


We may not think ourselves at war with ISIS but they are pretty sure they are at war with us.

John McTernan’s column in today’s Telegraph about Kurdistan – and our, that is the West’s, debt of honour to the… Continue reading

‘These people want a holocaust’: pressure grows on PM for recall over Iraq


Downing Street remains resolute that there will not be a recall of Parliament over the situation in Iraq. But Conor… Continue reading

A lesson of Iraq in 2014: the nation-state is the future

Female members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and an Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga fighter take position on the front line in Makhmur, some 50 km south of Arbil, the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq, on 9th August 2014. (Image: SAFIN HAMED/AFP/Getty Images)

The collapse of some of the Sykes-Picot states in 2014 will spur people to ask which way the world is… Continue reading

What’s your favourite Robin Williams one-liner?

6th Annual Stand Up For Heroes - Show

Mr S was saddened to hear of the death of Robin Williams — a man who contributed to the gaiety… Continue reading

Ian Fleming, James Bond and The Spectator

Ian Fleming

It’s 50 years since the death of Ian Fleming and The Spectator has always taken James Bond seriously. The writer… Continue reading

Nicky Morgan’s challenge: stop Gove becoming a useful bogeyman


Tristram Hunt announces today that he wants to put a stop to the policy of overhauling A-levels. That means that… Continue reading

The Spectator at war: A call to arms

Lord Kitchener's appeal for recruits pasted on a letterbox (Keystone/Getty)

Let us say once more what we said as emphatically as we could last week – that the first thing… Continue reading

Obama’s intervention in Iraq proves that religion really is the new politics

An Iraqi Yazidi fighter stands guard outside a shrine (Photo: Ahmad Al-Rubaye/Getty)

Today we are witnessing the extraordinary – and long overdue – spectacle of an American president intervening in Iraq to… Continue reading

What is going on at the RSPCA?


listen to ‘John Humphrys and the #RSPCA case of Claude the cat ’ on Audioboo The RSPCA have hit the… Continue reading

Owen Jones is lying about Israel. Plain and simple.

Here's the (daily) proof of Hamas's murderous intent. (MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images)

Owen Jones’s column in the Guardian is headlined ‘Anti-Jewish hatred is rising – we must see it for what it… Continue reading

Britain’s military involvement in Iraq is becoming increasingly confusing

Could Britain send Tornado jets to help with the relief operation? (Photo: Getty)

What is the extent of British involvement in Iraq? Philip Hammond today said it was simply to provide humanitarian assistance,… Continue reading

Louise Mensch fat shames ISIS’s leader


After Obama sanctioned attacks on ISIS over the weekend, a new hashtag began to trend on Twitter  - #AmessagefromISIStoUS. Via… Continue reading

Alex Salmond remains trapped in a currency quagmire with no way out in sight

Royal Bank Of Scotland Unveil GBP8bn Profits

It has not been a happy few days for supporters of Scottish independence. It remains too soon to say whether… Continue reading

Maria Eagle is talking nonsense about floods and climate change

Flooding Continues To Affect The Somerset Levels

The Shadow Environment Secretary Maria Eagle headed off to Woking today, where she addressed an audience of environmentalists at WWF’s… Continue reading

Video: Should Parliament be recalled over Iraq and ISIS?


Neither Obama nor Cameron seem ready to return from their holidays to debate how best to respond to the events… Continue reading

Forget warnings and labels. Make problem drinkers pay for their excess

Pubs And Clubs in England and Wales Prepare For New Licensing Laws

It was news to me that there exists an All Party Commons Committee on Alcohol Misuse, but when you think… Continue reading

Foreign Office clear out continues: Mark Simmonds stands down as FCO minister

Simmonds resigns

Number 10 has today announced that Mark Simmonds, the Conservative MP for Boston and Skegness, is stepping down as a Foreign… Continue reading

Up yours George


The most uplifting news of the weekend? Israeli tourists defied George Galloway’s decree that Bradford become an ‘Israeli-free zone’. Better… Continue reading

Opinion polls should be the last thing on MPs’ minds now


There was a revealing moment on the Today programme this morning when Lord Dannatt was asked whether he accepted that… Continue reading

The Spectator at war: Gallant little Belgium

Soldiers in Germany requisitioning horses (Photo: Keystone/Getty)

From ‘News of the Week’, The Spectator, 15 August 1914: The war continues to be as amazing as ever. We… Continue reading

Baroness Warsi’s parting shot contains a serious warning for the Tories

The Prime Minister and Baroness Warsi clashed over the government's counter-extremism strategy while the minister was on a plane. Picture: Getty

Baroness Warsi’s interview with the Sunday Times and Independent on Sunday is, unsurprisingly, not just about her discomfort with the… Continue reading

Martin Gayford meets the jazz legend Wynton Marsalis


In this week’s magazine, Martin Gayford interviews the trumpeter and jazz legend Wynton Marsalis, who founded ‘Jazz’ at Lincoln Center in New… Continue reading

The Spectator at war: Fighting with vegetables

A British red cross hospital (Photo: Hulton Archive/Getty)

Under the heading ‘How can I help?’, The Spectator of 8 August 1914 advised young men on the process of… Continue reading

Alex Salmond is wrong. Scotland isn’t more ‘socially just’ than the rest of Britain

(Photo: Getty)

Alex Salmond’s suggestion that Scotland is more predisposed towards ‘social justice’ than other parts of Britain is absurd, repellent, and… Continue reading

3,000 masochists descend on Edinburgh


And they’re off. The mighty caravan of romantic desperadoes, radical egoists, stadium wannabes, struggling superstars and vanity crackheads is on… Continue reading

Spectator competition: write a preview in verse of when the lights go out (plus voter-repelling party political broadcasts)

Flanders Fields 100 Years Since The Great War

The recent call for off-putting party political broadcasts on behalf of the Tories, Labour, the Lib Dems, the Greens or… Continue reading

The Spectator at war: How to talk to a pacifist

Scottish Labour politician James Keir Hardie addresses a peace meeting in Trafalgar Square in 1914 (Photo: Hulton Archive/Getty)

‘Keep your temper’, from The Spectator, 8 August 1914: ‘When a nation goes to war the policy of the Government… Continue reading

Did STV just come out in favour of the Union?

