Monday, August 04, 2014

Millions of migrants pour into Italy

This article, translated from the Italian, appeared at François Desouche on July 25. Due to its length, some abridging was necessary:

There are millions of them. They're fleeing war, dictators, religious persecutions, hunger. And they all have the same destination: Italy. For many, it's only a transit, for others the final destination of their desperate journey. They come from Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, the Horn of Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Eritrea, Somalia, Nigeria, Sudan, Congo, India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines.

Concerning Africa, ninety percent reach the Libyan coast and head for our Peninsula. A biblical exodus that enriches the merchants of human beings by encouraging drug trafficking and the infiltration of potential Islamist terrorists. This exodus has caused our welcoming services to explode and our State coffers to become impoverished, which in turn compromises the efficiency of sanitary measures and now raises the specter of infectious diseases, such as Ebola, TB, meningitis and cholera.

"Fortress Europe" is being attacked, and the foothold to getting into the EU lies along the Italian coastlines. Religious or intertribal conflicts, merciless dictatorships, famines and internal pogroms are pushing an enormous mass of people to seek salvation in emigration, a phenomenon that has taken on alarming dimensions in recent months. It is true that our secret services are alarmed. Very much so. In their reports they stress that the recent pogroms are attributable to two main factors: "battles between militias in Libya and the civil war in Syria."

The article describes how Libya is falling apart from the fighting between tribes and separatists, and how criminal organizations engage in illegal human trafficking, counting on the corruption of those who control the borders. In Syria the endless civil war forces many refugees to try to get to northern Europe, via Italy. Other factors are the attacks on Christian communities by Muslims and the growing poverty of the population.

Libya is the point of departure for ninety percent of the migrants from the "black continent". A sort of "preferred migratory hub." And it is there that the greatest number of people waiting to go to Sicily are concentrated, or in rare cases Calabria. On the other hand, many Syrians, but also Palestinians pass through Turkey on regularly scheduled flights, then seek a passage to our shores. The "new Turkish connection" also has its origin in the anti-terrorist and anti-criminal policies of the Cairo government that regards the Syrian refugees as allies of the fallen Muslim Brotherhood.

Libya and Syria are not the only preoccupations of our secret services. In the immediate future they foresee waves of migrants from the Central African Republic where there are already a million refugees. In Nigeria the Boko Haram caused half a million persons to become "displaced", while 60,000 Nigerians fled to Cameroon, Chad and Niger (…)

The article warns that because the politicians are not reliable, the agreements between Italy and Libya cannot be kept, and the massive migrations will become more organized. Trafficking of drugs, weapons and contraband will be encouraged.

We cannot feel safe. Because there is the risk of epidemics as well. The exceptional number of migrants makes hygiene monitoring arduous on board our ships and at Sicilian landing points. Although for now there are no signals of dangerous pathologies, we are aware of the spread in Africa of the Ebola virus in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. There is cholera in the Sudan, tuberculosis and polio in the Horn of Africa and the sub-Saharan zone. Meningitis in the Iberian enclave of Melilla, and MERS, a respiratory ailment not very different from SARS, in Algeria and Saudi Arabia.

Note: MERS refers to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. SARS is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

Melilla is a Spanish city on the coast of North Africa.

They will arrive not only in large numbers but they will soon be enraged. Our welcoming services, in truth, are saturated now and it aggravates the discomfort of the migrants, which in turn triggers protests, often violent, such as self-mutilation and en masse fleeing.

This exodus could compromise the integration of foreigners as ethnic ghettos grow larger and as migrants are exposed to prostitution, black markets and organized crime that seeks to intercept demands from southern entrepreneurs in need of workers for the fields.

Finally, the invasion makes it difficult to identify the newcomers, thus allowing criminals or jihadist terrorists to enter through our national borders. Our leaders have been warned.

The video below is in Italian. I regret I don't have time to work out a translation, but the images speak for themselves. The city is Catania, in Sicily, and you can see the situation in the streets and parks. The video comes from Révoltes en Europe, as does the photo above.

