2014-02-09《新聞直播間》東莞桑拿DongGuna Sauna part1
published: 09 Feb 2014
2014-02-09《新聞直播間》東莞桑拿DongGuna Sauna part1
2014-02-09《新聞直播間》東莞桑拿DongGuna Sauna part1
中新網2月9日電据央視報導,廣東東莞多個娛樂場所存在賣淫嫖娼等違法行為,一些被稱作"城市名片"的四星級、五星級酒店中也存在明目張膽的招嫖賣淫活動,記者報警舉報後並無警察前來調查,警方也無任何反饋。 有群眾反映,廣東東莞多個娛樂場所都存在賣淫嫖娼等違法行為,即便在春節期間,地下色情業也沒有歇業。記者暗訪發現,多個酒店舉行"選秀",實為賣淫。有酒店工人人員介紹,酒店也並無正規的住宿,來的客人也都是找小姐。 記者在東莞暗訪調查發現,不光是在一些休閒娛樂場所存在色情活動,在一些被稱作"城市名片"的四星級、五星級酒店中也存在明目張膽的招嫖賣淫活動。其中在太子酒店桑拿中心,公然進行"裸舞選秀",新世界酒店則公然播放淫穢錄像,床頭櫃擺放的服務表上有多達五十多項的淫穢色情服務內容。 記者隨後兩次報警舉報東莞色情交易,無警車到場,也無警察調查,地下色情活動照常進行,記者也未接到警方任何反饋。正是因為所謂的"安全",大量外地人專門趕到東莞進行賣淫嫖娼非法交易。 文字實錄:央視曝光東莞酒店色情服務 主持人:選秀、招嫖、艷舞、賣淫,記者在東莞暗訪調查中發現,不光是在一些休閒娛樂場所存在色情活動,在某些被稱為是城市名片的四星級、五星級酒店裡也有明目張膽的招嫖賣淫現象,繼續來看記者的調查。 解說:根據知情者提供的線索,記者來到了東莞市厚街陣的喜來登大酒店,這是一家掛牌五星級涉外酒店,在當地很有名氣。記者發現,在酒店的地下車庫裡有一個寫有富豪會所的入口,稱電梯上了五樓就是喜來登酒店的桑拿部,一名經理把記者帶進了一個房間,隨後這名經理帶這10多名小姐進來,告訴記者,這裡不是普通的桑拿,而是特殊服務。 視頻片段:先生您好,歡迎光臨。您好3116,來自湖南,小費700元。您好,156號,來自江西,小費800元;您好,151來自重慶,小費800元;您好,來自湖北,小費900元;您好,121來自四川,小費800元;117來自安徽,小費900元。 解說:看到記者想要離開,這名經理向記者介紹,這些小姐的質量是厚街鎮所有場子裡最好的,小姐的服務費從700元到2000元不等。這名經理還介紹說,這個桑拿部已經經營了幾個年頭了,來這裡的都是熟客。 知情者告訴記者,在東莞市黃江鎮有一家五星級酒店叫太子酒店,桑拿中心連著主樓,這裡的經理說,客人要洗桑拿必須先交洗浴費。 太子酒店桑拿中心經理:你要什麼房就給你安排嘛,但是要先買一下單,最好的房間房費668元,消費800元、1200元、1500元。 記者:先交房費再進去是吧。 太子酒店桑拿中心經理:對,要先買單的。 記者:就是說交房間的費用對吧。 太子酒店桑拿中心經理:對,房費要先買單,買完就沒得退的。 解說:走過了一段迷宮似的路線,經理把記者引到了一個房間,裡面的佈局雖然和普通的客房沒有明顯區別,但在屋子的一角有一面落地的大境地遮著布簾,經理說特別之處就在這裡。隨後,這名經理走進了房間,先關了燈,拉開了簾子,鏡子後面是兩個近乎赤裸的小姐在跳舞。 太子酒店桑拿中心經理:193號是重慶,右邊那個136號東北,這個就是她完全看不到你的,你覺得有感覺的先留,到最後所有的看完了,我們留下的再一起PK。 記者:這個多少錢啊? 太子酒店桑拿中心經理:這兩個都是800元的。 解說:記者提出要離開,這名經理卻告訴記者,只要拉下簾子,鏡子裡的小姐就會換掉,等簾子再拉起來時又會有新的小姐在裡面跳舞,直到客人滿意為止,這時小姐就會從鏡子後面走出來提供特殊服務。這個經理介紹說,這裡從來都不愁客源。- published: 09 Feb 2014
- views: 7
Sex workers targeted in Dongguan
A raid on massage parlours, saunas and karaoke bars in Dongguan has seen over a thousand p...
