is the real problem, not the presence of veils and burqas, still, it is a stunning reversal for the very secular, anti-religious Socialist government to suddenly reconsider the possibility that the veil is OK. What they are saying is that France is henceforth an Islamic State, and the veil is OK. What would they do to a Catholic girl who wore a cross? My opinion is that there won't be any Catholic girls wearing crosses in schools where there are Muslims. This is the point. No more French people.

Another recommendation: "a new Panthéon" and new streets. The authors state: 

"History as taught makes references to great men who are for the most part white and heterosexual. Therefore, it is highly desirable for the 'pantheon' of figures who incarnate great movements, great moments and the dynamics of pluralities in society to evolve." 

The report proposes "new streets and village squares that echo the history of migrations."

Source: Islamisation, where you can find the link to the report.

Civitas also looked closely at the report, which was drawn up by a long list of ministerial employees; hence, one cannot say it is "unofficial". Alain Escada, head of Civitas notes:

In truth it is the very essence of France that is challenged by the report: "To make France by recognizing the richness of multiple identities." This means, "to recognize all migrations as constitutive of the nation," explains the document. (My italics). In practical terms this permits many entitlements. If some Roma gypsy with his knapsack is constitutive of the nation, then he and all his kin, from all continents, can address the descendants of the Gauls and claim to be a part of the nation. Because "what is yours is mine." (…)

Culture of course must not be neglected. This report proposes "artistic practices as diverse as hip-hop, rap, graph, djing, slam…" In this disfigured France there is no need to say that the Christian roots of France are not recognizable. That would be "stigmatizing".

Escada closes with a call to all patriots and Catholics to make 2014 a year of determined commitment to Christianity and Catholic France.

Here is the statement made by Ayrault when he was attacked for his new policy on the veil:

 - Republican integration, that of rights and responsibilities, means learning about what we have in common. We would like to reintroduce religious symbols in the schools, the veil in the schools? Did we say that? Do we intend to do that? Obviously not. I myself voted for the law banning religious symbols in schools. So we are staying on course, but we want above all to restart the republican model of integration, that is today broken. And so we must welcome the first-arrivals, give them the means to integrate, to adapt, to understand our laws and our rules. And then, we must also give all French people, whatever their origin, a chance to be able to find their place in society by virtue of the principles of the Republic. Because today there is too much discrimination, there are too many inequalities, too many feelings of being excluded, that concern everybody and not only the French of foreign origin - those who live in areas experiencing difficulties. So, the battle for integration is the battle for the republican model, for those who come to our country, but it's also the battle for equality of rights, for the struggle against discrimination. It's the battle to make the Republic live."

Note: His statement is complete nonsense, except that he does acknowledge that the Republic is near death. He need only add that his policies will provide the euthanasia injection so strongly advocated by his fellow Socialists. (As I post, his statement is not on line.)

Below, a cartoon from Riposte Laïque. Ayrault with his donkey ears, tough Valls. Christiane Taubira screams:

"What an idiot! When you want to kill France you don't put it in writing!"

At the bottom of the cartoon, you see François Hollande asking "Where's the plane?" If you didn't know, this is a reference to a comical incident that occurred at Nelson Mandela's funeral. When everyone was leaving, Hollande and his ladyfriend Valerie Trierweiller walked out, and Hollande asked: "Where's the plane?" A laughing Nicolas Sarkozy pointed to the plane that was right there in front of Hollande. Video below.

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At December 21, 2013 7:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DP111 writes..

Its strange that a republic always leads to a prescriptive socialist state. America is not far behind France.

Why this is so, I have no idea. As a guess, In the old state, the ruler was a king or queen. In Christendom at least, the ruler took an oath that he was answerable to God. Thus, in theory at least, the king was circumscribed by fear for his soul. And in the final analysis, it was possible for the people or another prince, to remove the king by force, and thus affect majpr changes.

A republic on the other hand is not answerable to any higher authority. Removing a governing party does not affect nature of the republic. The republic is by nature dictatorial, and cannot be removed as easily as a king or queen.

A republic once founded, stays essentially the same in nature, but gets more prescriptive with time.

A compromise is a constitutional monarchy, like the UK.

At December 21, 2013 3:33 PM, Blogger tiberge said...

