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The Case For An Independent Socialist Scotland – free eBook download

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SSP PDF download

The Scottish Socialist Party is pleased to bring you our best-selling pamphlet “The Case For an Independent Socialist Scotland” as a free download.

We welcome all to download, share and discuss our arguments against continuing Westminster rule under a neo-liberal warmongering British state elite and our unique vision for an independent socialist Scotland.

We stand with Palestine

Written by Webmaster on . Posted in International, news

by Bill Bonnar

The Scottish Socialist Party utterly condemns the current Israeli aggression against the people of Gaza; an aggression which has killed more than 1000 people and inflicted severe damage of the vital infrastructure of this region. We condemn as lies the Israeli argument that they are simply defending themselves against Palestinian attacks.

Crowdfunding appeal

Written by Webmaster on . Posted in news

The Scottish Socialist Party is currently running its biggest campaign ever.

We’ve been active across Scotland – from Ayr to Aberdeen and beyond – with street stalls, public activity, meetings, and door-to-door canvassing. Whether as part of Yes Scotland, RIC, or working independently, we have received a positive response to our campaign work and canvassing and have received requests from all over Scotland for SSP campaign material.


Written by Simon Whittle, Scottish Socialist Voice on . Posted in news, Socialist Voice

Download A Marxist case for IndependenceIn this issue, the Scottish Socialist Party’s John McAllion – former Labour MP and MSP – explains why he thinks the Scottish Labour Party is a shadow of its former self. This theme is also taken up by Labour for independence’s Allan Grogan, and SSP workplace organiser Richie Venton in his piece ‘Ructions after the referendum’. 

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