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Sunday, August 03, 2014

The fear of Ebola

Two alternative medicine websites have articles on Ebola: Natural News and Green Med Info. The latter is more technical and discusses possible natural treatments for the disease, though much more research is needed.

The Ebola scare has infected the West, even though so far only two persons with the disease, Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol, have returned to the United States for treatment. CBS News reports:

The first American reported to have contracted the disease is Dr. Kent Brantly, 33, from Fort Worth, Texas, the North Carolina-based charity Samaritan's Purse said.

Brantly, the medical director for the relief group's Ebola care center on the outskirts of the Liberian capital of Monrovia, was stable but in very serious condition, said Ken Isaacs, a vice president of Samaritan's Purse.

The second American to contract the disease was identified as Nancy Writebol of Charlotte, N.C. Isaacs said she was a worker with an allied aid group SIM, or Serving in Mission, which runs the hospital where Samaritan's Purse has an Ebola care center on the grounds. He said she was in stable and serious condition.

A doctor from Sierra Leone was taken to Germany for treatment where he died. A few days earlier Samuel Brisbane, one of Liberia's most famous doctors died after contracting the disease while treating a patient.

I have not heard of any cases in France, but readers at François Desouche are having a great time joking over Jean-Marie Le Pen's Ebola crack that he made in Marseille back in May 2014. At a rally held before the European elections, the honorary president of the Front National said the following as reported by Le Figaro.

"Massive immigration risks creating a veritable replacement of the population if we don't quickly put a stop to the policies of decadence that have been implemented for decades. (…) There are 735 million inhabitants in Europe. Facing them are seven billion. It's the result of the demographic explosion and the fact that, at the same time, the production of goods did not follow the same curve. You earn twenty euros a month in Nepal, forty euros in Bangladesh, 100 million people live on one dollar a day in the Nile delta triangle. (…) This massive immigration is exacerbated by a religious question: a great part of these immigrants are Muslims, a religion that has a conquering mission, more so when it feels itself strong and numerous. Even within our own ranks - not the FN, but in France - it is conquering numerous new converts."

Just before this meeting, during a cocktail party with the press, he had spoken with Front National mayor Marc-Etienne Lansade of the city of Cogolin about the problems he would bring up in his speech, namely, overpopulation:

"It's never too late, but it is much too late nonetheless. Monsieur Ebola can solve this in three months."

Note: Another of his inscrutable remarks that can be interpreted two ways. Did he mean that the immigrants should be deliberately infected so that they would die, thus solving the immigration problem? Or did he mean that the disease, by its very presence, could result in an epidemic that would solve the problem? His daughter rushed to his defense saying he was expressing his concern over the disease.

His comments made headlines in the English-language press. Breitbart had the story, dated May 22, 2014.

Though doctors say there's little chance of an epidemic in the United States, the disease may have an effect on the populations of Europe after all, but not in the sense Le Pen meant. What about the millions of immigrants pouring into Italy from Africa? The potential for disease is alarming and provides the best possible justification for closing the borders - a humanitarian disaster. I hope to have another article on the invasion of Italy posted soon.

The photo at the top shows hospital workers being sprayed with chlorine.

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Saturday, August 02, 2014

Islamic text no worse than the Bible

From MetroNews:

On the occasion of ramadan (now over), the wide distribution in France of a book entitled La Voie du Musulman (The Way of the Muslim) ignited a controversy. Advocating an armed battle against the enemies of Islam, it was the object of a petition demanding it be banned. The Interior ministry, called on to make a decision, indicated to MetroNews that it could not pull the book from the shelves.

La Voie du Musulman, published in April 2014, promises on the book jacket "solutions in keeping with the demands of the modern world." Its author, Algerian sheikh Abu Bakr al-Jazairi, leads an exegesis of the Koran and hadith to illuminate the behavior of those who practice Islam. But after chapters on "faith", "decorum", "the morale of the Muslim", and "religious practices", the chapter on "social relations" discusses at length a controversial topic: "the holy war, the jihad."