published: 13 Feb 2014
Sex workers targeted in Dongguan
Sex workers targeted in Dongguan
A raid on massage parlours, saunas and karaoke bars in Dongguan has seen over a thousand people detained, but according to the FT's Demetri Sevastopulo, the move has elicited sympathy from Chinese social media sites such as Weibo For more video content from the Financial Times, visit http://www.FT.com/video Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube; http://goo.gl/vUQx5k Twitter https://twitter.com/ftvideo Facebook https://www.facebook.com/financialtimes- published: 13 Feb 2014
- views: 301
常平Chángpíng ! Night Clubbing, China.
Having a great time at 常平, Chángpíng. City of Dongguan, in Guangdong Province train links ...
published: 01 Mar 2010
author: jc9991
常平Chángpíng ! Night Clubbing, China.
常平Chángpíng ! Night Clubbing, China.
Having a great time at 常平, Chángpíng. City of Dongguan, in Guangdong Province train links directly from the Hung Hom station in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Go check ...- published: 01 Mar 2010
- views: 134585
- author: jc9991
One day in DongGuan
One day in DongGuan....
published: 27 Nov 2007
author: ArmstrongHe
One day in DongGuan
Dongguan Sex Industry Crackdown: Will It Only Further Revive Profession?
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published: 13 Feb 2014
Dongguan Sex Industry Crackdown: Will It Only Further Revive Profession?
Dongguan Sex Industry Crackdown: Will It Only Further Revive Profession?
Follow us on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/cnforbiddennews Like us on FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/chinaforbiddennews Recently, China Central Television (CCTV) released a high-profile report on a crackdown on the sex industry in Dongguan. This report has failed to win public support, and has been continuously criticized by them. Commentators say that the sex industry has become a way for officials' to attain promotion, and for their entertainment. This crackdown is perceived as bullying vulnerable women, and will only lead to expanding the pornography industry. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and it's officials are the original source of the sex industry. China state-controlled media reported that police undertook a series of night raids in Dongguan. They found 1,948 "problematic" entertainment venues that were involved in the sex industry. One of them was the five-star Crown Prince Hotel. The hotels chairman is Liang Yaohui, who is also a representative in the National People's Congress. Liang is also Chairman of Zhongyuan Oilfied Company Group, and is said to control the nation's largest hotel, Dongguan OYV International Convention Hotel. Beijing journalist Cai Shenkun says that this crackdown will not only fail to change the flourishing sexual industry. On the contrary, every crackdown on a sex related business only sees a reshuffle in this business. Every time the regimes leadership changes, there is a crackdown on the sex industry. The investors have to find new protection, thus it becomes an opportunity to develop this industry. Mr. Li, security guard, Shenyang Karaoke Bar: "The large entertainment venues provide food and entertainment services together. The sauna's, karaoke clubs and other places are run by powerful governmental officials. The small venues were often investigated, but not large ones. That is, unless the owner upsets someone with a powerful background. High-ranking officials generally go to private clubs, without membership, and entry is restricted. The private clubs all have some power behind them." Zhu Ruifeng is founder of rmjdw36.com. Zhu exposed the sex tapes of Chongqing official Lei Zhengfu, as well as other officials. This has pressured the Chongqing regime to investigate corrupt officials. However, Zhu was detained by Chongqing police, who demanded that he hand over the original tape evidence and files of the involved officials. Police also threatened Zhu, that if he hides the evidence, he will be accused of a crime. Police asked Zhu to confess how many copies he made. Police intended to get the name of the police officer who provided Zhu with the information. This police officer provided Zhu with the archives that Chongqing police tried to destroy. They were trying to protect corrupt officials. Zhu Ruifeng: "Every crackdown on the sex industry is an opportunity for officials to seize money. Those girls are fined, and a few days later, they start again. They hand over some protection fees. Police don't care about other issues; they keep their eye on karaoke bars, saunas and hair salons. The police are also customers of the sex trade. Officials can get promoted through the pornography industry. According to higher-level sources, CCTV anchors were sent to senior officials by former CCTV Director Li Dongsheng." Ms Zhang, a resident of Shandong was tricked into working in a hotel. She reveals that some hotels, karaoke