Inter-imperialist war 1914-1918

Saturday 27 July 2pm

Speakers: Dr. Brian Hanley historian
Eddie Glackin Communist Party of Ireland

James Connolly House
43 East Essex Street,
Temple Bar, Dublin  
Articles from the ISN
Labour Goes From Boom To Bust
Since it entered government almost three years ago, Labour’s popularity has been plunging like a lead balloon. One recent survey put support for the party as low as six per cent. If those fi....
Demanding a Future for Young People
Here are a few of the things the government did lately instead of creating jobs for the 414,300 people now unemployed: —Set up Garda checkpoints in industrial estates to tackle the 0.1 per ....
Roma Case exposes State Racism
Racism makes people behave in strange ways. On 22 October, the day we learned Gardaí had detained a Roma girl in Tallaght because she didn’t look the part, two people drove around n....
No relief in sight for Northern economy
Northern Ireland got a new Finance Minister in August—Simon Hamilton of the DUP—and he made a splash with his first major speech. Hamilton noted familiar facts about the northern econo....
Greeks Bearing Lessons
Our politicians may like to say that ‘Ireland is not Greece’, but if you want to see how bad things can get as the Euro-crisis trundles on, keeping a close eye on Greek developments wo....
Campaign Against Household and Water Taxes Cant Pay, Wont Pay
The Campaign Against the Household Tax is currently a precursor coalition of political and community activists, including trade unionists, tenants association organisers, TDs, and others come togeth....
Irish Ship to Gaza - Freedom Flotilla 2
Support Irish Ship to Gaza efforts to send a large Irish contingent on Freedom Flotilla 2 by donating towards the cost of an Irish ship. Please help them ensure that Ireland is fully represented in t....
Asbestos - The Silent Killer
Local leaflet distributed by Belfast ISN.   ASBESTOS - THE SILENT KILLER Dear Resident, It has been brought to our attention that asbestos is contained within a building site located at 1....
The 420 Billion giveaway: How Ireland is losing its valuable natural resources
An information pack on Ireland’s offshore oil and gas and the Corrib Gas controversy, prepared by Dublin Shell to Sea November 2009. Download a PDF file (46mb) of the information pack INTRO....
1% Network demands that the rich pay for their own crisis
The Irish Socialist Network is part of the 1% Network - putting the spotlight on the rich elite who gave us the economic crisis and now expect us to pay the costs while they keep hold of their wealth.....
Also On the Web
Ireland: Shock, austerity, Sinn Féin and the United Left Alliance
Des Derwin in forensic detail gives his analysis of the state of the Irish left.  He checks the balance sheet of ULA progress to date and how it fits in to what is happening in Ireland at the pre....
NAFTA on Steroids
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would grant enormous new powers to corporations, is a massive assault on democracy.  Lori Wallach reports ....
Greg Palast: Fracking in Ireland and Being Dependent on Halliburton’s Mud
Greg Palast was in Dublin recently to give a talk about oil companies and their interest in fracking in Ireland.  Here in an article, he gives some background to their shady dealings.  They\....
New Hope in Ireland
The Irish election returned five TDs for the United Left Alliance, with 2.8 per cent of the first preference votes. But this victory for the Left is only part of a bigger picture of political change....
Occupying Dublin: Considerations at the Crossroads
Helena Sheehan who was active in Occupy Dame Street from it\\\'s beginning on October 8th 2011 recounts her experiences  of the camp.  Its a serious analysis of the local branch of a worldwi....
"The Irish Socialist Network has published pamphlets on the North of Ireland, the financial crisis and South Africa - you can buy them for €2 each or €5 for three. Contact us at to get your copies"