In these eleven pages, the author develops a bellicose analysis of Islam. "Jihad has as its goal to understand and to contain miscreants, enemies of Islam and of the Muslim community. It's a duty for all Muslims that all believers are called on to accomplish", he begins on page 263. Consequently "Muslims should install all sorts of weapons factories to manufacture all types of arms used in the world." Page 267 states that "Muslims must also improve and become proficient in the military art of defense and offense in order to defend themselves or attack at the opportune moment so that the word of God may triumph." And thirteen pages later, the book insists: "The heretic is the Muslim who denies his religion, becomes Jewish, Christian or atheist, of his own free will. He is ordered to return to Islam within three days, if he refuses, he is liable to receive the death penalty."

Contacted by MetroNews, Carrefour, a major outlet where the book is sold, insisted that "other stores are also selling it" on the occasion of ramadan. Annoyed by the controversy, the company emphasized that sales would stop on July 19. Fnac, that is still selling the work, admitted to Le Figaro that it's a "sensitive issue."

Note: Fnac is another major outlet government subsidized.

The publisher insisted the controversial pages were only a small part of the work, but said he would remove it on orders from the Interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve.

The ministry of the Interior confirmed it had been alerted regarding the "salafist radical book." Even though the issue arose in the midst of an anti-jihad operation, Bernard Cazeneuve's services claimed they could do nothing. "You can't ban books because they are shocking. If there is no call to hatred or no apology of terrorism, we cannot ban it. It is not a crime to advocate jihad, it's not criminally reprehensible," the ministry affirms, while assuring that "legal experts" will examine the issue. Then the ministry of the Interior and of Religion, in an effort to put the controversy into perspective, pointed out that this type of material is not limited to Islamic works: "If you take the Bible, it's the same thing, there are also shocking passages and yet, we are not going to ban it."

The amazing thing is that this story appeared in Le Figaro (paper edition) thanks to coverage by Joachim Véliocas, writing at his blog Islamisation. Véliocas had attempted to alert the anti-jihad service by calling a special "green number" to report that major outlets in France were selling Islamic texts advocating the murder of homosexuals and apostates. The woman who took his call listened to his story, but became belligerent when he tried to convince her to inform the Interior ministry. She cut him off, and refused to answer his questions. The audio of his conversation with her, along with a seven-minute video in which Véliocas analyses certain passages of the book are posted here.

At the same link is a snapshot (below) of the article from Le Figaro in which a lawyer who specializes in publication rights states:

"It's very rare, but you can ban a book at the request of someone mentioned in the book, but the legal proceedings are rather long. In the case of these Islamic books, a ban strikes me as difficult, in principle."

On July 30 Joachim Véliocas posted another video, seven minutes long, of an interview conducted with him by TV Libertés, the recently formed news channel that attempts to counteract government misinformation and indoctrination. In the interview (by phone) he denounces Bernard Cazeneuve, minister of the Interior for comparing the Bible to Islamic texts and for saying in substance that it's no big deal. He explains that he tried to contact the management of Carrefour but no one listened; that despite what Cazeneuve says the book is about terrorism; and recalls that in 1993, when there was a wave of Islamist terrorist attacks, the minister of the Interior Charles Pasqua banned a work by Yussuf al Qaradawi. One important point he emphasizes is that the text in question contains instructions, commandments, that are meant to be obeyed today, while the Bible is a work of history, and the events in it happened at some point in the past. 

I'm posting the interview below for those who understand French.

Note: On banning books, my feelings are conflicted. Unofficially, we are at war with Islam, or rather Islam is at war with us. In time of war it may be necessary to ban certain texts, but other than that is it to our advantage to ban Islamic texts? Isn't it better to make them available so that we can at least know how the enemy thinks?

Of course, the book should not have been for sale in major shopping areas. To remove it from those shelves would not necessarily be a total ban since it would still be available in bookstores and libraries. 

The biggest problem is the ignorance of the people who, like Bernard Cazeneuve, may not be able to distinguish one type of religious book from another.

Another aspect of this story is that certain Muslim clerics have objected to the book on grounds it gives a false impression of Islam. For these scholars banning or restricting the work is desirable.