@ DP111,

Henri d'Orléans, about whom I wrote in my recent post entitled "France undone", has said that if he were king, it would be a constitutional monarchy. He has expressed acceptance of the Republic, or at least of a constitution that limits the power of the king. But France had a constitutional monarchy (1830-1848), and Henri's ancestor Louis-Philippe was the constitutional monarch. He was deposed by a revolt in 1848.

I don't know if Louis de Bourbon would accept a constitutional monarchy. Right now, I would gladly accept either man as leader of France, but the king has to have the approval of the people, and this could only happen if the people experience an epiphany revealing the the crime of regicide, and the punishment being meted out to France today because of that crime. That's asking a lot, but many have had this epiphany; others never abandoned the monarchy. Still, I doubt that it will happen soon. I reserve judgment on the future, because I feel in my heart that France will either disappear or restore the monarchy, at some point. Who knows what kind of monarchy it would be? One thing is certain - it would not be like Saint-Louis, or Louis XI, or Louis XIV. But it might be a compromise that would at least partially save the country from extinction.

At December 21, 2013 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Constitutional monarchy we have in the UK, and we know all too well how dysfunctional it is for the island. What is needed is a racial national monarchy or aristocracy.. We have no hope with grocery stores floor sweepers like Sarkozy or Hollande proclaiming themselves presidents and feverishly laboring to destroy France. By the way I read that Hollande is planning to visit Armenia, what business has he got in Armenia ? Is he going to check out how Ricard is doing in the marketing of Armenians finest cognacs , which are not allowed to be called cognac, but brandy. Maybe he will get a special VAT in his honor, the Hollande VAT, and get drunk with Armenian cognac, the way Churchill did. He must be warned that there will be no plane or helicopter in the yard of the Ricard distillery , he must not look for one. It is blatantly evident that our sclerotic political and intellectual class is in an advanced stage of putrefaction. That also includes dear Madame Marine, who is another cog in the shell of the ossified system of national ethnocide . Our France and the French have morphed in spirits of inner cannibalism. It is like someone taking a cyanide bath and expressing joy and merriment. The fish rots at the head. Frances head is past the rotten stage,

At December 23, 2013 10:41 PM, Blogger Gus Barbarigo said...

@ tiberge

Merry Christmas!

Even if you are not Catholic (I think I read here, that you are not), there is a body of Catholic prophesy that you might find of interest: that France will accept a king, out of desperation, to end a horrible civil war; this ruler will then restore proper government around the world. See "Trial, Tribulation, and Triumph," by Desmond Birch.

At December 24, 2013 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This gives me hope. For years I had assumed that the first Western country to revolt against the tyranny of multi-cult and PC would be Britain. Now I realize that the British are too spineless and defeated. It will be France, the eldest daughter of the church, who will rise up for the West and destroy the multi-cult! God be with you dear French people.

At December 24, 2013 5:50 PM, Blogger tiberge said...

@ Gus Barbarigo,

I have the book. I haven't read it - I began the first chapters. What struck me is that when Antichrist comes there will be no way of preventing it. The evils that befall us, that we could have prevented, are not Antichrist. Antichrist cannot be prevented. It's a monumentally unnerving thought. (Unless you take it symbolically and not literally.)

I think some Catholics take this symbolically, as a process that goes on all the time, with good being destroyed by evil which is in turn overcome by good. Others take it literally, as a specific event that will happen at a chosen moment. There will be the Second Coming, and the world will end.

Whatever, I find it unnerving, because it reminds us of how helpless we are.

At December 24, 2013 5:56 PM, Blogger tiberge said...

@ anonymous 1:53 p.m.

I hope you're right. We are in a near-catastrophic phase of our existence. We must expel Islam, and we must restore some maturity, humility, reason and morality in our own culture. We have become unbendingly arrogant and infantile.

After 9/11 I felt sure it would be America that would lead the West in the fight against Islam, but we had bad leaders who didn't understand. Let's hope the French can think for themselves without looking to their leaders. Even Marine Le Pen will not be strong enough to defy Islam. But I may be underestimating her. She is moving towards a "Gaullist" position - I'm not sure what that means, but it isn't very promising. De Gaulle had many strong points, but he turned against his own people in Algeria and stood by while they were killed by Muslims. I can't imagine Marine doing that. Let's hope she is not put to such a severe test.

At December 25, 2013 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After 9/11 I felt sure it would be America that would lead the West in the fight against Islam, but we had bad leaders who didn't understand.

America is leading the fight against the American people and the historic West in general. Islam is at most a peripheral concern for America's ruling elites.

Excuse me for stating the obvious.


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