bars and other brothels collude with agencies. They appear under the name of a job agency, and take good-looking college graduate girls to the hotels. They then keep them there against their will. Ms. Zhang: "At the beginning, we were just accompanying customers to dinner. Later, customers asked us to go to their rooms, Any girl who resists will be beaten, and anyone who tries to escape will be taken back and beaten very badly. They confiscate our money, and without money, many girls have to serve customers." Ms Zhang finally escaped the hotel. She said that the local police already planned how to frame girls who went to the police station. Ms Zhang: "Police only ask one question: 'Did you agree?' We thought the question was asking about agreeing to work at the hotel, so we would answer yes. However, the police didn't specify what they meant, and were playing with words. As long as we said we agreed, they report to their superiors saying these girls personally agreed to sex." Currently in China, the sex industry is becoming increasingly professional, industrialized and publicized. For many officials, a sex business can make huge profits, and becomes a primary means to stimulating the economy. In early 2001, international media revealed that at least 5 million women were providing underground sex services in Mainland China. Annual spending was at least 500 million yuan. The sex industry creates a large number of prostitutes and protectors. It becomes a poison to society, and thousands of people are trapped into a s Chinese society is not on- published: 13 Feb 2014
- views: 8
CCTV report uncovers rampant sex trade in 'sex capital' Dongguan
China Central Television (CCTV) revealed Saturday the extent of the prostitution business ...
published: 11 Feb 2014
CCTV report uncovers rampant sex trade in 'sex capital' Dongguan
CCTV report uncovers rampant sex trade in 'sex capital' Dongguan
China Central Television (CCTV) revealed Saturday the extent of the prostitution business in Dongguan, Guangdong province. The rampant illegal sex trade in southeast China has long been an open secret, especially in Dongguan, the hardscrabble manufacturing hub dubbed 'China's Sin City.' Reporters from CCTV used hidden cameras to document the underground brothels. Beauty contests and naked girls dancing for customers took place in private karaoke rooms. The selected women would presumably offer sex services for fees ranging from hundreds to thousands of yuan. Even though the channel accused the authorities of turning a blind eye to these illegal activities, the hotel managers interviewed didn't seem worried about possible police raids or penalties. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to TomoNews, where we animate the most entertaining news on the internets. Come here for an animated look at viral headlines, US news, celebrity gossip, salacious scandals, dumb criminals and much more! Subscribe now for daily news animations that will knock your socks off. Check out our official website: http://us.tomonews.net/ For news that's fun and never boring, visit our channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TomoNewsUS Subscribe to stay updated on all the top stories: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TomoNewsUS Stay connected with us here: Facebook http://www.facebook.com/TomoNewsUS Twitter @tomonewsus http://www.twitter.com/TomoNewsUS Google+ http://gplus.to/TomoNewsUS Instagram @tomonewsus http://instagram.com/tomonewsus- published: 11 Feb 2014
- views: 778
Target of Crack Down on Prostitutes in Dongguan, Zhou Yongkang
Follow us on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/cnforbiddennews
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published: 13 Feb 2014
Target of Crack Down on Prostitutes in Dongguan, Zhou Yongkang
Target of Crack Down on Prostitutes in Dongguan, Zhou Yongkang
Follow us on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/cnforbiddennews Like us on FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/chinaforbiddennews The state media CCTV's recent numerous reports on the prostitutes in Dongguan, Guangdong Province have triggered a strong reaction from the public. In contrast to the previous campaign on stamping down prostitution, this time it targeted five-star hotels, especially the Prince Hotel and was directed at the "umbrella" behind the service. Analysts believe the crack down on prostitutes in Dongguan is intended to defeat factions of Zhou Yongkang. CCTV.com reported on Feb. 9 that prostitute services exist in public entertainment places in five towns of Dongguan, including some of the popular four-star and five-star hotels such as the Prince Hotel, which conducts a "nude dancing talent show" in its sauna center. The report said that the police never showed up after the reporter's repetitive calls to the police. However, the manager in charge of the service revealed that what they are afraid of is media