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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Air Algérie flight AH5017

A long page from Le Figaro gives an account of what happened from the moment they knew the plane was down. They learned that persons of numerous nationalities were on board, including several families with many children. François Hollande delayed his departure for Reunion Island. An expert from the Algerian TSA stated that the Spanish plane, chartered by Air Algérie, had already had several engine breakdowns (another expert in Marseille, who had examined the plane said it was in good condition). Fifty-one French nationals were on board. Around 5:00 p.m. on July 24 Laurent Fabius declared that the plane had "probably crashed". A few minutes later the plane was sighted in the desert, in an area difficult to reach. The rumor that Fidel Castro's niece was on board was not true. The Paris prosecutor opened an inquiry into "involuntary homicide", a measure authorized by French law when French victims have been identified, even if the event takes place in a foreign country. Hollande cancelled all trips and said that everything would be done to recover the plane. An eye-witness claimed to have seen the pane "fall" in the Gossi zone in northern Mali. Foreign minister Laurent Fabius said that all hypotheses would be examined. Nothing, not even terrorism, was excluded, but bad weather seemed to be a factor. The pilot had requested permission to turn around because of storms.

On July 25 it was announced that the wreckage had been found in northern Mali and that the plane had completely disintegrated. A detachment of one hundred French soldiers was sent to the site of the crash. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve expressed doubts that the plane exploded in mid-air, preferring the hypothesis of bad weather. The secretary of State for Transportation, Frédéric Cuvillier, excluded the theory that the plane was shot down by a missile. Le Parisien revealed that the crew was not experienced on this route. Seven members of one family were on board. An audio excerpt of a family member suggests, from his accent, that they were North African. Another family of five, from le Cantal, were on board, as were a couple and their three children from la Creuse. Ten members of a family from la Loire were on board - a father, his ex-wife, their two sons, their daughters-in-law and their four grandchildren. Gérard Arnoux, of airport security, declared on television that if the debris of the plane was scattered, it probably meant an explosion. General Diendéré of Burkina Faso speaking on television noted that the plane was completely burned, and there were "human remains".

On July 25 François Hollande announced that a black box had been recovered. (Note how miraculous this is - the plane completely disintegrated, but the box was found.) Twenty-one gendarmes were sent to the crash site to help identify the victims. Air France decided to fly around the site as a precaution.

The video below shows scenes of the wreckage. The plane was blown to smithereens, and the debris is scattered over a wide area.

The number of passengers was 118, not 116 as originally thought. Fifty-four Frenchmen were killed. A pilot for Air Algérie was a passenger on board the plane. The pilots on duty were of Spanish origin, the plane being owned by a Spanish group called Swiftair.

There is conflicting information on the crash site, some saying it is accessible and free of jihadists, but others pointing to its inaccessibility because of the savanna and the desert.

After numerous expressions of sorrow and sympathy for the families François Hollande declared three days of mourning for the victims of the crash: July 28-July 30. This move aroused considerable surprise and scorn for Hollande, who inexplicably chose to single out this event from among so many others, including crimes, train wrecks, war casualties, etc… Le Figaro readers reacted:

- This announcement from Elysée is an insult to my intelligence.

- He did not fly the flag at half-mast for the soldiers who fell in combat in Mali and the Central African Republic. He wasn't even present at their funerals. (…)

- Despite the horror of this accident and many others, unfortunately, our president wrote a script so stupid no director would accept it… Even ZZ movies would be more acceptable. Shame on him!

- By inviting the families of the victims of this accident, Hollande offends all the other families who have lost loved ones in other accidents!

François Hollande promised that "all the bodies from the plane" would be brought back as soon as possible to France. He said the families could go to the crash site if they wished where a stele will be erected in memory of all the victims. A second black box was recovered on July 27.

