Portugese Translation of Democracy: The God that Failed

by Stephan Kinsella on June 24, 2014

A Portugese translation of Democracy: The God That Failed, is now available. The English translation of Professor Hoppe’s Preface to the Portugese edition is available here.

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hoppe-economic-science-italianAn Italian translation of Economic Science and the Austrian Method (1995) has appeared, translated by Luigi Pirri, and an introduction by Piero Vernaglione.


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The Ethics of Entrepreneurship and Profit

June 24, 2014

Latest publication: The Ethics of Entrepreneurship and Profit, LewRockwell.com (June 23, 2014)

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Reflections on State and War By Hans-Hermann Hoppe

May 26, 2014

Reflections on State and War By Hans-Hermann Hoppe Making the World Safe from Democracy or: How to Defend Oneself Against the United States After this excursion into the theory of democratic peace I am back to the proposition that there is no greater threat to lasting peace than the democratic state, and in particular the […]

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Democracy: The God That Failed, Preface By Hans-Hermann Hoppe

May 26, 2014

Democracy: The God That Failed Preface By Hans-Hermann Hoppe I am delighted to see a Portuguese translation of my Democracy: The God That Failed in print. Of all my books, Democracy has been by far the most successful. From its original publication in 2001 until today, the book has been vociferously both condemned and hailed. In some intellectual circles, […]

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Ekonomi och praxeologi, Swedish translation of Economic Science and the Austrian Method

February 14, 2014

Now available: Ekonomi och praxeologi, translation of Economic Science and the Austrian Method

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“Taxes are expropriation”: Interview in Wirtschaftswoche

January 7, 2014

Below is an English translation of Professor Hoppe’s interview by “Wirtschaftswoche”, Germany’s leading business-weekly. The interview covers various topics, including the business cycle, the nature of the state, anarcho-capitalism, taxation as expropriation, and the like. *** Interview in Wirtschaftswoche “Taxes are expropriation” by Malte Fischer The anarcho-libertarian economist Hans-Hermann Hoppe argues for a state-free society. Where government […]

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Professor Hoppe’s interview by “Wirtschaftswoche”

January 6, 2014

Professor Hoppe has been interviewed by “Wirtschaftswoche”, Germany’s leading business-weekly: http://www.wiwo.de/politik/konjunktur/hans-hermann-hoppe-steuern-sind-enteignung-seite-all/9282336-all.html Update: English translation of the interview; Italian translation

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Schnitzel a la Hoppe (PFS 2013)

November 25, 2013

And for a special treat, a video of Professor Hoppe making schnitzel at the 2013 Annual Meeting (on the PFS Youtube channel).

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The Logical Beauty of Libertarianism—German and Portugese Translations

November 20, 2013

Interview mit Hans-Hermann Hoppe: Die logische Schönheit des Libertarismus, in eigentümlich frei, Aug. 8, 2013 has just been published, which is a German translation of Cultura e liberdade – uma entrevista com Hans-Hermann Hoppe, The Brazilian Philosophy Magazine Dicta & Contradicta Interviews Hans-Hermann Hoppe (Portugese); English translation: The Logical Beauty of Libertarianism.

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Hoppe in Japanese

November 18, 2013

Several works by Professor Hoppe and commentaries on his work are now available in Japanese. Including English, Professor Hoppe’s writing is now available in 27 languages. The Economics and Ethics of Private Property Part 1, 私有財産の経済学と倫理学 第一部 Fallacies of the Public Goods Theory and the Production of Security (The Economics and Ethics of Private Property)  公共財理論と安全性の提供における誤謬 The […]

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“On the Nature of Man, Truth, and Justice” (PFS 2013)

November 9, 2013

Professor Hoppe’s speech for the 2013 Annual Meeting is now available. See more>&gt

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Država ili društvo privatnog prava?

November 5, 2013

The Croatian and Serbian translations of Professor Hoppe’s speech Staat oder Privatrechtsgesellschaft? (State or Private Law Society) delivered at the 14th Philosophicum Lech is now available at the following links: Croatian Translation: Država ili društvo privatnog prava? Serbian Translation: Država ili društvo privatnog prava?      

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Vom moralischen und wirtschaftlichen Wohl der Steuerhinterziehun

October 23, 2013

Below is a recent post from Mises Deutschland: Of  the Moral and Economic Benefit of Tax-Evasion (in German), Vom moralischen und wirtschaftlichen Wohl der Steuerhinterziehun.

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Spanish Translation of A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism

September 6, 2013

A Spanish translation of Prof. Hoppe’s seminal A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism is now available, with a new Foreword by Prof. Juan Fernando Carpio. (Kindle version.) Update: See also Presentando al prof. Hoppe la traducción de su libro; photo below.

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The Brazilian Philosophy Magazine Dicta & Contradicta Interviews Hans-Hermann Hoppe

August 1, 2013

The Brazilian Philosophy Magazine Dicta & Contradicta Interviews Hans-Hermann Hoppe Would the change from a statist to a libertarian society help or hinder the production of high culture? Hoppe: A libertarian society would be significantly more prosperous and wealthy and this would certainly help both low and high culture. But a free society – a society […]

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On Taxes and Parasites

July 15, 2013

Prof. Hoppe spoke (in German) on the topic “On Taxes and Parasites,” at the occasion of the inaugural conference of the Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland, held at Hotel Bayerischer Hof, in Munich, on June 15, 2013.

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From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy

July 1, 2013

The following is a video of Prof. Hoppe speaking at the Rafael del Pino Foundation’s Master Lecture Series in Madrid, Spain, on June 20, 2013: “From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy: A Tale of Moral and Economic Folly and Decay.”

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Hans-Hermann Hoppe in 10 Great Quotes

June 28, 2013

From the UK publication The Libertarian: Hans-Hermann Hoppe in 10 Great Quotes by Eric Field, June 28, 2013 By Eric Field  Hans-Hermann Hoppe is one of the most defining of contemporary libertarian thinkers.  A graduate of the Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany and a former Marxist, Hoppe’s is best known for his rigorously logical examination of culture, human […]

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