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Monday 11 November 2013

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Boris Johnson's island plan 'unrealistic'

A plan by London mayor Boris Johnson to close Heathrow and build a new airport on an island in the Thames has been dismissed by campaigners as unrealistic.

Weekend reports suggested the scheme - dubbed Boris Island - could be up and running within six years and is likely to be located near the Isle of Sheppey in Kent.

Passengers would be transported to and from central London on high-speed trains in about 35 minutes with luggage checked in at the station rather than the airport.

"If we can build St Paul's, the Gherkin, the Channel tunnel and all the rest of it, we can do this," said Kit Malthouse, one of Johnson's deputies, who is overseeing the airport project.

"We just need a bit of courage."

But although the scheme appeared to be good news for Heathrow residents it was dismissed as unworkable by anti-noise campaigners.

Chair John Stewart of the Heathrow Association for The Control of Aircraft Noise said : "I think this is giving the people of Heathrow false hope.

"It would certainly take noise away from residents but my feeling is that it is unrealistic.

"I think so much money has been invested in Heathrow over the last thirty or forty years that I can't see any government willing to close it down.

"I would ask Boris to instead look at ways of improving the high speed train networks to short-haul destinations like Paris so they can get rid of some of the needless flights out of Heathrow.

"Boris should let the train take the strain."

Johnson hopes the new airport would solve congestion at Heathrow, which serves 67 million passengers a year, and create new jobs east of the capital.

The proposal comes following the disastrous opening of T5 earlier this year which saw thousands of passengers stranded as airport staff struggled to copy with the new systems.

A new airport would have four runways and operate 24 hours a day.

Heathrow, branded a "national disgrace" by a former airline boss and criticised as "a planning error of the 1960s" by Johnson, could be turned into a vast technology park, the Mayor mooted.

"If you look at what is going on in other countries around the world – in Hong Kong, in Washington – it's not impossible to move the capital's biggest airport," Johnson has said.

Johnson's team have conducted a preliminary review and now plan a more detailed study with costings.

Hong Kong's island airport, which opened in 1998 with two runways, cost £10 billion.

The location, two miles north of the Isle of Sheppey, has been chosen because the estuary is only around 10ft deep and an artificial island could be created from landfill.

Aircraft would descend over the North Sea instead of disturbing residential areas in the approach to Heathrow.

"You would have no problems with expansion or noise," said Mr Malthouse.

"You could run a 24-hour airport."

Mr Malthouse said it was "madness" to expand current airports when there was an alternative solution.

The government is expected to decide by the end of the year whether to allow a controversial third runway to be built at Heathrow, at a cost of up to £13 billion.

But initial environmental studies suggest a third runway would breach noise and air quality targets set by the European Union.

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