As I post I have no confirmation that a member of Hezbollah was on board the plane, but the rumor has gotten a great deal of attention. François Desouche has information that must be regarded as speculative for now:

Of the 116 or 118 persons on board flight Air Algérie AH5017 that crashed in Mali, at least thirty-three French military personnel including three officials of the secret service and a Lebanese leader of Hezbollah were present. As the Algerian authorities affirmed, the real cause of the accident will be established only after a careful investigation and they do not exclude a terrorist attack. (…) A local paper, citing sources, claims that French troops were on board. There were at least nineteen Lebanese passengers and some of them had dual nationality, including a presumed Hezbollah leader disguised as a businessman. A team of Lebanese experts left for Mali to help in the investigation. Meanwhile, militants of a Movement for Jihad in West Africa (MOJWA), known locally as Tawhid, and Jihad in West Africa, say they are situated near the site of the accident. Al-Qaïda is supposed to have an arsenal of missiles that came from contraband through Libya. But experts persist in excluding an earth to air attack.

We do know the plane went down in free fall - like a stone. There was no attempt to land. "It went down from an altitude of 10,000 meters to zero in about three minutes, a dizzying feat, considering the mass of the plane," stated general Gilbert Diendéré of Burkino Faso.

There has been no new update to the article at François Desouche. Readers' comments denounce everything the television news says, and all conspiracy theories, but they come up with some wild theories of their own.

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A pittance for Iraq

There's so much to write about. I've been reading online, and I've been ridding my personal library of dozens of books - either throwing them out, or taking them to used bookstores. Paradoxically, at a time in my life when I should never buy another book, I have just ordered three from Amazon, though the number discarded far exceeds the new ones. Why keep old college texts, or books that are falling apart, or books on topics I am no longer interested in? If you live long enough, you get several lives, like a cat. And what was important to you in one life is useless in another. This is not a bad thing - it means I'm progressing, moving on, and saying "good-bye to all that", as Robert Graves put it.

The good news - using "good" somewhat wryly - is that the Christians of Iraq, slowly, painfully, are prompting more and more normally brain-dead politicians to speak out, before their soul is forever condemned to suffer the fiery torments of hell, especially since the next presidential election is only three years away. In France, as in America (but I think more so in France), they are always anxious for the next election to undo what they did in the last election - except they never undo anything. They simply re-do the same charade with different names.

Here's a short item from Le Salon Beige:

Romain Nadal, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, declared that 400,000 euros in humanitarian aid had been unblocked for those "displaced persons within Iraq and for the refugees" (to speak of "Christians" must hurt his teeth). A sum that will be added to the 14 million euros unblocked in 2014 by the European Union to help the displaced persons in Iraq, and Iraqi refugees in Jordan and Lebanon.

The Foreign Ministry called for the "formation of a government of national unity as rapidly as possible."

Note: LSB readers react:

- It seems to me I heard about 11 million for Hamas?

- Who are they kidding? It's laughable!

- There are loads of references to the 11 million for Hamas.

Note: Among the references he cites is this one from Le Point.

- Is Fabius calling for the formation of a government of national unity… in France? Following the antisemitic riots?

- I don't know who "unblocks" but it took a long time for this announcement that is closer to reluctant charity than to a genuine awakening regarding what is at stake for civilization. I greatly fear that the 400,000 euros will mean very little by the time it gets there. They may even spend it on various items of great urgency (as our rulers say) - contraceptives, for example.

- Meanwhile, State Medical Aid that greatly benefits the Mohammedan invaders of all stripes, is costing one billion euros a year…

- It's much less than for al-Qaïda! I heard that 60 million euros go to this very honorable NGO. Surprising, isn't it? France's one party, the UMPS, is lining the pockets of terrorism.

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Pro-Christian demonstration in Lyon

About five hundred people came out to demonstrate their concern for Iraqi Christians on Saturday July 26 in Lyon. Several religious dignitaries were present including Philippe Barbarin, archbishop of Lyon.

Le Salon Beige reports:

During the rally a letter dated July 24 from His Beatitude Louis Raphaël 1st Sako, patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans, to His Eminence cardinal Philippe Barbarin, archbishop of Lyon and primate of the Gauls:

"To His Eminence Cardinal Philippe Barbarin

Archbishop of Lyon

Your Eminence, dear Father,

as my thoughts today turn to the situation in Iraq, Syria and Gaza-Palestine, my heart bleeds for the innocent who are dying or are being driven from their homes, and I am sad for the timidity of the civilized world towards us.

