A break

A note to all our readers: As of 24 July and until 1 September In Defence of Marxism will be pubishing on a less regular basis. Between 1 August and 18 August we will not be publishing our material at all. To stay up to date, subscribe to our newsletter.

Italy: Festa Rossa – a resounding success!

Written by FalceMartello Monday, 25 August 2014

From the minute comrades began to set up the stage, a week before the event was due to opAlan speaking-then, it was clear that the times were ripe for the return of our national Red Festival (Festa Rossa) for the 4th year. As soon as the first comrades set foot in the XXII Aprile park, in the city of Modena, mounting tents, stages, kitchens and various stands, dozens of people from the neighbourhood came to us expressing their delight that the communist gathering had returned to the area.


The Jammu Kashmir National Student Federation in solidarity with the people of Palestine

Written by Danial Arif Monday, 25 August 2014

rally-in-r-thThe JKNSF organised protests rallies in many cities of Kashmir in solidarity with Palestinians and against the imperialist aggression in Gaza which has killed hundreds of innocent citizens.


USA: Notes From Ferguson

Written by St. Louis Workers International League Friday, 22 August 2014

Ferguson hands up dont shoot-light brigading-thAs the protests in Ferguson, MO, enter their 12th day, following the shooting of Michael Brown by local police, the Workers International League (US section of the IMT) continues to intervene in this spontaneous upsurge, in Ferguson itself, and on the campuses in the area. These events mark a qualitative turning point in the class struggle in the United States. It is already being recognized as an event for which there will be a “before” and an “after,” even by the talking heads in the media and the representatives of the capitalist political establishment.


USA: "You Can't Have Capitalism Without Racism"

Written by Workers International League (USA) Friday, 22 August 2014

Leaflet for demonstrations against police repression in Ferguson, MO can be downloaded here.


The rich protect their own: scandal cover-up exposes rottenness of the British Establishment

Written by Rob Sewell Wednesday, 20 August 2014

thumb houses-of-parliament-thA fish rots from the head down. It is the same for the crisis-ridden British Tory Establishment.


Fightback at the Peoples' Social Forum (Ottawa)

Written by Fightback (Canada) Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Join Fightback and La Riposte (Quebec) at the Peoples' Social Forum in Ottawa, this coming Aug. 21-24. Thousands are expected to attend and we will be on hand to make sure that the ideas of Marxism are being heard loud and clear! Join us at one of our workshops, at our information stall, or at the Canadian première of the documentary, "Greece on the Brink".


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El Salvador appeal


Donate to help bring a comrade from El Salvador to the IMT World Congress.
[Read the appeal]


Featured articles

marx-engels-crop-th The Ideas of Karl Marx

By Alan Woods


thumb Demonstration Perspectives for World Revolution 2014

By International Marxist Tendency


israel-pal-bomb-fea The criminal shelling of Gaza and imperialist hypocrisy



donbas-miners-antifascist-strike-fea Theses on Ukraine

By In Defence of Marxism



D-Day and the truth about the Second World War

By Alan Woods


lenin-2-crop-th In defence of Lenin

By Rob Sewell


emancipatin-of-women-thumb Women and the Struggle for Socialism

By Alan Woods


Ucrania: el vuelo MH17 - el imperialismo y el arte de la hipocresía

Written by Alan Woods Monday, 25 August 2014

La muerte de aproximadamente 300 hombres, mujeres y niños inocentes en un vuelo de Malaysian Airline ha conmovido al mundo. El vuelo MH17 desde Ámsterdam a Kuala Lumpur estaba cruzando la región ucraniana del conflicto cuando desapareció del radar. Un total de 283 pasajeros, incluyendo unos 80 niños, y 15 miembros de la tripulación estaban a bordo.


Obama apoya los bombardeos en Irak: ¡No a la intervención imperialista!

Written by Nathan Beesley y Adam Booth Friday, 22 August 2014

En Psicología clínica, déjà vu es definido como "la experiencia de percibir una situación nueva como si hubiera ocurrido antes. A veces se asocia con el agotamiento o ciertos tipos de trastorno mental".


4 de agosto de 1914: La gran traición y colapso de la II Internacional

Written by Rob Sewell Wednesday, 20 August 2014

thumb August-1914-cover-of-VorwartsEste año, se cumplen no sólo 100 años desde el estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial, sino también el centenario de otra debacle: el colapso de la II Internacional, el organismo internacional que reunía bajo su bandera a todos los partidos obreros de masas.