Horton Foote’s Farewell

A playwright’s last screenplay shows hope for American drama.

A Canon for the Officer Corps

Seven books that teach our troops how to win today’s wars

Martial Law Enforcement

How the excessive militarization of the police is turning cops into counterinsurgents

What Would Jeremiah Do?

Jewish history gives today’s Christians an alternative to cultural secession.

End the Drug War, Save the Children

The surge in child border crossings is only the latest fallout from a failed prohibition policy.

Seven Reasons Police Brutality Is Systemic, Not Anecdotal

Official misconduct doesn’t just come from “a few bad apples.”

What Did We Learn From the Iraq War?

As bombs drop again, revisiting a decade of foreign-policy disasters becomes a matter of life or death.

The Folly of Arming the Syrian Opposition

If the U.S.-trained Iraqi army couldn’t stop ISIS, why would “moderate” rebels do any better?

White Messiah Complex

Why do liberal interventionists think the Third World needs them?

Two Cheers for Partisan History

Herbert Butterfield was wrong about Whig scholarship.

American Idols

Hollywood stars don’t just influence politics—they actually decide who wins elections.

The Battle of Alexandria

How riverside parks & hotels threaten a model of American urbanism

Why Liberalism Means Empire

Democracy isn’t the end of history, it’s a product of power.

The Repository

What is The Repository?

Very Kingsley Amis

Introducing video to The Repository.


Cobblestone Conservative

How Jane Jacobs saved New York City’s soul.