exposure, not law enforcement. After the news report, Dongwan police seized 12 entertainment centers and arrested 60 suspects. However, the police operation was not appreciated by the public. Some netizens stated on the Internet, "Dongguan, hold on" "Defend Dongguan!" and "Soul traitor exposes the body seller." A CCTV article criticized on the 10th that, without permission of higher authorities, it is impossible for Dongwan's police to ignore the prostitutions. The CCP Ministry of Public Security is reportedly to hold local police accountable and a steering group was sent to Guangdong to ensure combating the operators and umbrella behind the chains would proceed. Vice Governor of Guangdong Province, Li Chunsheng declared a three-month campaign against prostitution and protection behind the scene. Guangdong Provincial Party Secretary Hu Chunhua also ordered to stamp down prostitution like the campaign against drugs last year. Commentator Yang Weifeng says that crack-downs on prostitution have taken place in Dongguan every year, but only in the hair salon, sauna center. The hotels where the CCP officials frequently visit have always been safe. Yang Weifeng, commentator: "It is very unusual this year. Five towns in Dongwan, including Houjie, Humen, Huangjiang, Fenglan, and Zhongtang were all exposed, and only the luxury hotels were targeted. This is not about targeting the prostitutes or the customers, but protecting the umbrella behind the service. Most obvious is the five-star Prince Hotel in Dongguan." Chairman of the Prince Hotel in Huangjian Town, Liang Yaohui, is also serving as chairman of the Zhongyuan Petroleum Group. He has involved in business with Sinopec, PetroChina, and China National Offshore Oil Corp. He is also the only National People's Congress in Dongguan and has served two consecutive terms in 2008 and 2013. Yang Weifeng reveals that Liang Yaohui has a close relationship to the army. The first artillery division of the 42nd group army, Guangzhou military region is located in the Huangjian Town. Liang has officially visited the division many times. Yang Weifeng: "I think it is to stamp down on the umbrella behind the system. During the meeting with the politics and law committee in January, Xi has said to discipline the department and remove the black sheep. It now looks like Xi is systematically cracking down on Zhou Yongkang's faction." Commentator Chen Simin wrote in the article titled, "Xi defeats Jiang faction through Zhou Yongkang's alliance in Dongwan," that the Prince Hotel and Liang Yaohui gained popularity from as early as in 1996 when Zhang Gaoli ruled Guangdong. For more than 20 years of profiting through prostitution, gambling and smuggling drugs, the chain has become deep and long. Zhou Yongkang was the umbrella covering them from the CCP central through the politics and law system. Local police and officials are the main causes of prostitution, gambling and drug smuggling. CCP mouthpiece Xinhua.net initiated a column campaigning to clear the black sheep in the politics and law system on the 11th February. Central Politics and Law Commission also issued for the first time 10 cases of officers violating disciplines. Lan Su, commentator: The resentment from the grassroots organization is the largest. This campaign is preparing to publicize Zhou Yongkang's case. Under the instruction of Hu Chunhua from the Youth League faction, this campaign is hopeful to expand to the entire nation from Guangdong. The corruption is widespread in the country to the grassroots of politics and the judicial system. It is a collaborated preparation to publicly deal with Zhou Yongkang's case. Attorney Wang Youyin stated in Weibo, that the campaign to wipe out prostitution in Dongguan is in fact to hit the protective umbrella, the political and judicial system. China! 《神韵》2014世界巡演新亮点 http://www.ShenYunPerformingArts.org/- published: 13 Feb 2014
- views: 4
Dongguan Live: 1.Dongguan Tour
Welcome to Don't Worry Be Happy, a great new monthly interactive information feature aimed...
published: 05 Jun 2012
author: Yuue Otb
Dongguan Live: 1.Dongguan Tour
Dongguan Live: 1.Dongguan Tour
Welcome to Don't Worry Be Happy, a great new monthly interactive information feature aimed at making life a little easier for the foreigner living here in Do...- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 1396
- author: Yuue Otb
Dongguan- Reaching Chinas Factory Town - (LMCO).mpg
China's factories are the gateway for sharing the Gospel back in the village....
published: 28 Nov 2011
author: AsiaStories Video
Dongguan- Reaching Chinas Factory Town - (LMCO).mpg
Dongguan- Reaching Chinas Factory Town - (LMCO).mpg
China's factories are the gateway for sharing the Gospel back in the village.- published: 28 Nov 2011
- views: 70
- author: AsiaStories Video
China in sex trade crackdown in Dongguan
Police in China have launched a crackdown on the sex trade in Dongguan, following a state ...
