7 August 2014

Ukrainian offensive against Donetsk raises threat of war with Russia

By Christoph Dreier, 7 August 2014

The Ukrainian military is proceeding with enormous brutality against pro-Russian forces in east Ukraine, threatening to provoke an all-out war.

US spy plane incident raises more questions over MH17 crash

More on the crisis in Ukraine »

Washington Post accuses Snowden of aiding Al Qaeda

By Tom Carter, 7 August 2014

The latest attack in the media campaign to smear NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden consists of the allegation that the documents he disclosed aided Al Qaeda.

US terror list ensnares hundreds of thousands

Release of Senate report on torture stalled by CIA redactions

More on NSA spying and the defense of Edward Snowden »

Shaky truce holds in the Gaza Strip

By Peter Symonds, 7 August 2014

The Palestinian enclave remains under siege, with Israel assured of US support should it restart its murderous offensive.

Israel Defense Forces soldiers condemn destruction of Gaza

More on the war in Gaza »

Missouri carries out seventh execution of 2014

By Kate Randall, 7 August 2014

Michael Worthington’s execution Wednesday in Missouri was the first carried out in the US since the two-hour lethal injection of Joseph Wood in Arizona on July 23.

Arizona’s two-hour execution and the brutalization of America

Special operations commander to head University of Texas

By Ed Hightower, 7 August 2014

The governing board of the University of Texas unanimously selected Admiral William H. McRaven as the new chancellor.

First televised debate on Scottish independence referendum exposes fraud of “Yes and “No” campaigns

By Jordan Shilton and Julie Hyland, 7 August 2014

The most striking feature of the debate was that the growing economic and political crisis of global capitalism was not even hinted at.

Vote “no” in the Scottish referendum—Fight for a socialist Britain

Business leader selected as new chair of UK schools inspectorate

By Tania Kent, 7 August 2014

New UK schools inspectorate head David Hoare specialises in taking over failing enterprises, sacking workers, imposing cuts and restructuring work practices.

Austrian court delivers draconian verdict against student protester

By Denis Krassnin, 7 August 2014

The Viennese court’s harsh sentencing of Josef S. is meant to deter all protesters from pursuing their democratic rights.

Political crisis intensifies over Australian austerity budget

By Mike Head, 7 August 2014

Because of the popular hostility to the key social spending cuts, none of the “cross-bench” senators feels able to publicly support them.

More on the 2014 Australian budget »

Australian government moves to cut public sector pay and conditions

By Terry Cook, 7 August 2014

The proposed DHS agreement will create a benchmark to impose similar attacks on other federal public sector workers.

New in Turkish

Washington dünya savaşı planlıyor

Patrick Martin, 7 Ağustos 2014

ABD’nin askeri planlarına ilişkin 31 Temmuz’da yayımlanan dikkat çekici bir belge, Pentagon’a, düşmanın nükleer silahlara sahip olduğu savaşlar da dahil, eş zamanlı beş savaş sürdürmeye hazırlanma çağrısı yapıyor.

New in French

Protestations en France contre la guerre israélienne à Gaza

Par Pierre Mabut, 6 août 2014

Des manifestations se sont déroulées dans de nombreuses villes françaises contre le massacre de civils innocents à Gaza.

New in German

Washington bereitet sich auf Weltkrieg vor

Von Patrick Martin, 7. August 2014

Ein neuer Bericht schlägt dem Pentagon eine wesentlich aggressivere Politik vor und rechnet auch mit Krieg gegen atomar bewaffnete Gegner.

Wie die Linkspartei den Kampf gegen Militarismus und Krieg unterdrückt

Von Ulrich Rippert, 7. August 2014

Die Linkspartei nutzte den Krieg gegen Gaza, um sich in der Kriegsfrage uneingeschränkt hinter die Außenpolitik der Bundesregierung zu stellen.