(Photo: Getty)

STV were left red faced after the live streaming of the independence debate between Alex Salmond and Alistair Darling broke… Continue reading



Boris is back – and he has George Osborne in his sights

The next Tory leadership battle has just begun

Seat-shopping with Boris Johnson

Metropolitan Police Passing Out Parade

Choosing the right seat is only half the battle for Boris

How can you tell that Alistair Darling's winning? Listen to the rage of Scotland's yes campaign

Campaigning Official Starts For The Scottish Referendum

The success of the campaign to save the Union can be heard in the increasingly hysterical tone of independence supporters

Wanted: a leader for the free world


No one wants to pay the price of speaking for the free world

How niceness became the eighth deadly sin for women


Women are increasingly enjoined not to be ‘nice’. They seem to be listening

Don't blame the 'green blob', Owen Paterson. Blame your boss

Construction Of Europe's Largest Manmade Coastal Nature Reserve Begins On Wallasea Island

Owen Paterson shouldn’t hold green activists responsible for his sacking. The culprit was David Cameron

On safari in Gloucestershire

Nature comes first: Lower Mill Estate

The heat was still sweltering as we headed off at dusk towards the hide to watch wildlife with our enthusiastic guide, Leonie. My wife and I were on our first… Read more


These idiotic academics would be better off working in a garden


Is your life saturated with racial meaning? The most common answer to this question, when I ask friends and acquaintances,… Read more

I found my inner fascist in a letterbox


There’s a little bit of a fascist in all of us. For some, the tragedy of human want may provoke… Read more

You’ll mock me, but I have to ask: why don’t any of my friends have holiday homes?


This is to be one of those columns that makes the writer faintly wish there wasn’t an internet. It would… Read more

The man who could sell the British public on fracking

Centricas new boss: Iain Conn Photo: Getty

Iain Conn, who will succeed Sam Laidlaw as chief executive of Centrica, would have been a dead cert for the… Read more


Wynton Marsalis: ‘The pressure of playing in public makes it all for real’

'They took me in like I was their son': Wynton Marsalis on jazz's great tradition

Martin Gayford talks to Wynton Marsalis about the rigours of playing jazz

My daughter wants to know why you haven't heard of the Jayhawks

Latitude Festival 2010: Day 1

One of the many delightful aspects of having children is that you can get them to do things you are… Read more

Jonas Kaufmann's illness, a muddled production – nothing can stop Bavarian State Opera's La forza del destino

Anja Harteros (Leonora) and Vitalij Kowaljow (Marchese di Calatrava) in‘La forza del destino’

Rather than brave the boos and the first reprise of Frank Castorf’s half-hearted Ring at Bayreuth, I decided to pay… Read more

A lost opportunity to show John Nash at his best

‘Equivalents for the Megaliths’, 1935, by Paul Nash

John Northcote Nash (1893–1977) was the younger brother of Paul Nash (1889–1946), and has been long overshadowed by Paul, though… Read more

Allergic to blockbusters? See Wakolda

Doctor in the house: Alex Brendemühl as Josef Mengele

Wakolda is not a sunny film for a sunny day, just so you’re aware, but as there is so little… Read more

Romeo and Juliet: a Mariinsky masterclass

Romeo and Juliet

According to some textbooks, one thing the fathers of Soviet choreography hastened to remove from ballet was that awkward-looking language… Read more

Sorry, Gillian Anderson, but you've caught the wrong Streetcar

Gillian Anderson in A Streetcar named Desire

Streetcar. One word is enough to conjure an icon. Tennessee Williams’s finest play, written in the 1940s, is about a… Read more

Gomorrah is gangsters without glamour – but it's still not as scary as Dance Moms

Gomorrah, Sky Atlantic

Gomorrah (Sky Atlantic, Monday), the new, must-see Mafioso series, started promisingly. We met two hoods — one young, shaven-headed, good-looking;… Read more

Two lessons in listening


Our hearing is the first of our senses to develop while we are in the womb. It’s the first connection… Read more

3,000 acts and no quality control – why the Edinburgh Fringe is the greatest (and patchiest) arts festival in the world


And they’re off. The mighty caravan of romantic desperadoes, radical egoists, stadium wannabes, struggling superstars and vanity crackheads is on… Read more



Greece is calling – three more years and then I move south

Porto Cheli I have been thinking about my children and my own strange boyhood as I gaze up at the clear blue skies of summer. Summers lasted an eternity back… Read more

How I'm different without testosterone


I’ve might have no testosterone. (My production is currently being stopped by injection once every three months.) But what I do have is a Fiat Barchetta, bought for a grand… Read more

Will I end up in Belmarsh for fiddling kitten heels?


A parcel has arrived addressed to ‘Cydney Kite’. The spaniel is ecstatic. She has never received her own mail before, let alone an express delivery package. She wags her entire… Read more

If you want real stress, move to the country


It’s much more stressful to live in the country than in a town. There are always threats of one kind or another — wind farms, housing developments, road ‘improvements’, and… Read more

Goodwood is Ascot without the vulgarity, Aintree without the spray tans

James Doyle riding Kingman at Goodwood Photo: Getty

If I get to choose where to spend my last day on earth it will probably be at Glorious Goodwood. Goodwood is Ascot without the added vulgarity, Aintree without the… Read more