published: 11 Feb 2014
China in sex trade crackdown in Dongguan
China in sex trade crackdown in Dongguan
Police in China have launched a crackdown on the sex trade in Dongguan, following a state TV report on prostitution in the southern city.- published: 11 Feb 2014
- views: 70
Humen Town, Dongguan City, China - September 2013
Humen Town, Dongguan City, China - September 2013, The town centre and market....
published: 22 Sep 2013
Humen Town, Dongguan City, China - September 2013
Humen Town, Dongguan City, China - September 2013
Humen Town, Dongguan City, China - September 2013, The town centre and market.- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 210
Dongguan Ghost Mall Haunts China's Property Boom
Jan. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg's Paul Allen reports from Dongguan, China on the New Sout...
published: 23 Mar 2012
Dongguan Ghost Mall Haunts China's Property Boom
Dongguan Ghost Mall Haunts China's Property Boom
Jan. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg's Paul Allen reports from Dongguan, China on the New South China Mall, which has remained mostly vacant since it opened in 2005. Jim Chanos, the hedge-fund manager who was one of the first investors to foresee the 2001 collapse of Enron Corp., reiterated last month China is on a "treadmill to hell" because of a reliance on property development for economic growth. (Source: Bloomberg)- published: 23 Mar 2012
- views: 30376
5544 Dongguan mobile phone number on the erotic network female boss degenerates into the masseuse today's line20120201
published: 31 Jul 2012
author: BC31rucksackqgc
5544 Dongguan mobile phone number on the erotic network female boss degenerates into the masseuse today's line20120201
5544 Dongguan mobile phone number on the erotic network female boss degenerates into the masseuse today's line20120201
- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 1570
- author: BC31rucksackqgc
Youtube results:
Dongguan - Top living standard ( Guangdong China )
Dongguan is a garden city, internationally renowned for its manufacturing industry. From i...
published: 04 Jun 2012
author: Yuue Otb
Dongguan - Top living standard ( Guangdong China )
Dongguan - Top living standard ( Guangdong China )
Dongguan is a garden city, internationally renowned for its manufacturing industry. From its role and contribution that sparked the First Opium Wars to its c...- published: 04 Jun 2012
- views: 2417
- author: Yuue Otb
The Economics of Prostitution in Dongguan, China - China Price Watch - February 14, 2014
Go to http://www.bon.tv/China-Price-Watch/ to watch the full episode
China, BONTV,News, B...
published: 16 Feb 2014
The Economics of Prostitution in Dongguan, China - China Price Watch - February 14, 2014
The Economics of Prostitution in Dongguan, China - China Price Watch - February 14, 2014
Go to http://www.bon.tv/China-Price-Watch/ to watch the full episode China, BONTV,News, Blue Ocean Network, China Price Watch, alipay, wechat, china price watch, china price watch chinese, china price watch dongguan, china price watch prostitution, china price watch news, china news joshua linder, china joshua linder beijing, china price watch josh linder, china price watch BON TV, BON TV china, China BONTV, China Price Watch BONTV, prostitution in dongguan, prostitutes in china, hookers in china, hookers in dongguan, prostitution in guangdong- published: 16 Feb 2014
- views: 88
Is Dongguan really China's sex capital? #BBC Trending - BBC News
Internet users in China have taken to social media to write positive things about the city...
published: 19 Feb 2014
Is Dongguan really China's sex capital? #BBC Trending - BBC News
Is Dongguan really China's sex capital? #BBC Trending - BBC News
Internet users in China have taken to social media to write positive things about the city of Dongguan after state media exposed widespread prostitution there. The city's police chief has been sacked and the government is cracking down on the sex trade following the expose. But some social media users have been attempting to show that there is more to the town than sex. Subscribe http://www.youtube.com/bbcnews Check out our website: http://www.bbc.com/news Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bbcworldnews Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bbcworld Instagram: http://instagram.com/bbcnews- published: 19 Feb 2014
- views: 1579
Sauna of Dongguan
If you have time, please visit my blog http://dating-website-v-blog.blogspot.com for more ...
published: 04 Jul 2012
author: wanghaomi222
Sauna of Dongguan
Sauna of Dongguan
If you have time, please visit my blog http://dating-website-v-blog.blogspot.com for more content! O (∩ _ ∩) o thank you! →→ http://dating-website-v-blog.b...- published: 04 Jul 2012
- views: 5223
- author: wanghaomi222