Luftangriffe auf Donezk und Repressionen in der gesamten Ukraine

Von Christoph Dreier, 7. August 2014

Die ukrainische Armee geht mit enormer Brutalität gegen die Rebellengebiete im Osten des Landes vor. In der Nacht auf Mittwoch hat die Luftwaffe erstmals auch die Millionenstadt Donezk bombardiert.

Europäische Staats- und Regierungschefs nutzen Gedenken an Ersten Weltkrieg, um auf neue Kriege zu drängen

Von Stefan Steinberg, 7. August 2014

Vertreter von 83 Ländern nahmen an den zweitägigen Gedenkveranstaltungen im belgischen Lüttich teil.

Die globale Krise und Obamas Afrika-Gipfel

Von Bill Van Auken, 7. August 2014

Der Afrika-Gipfel in Washington, der sich inmitten der Krise in Gaza, der Ukraine und im Irak versammelte, zielt darauf ab, im Gerangel um die Märkte und die Rohstoffe Afrikas mit China gleichzuziehen.

Other Languages


The international significance of Australia’s World War I “celebrations”

7 August 2014

Australia’s commemorations are part of a global offensive to condition the population to the deepening drive to war.

Earlier Perspectives »


Guy Charron, 1962-2014: Canadian fighter for Trotskyism

By Keith Jones, 2 August 2014

It is with immense sadness that we announce the death of Guy Charron, a leader of the Socialist Equality Party (Canada) and a daily collaborator in the work of the WSWS.

Mehring Books

Foreword to The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

By David North, 1 August 2014

This essay by David North is the foreword to The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century, now available for pre-order at Mehring Books.


Fifty years since the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

By Patrick Martin, 7 August 2014

The US Congress voted near unanimously to authorize open-ended military action in Vietnam after a falsified account of supposed clashes between US naval warships and North Vietnamese PT boats in the Gulf of Tonkin.

August 1914 and the myth of general enthusiasm for war in the German working class

By Verena Nees, 6 August 2014

One hundred years since the outbreak of World War I

By Nick Beams, 5 August 2014


Washington plans for world war

By Patrick Martin, 6 August 2014

European leaders use World War I commemoration to press for new wars

By Stefan Steinberg, 6 August 2014

The return of German Great Power politics and the attacks on the historian Fritz Fischer

By Ulrich Rippert and Peter Schwarz, 5 August 2014

Are you ready for nuclear war?

By David North and Alex Lantier, 30 July 2014

Arts Review

Sage Francis’s Copper Gone: A critic, but frustrated

By Nick Barrickman, 6 August 2014

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, or Yawn of the Planet of the Apes

The Bankruptcy of Detroit

Detroit water workers denounce shutoffs

By Jerry White, 6 August 2014

Low turnout at Detroit “Water Affordability” stunt

More on the bankruptcy of Detroit »

Socialist Equality Party

Australia: SEP and IYSSE meetings discuss dangers of new world war

By our reporters, 6 August 2014

NSA Spying and the Defense of Edward Snowden

Canada’s telecoms aid state surveillance by handing over personal data

By Ed Patrick, 5 August 2014

New York judge upholds US efforts to seize emails from Microsoft

More on NSA spying and the defense of Edward Snowden »

25 years ago: US and Mexico agree on debt-reduction plan

August 7, 1989, a high-level meeting in Mexico City between US and Mexican officials resulted in a debt-reduction agreement devised to safeguard the interests of the most powerful US banks.

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50 years ago: US Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin resolution

On August 7, 1964 the Senate and the House of Representatives passed a resolution giving the president virtually unlimited authority to escalate the US war in Vietnam.

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75 years ago: US establishes War Resources Board

As the ruling class of the United States readied for all-out war, the Army and Navy commands announced on August 9, 1939 the formation of the War Resources Board.

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100 years ago: Germany invades Belgium

In the opening days of World War I, the military forces of Germany crossed the border into Belgium August 4, 1914 as part of a flanking operation against French forces.

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