Harry ‘the only wizard of the fourth international’ Trotter’s last adventure saw him face off capitalism at Hogwarts. Now, with the Christmas holidays, he’s headed north to find some seasonal festive employment… CAN SOCIALISM SAVE CHRISTMAS? WILL THE PLANNED ECONOMY AND WORKER’S CONTROL TRIUMPH? Find out tomorrow! (if christmas happens, that means socialism won, btw) [...]

RAGE AT NO.1: the greatest victory for the working class ever

You might’ve heard. Rage Against the Machine’s Killing in the Name Of is the Christmas number one. Yes! It’s finally happened: we got a bunch of politckul rap-rockin’ revolutionary Maoists from LA to the top o’ the pop charts. ‘We’ being the disgruntled social-networking masses, fed up of the contrived, tedious pish that is the X Factor and it’s [...]

BA humbug: bosses and courts gang up on workers

By Andy McPake Aberdeen SSP The strike by Unite trade union members of  British Airways cabin crew – a strike that received 92.5% of the vote in a ballot of members - has been declared “illegal” by the courts. The High Court called a halt to the strike as members who had taken redundancy were able to [...]

bestest protest placards of 2009: the shortlist

It’s fast approaching the end of the year, which for any self-respecting magazine, newspaper or um, leftie satirical current affairs yoof blog, can only mean one thing… Yep, it’s time to start compiling mundane, identikit and altogether quite predictable lists of the best ‘stuff’ that’s happened over the past 12 months, as if anyone actually gives a fuck about [...]

Anti-SDL meeting in Edinburgh.

After being convincingly routed last month the SDL are talking about having another march, this time in Edinburgh on February 20th. The last time the SDL marched they were outnumbered 1,500 to 80 and were unable to march anywhere. They spent the day cooped up in a bar, a totally different situation from other parts [...]

nature: it doesn't do bailouts

Things are hotting up (quite literally, haha!) over in Copenhagen as the world’s great and good arrive in the Danish capital, and begin gearing up to save the world from its continuing descent into climate oblivion. Or at least this is what we’re being told. In reality, what these summits achieve is normally very little. It gives world [...]