Dear Father,

your courage, prayer, and the closeness of those who are around you in this march of solidarity, keep alive in us the confidence and strength needed to hope.

Eastern Christianity must not disappear. Its disappearance is a mortal sin and a great loss to the Church and humanity. It must survive or better, it must live in freedom and dignity.

In this storm, may you and those who are with you accept the expression of my gratitude.

Forget us not!

Raphael Louis Sako
Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans

Baghdad, 24 July 2014"

Note: I have posted the English version of the letter as it appears at AsiaNews.

Read about Louis Sako (above) at Wikipedia.

Also read the latest article from Patriarch Sako at AINA.

The organizers of the pro-Christian rally in Lyon sent this communiqué:

"On the initiative of the Assyro-Chaldean community of Lyon and of the Christians of Lyon, a crowd of more than five hundred persons gathered to alert the public authorities and the media about the dramatic situation of the Christians of Iraq.

Father Annis Hanna, op, an Iraqi dominican, described the condition of the places affected by EIIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) policies. Since the decree of July 17, the Christians have four choices: to convert to Islam, to pay the tax owed by dhimmis (several times the average wage), to leave the country and leave behind all goods, or to die. At the border checkpoint, baby bottles, wedding rings, everything is confiscated. Christians who fled Mosul by the thousands these past few days lost everything. Only sixty-five families remain in Mosul.

Present today were archbishop Barbarin, primate of the Gauls, Camel Kabtane, grand mufti of the great mosque of Lyon, representatives of the Assyro-Chaldean community of Lyon, Vaulx-en-Velin and the Rhône, and representatives of other churches. Letters from Louis Sako, patriarch of the Chaldeans and professor Joseph Yacoub, specialist on human rights, and rights of ethnic and linguistic minorities, were read.

He then names the political dignitaries who were present, and closes:

The situation of the Christians of Iraq is sincerely moving and contrary to the great principles of Human Rights. France and Europe cannot remain insensitive and must act in the interest of these populations and in their own interests before it is too late."

Note: The last line above implies that France had better act soon, prompting one Le Salon Beige reader to write:

- Is it not evident from the speed of events in Iraq and the Mideast, that it is we who should now be preparing mentally to fight - now for our own children here in France, where the secular government, totally complicit, doesn't move a finger to stop the criminal impulses of Islamists both in and out of our country, as we can see in the latest violence during demonstrations that were banned…!!!??

While Valls and other authorities, on the right, on the left, break the ramadan fast, how many Mohamed Merah are being indoctrinated in the mosques of France by imams taking advantage of republican opportunities!!!??? And again, without mentioning the innumerable crimes that we read about every day, you'd think we were in the Camp of the Saints. It's revolting. It's time to open our eyes. After Iraq, what comes next? Jihadists are at the gates of Europe, make no mistake!

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Pro-Christian demonstration in Paris (with Mauritanians!)

While five thousand "pro-Gaza" demonstrators intimidated the police on Saturday July 26 in Paris, only about one thousand pro-Christian demonstrators showed up at Trocadéro (above) to express their support for the Christians of Iraq. Like most Christian demonstrations, they were polite, friendly and totally non-violent, until the rally was disrupted by an invasion of Muslim Africans from Mauritania, a land that was part of French West Africa a century ago. Tall men wearing traditional costumes, carrying a green flag embellished with a crescent, arrived at Trocadéro  presumably to protest their government's policy on the census but other than that I have no idea why they were there. Their protest was authorized by the prefect, but they were supposed to march towards their own embassy, not stand on the terrace where the Christians were demonstrating. The video below gives some idea. There's nothing to translate, but you may hear the words "Islam assassin!" and "Nous sommes tous des Chrétiens d'Orient!" (We are all Eastern Christians!) towards the end.

Caroline Alamachère of Riposte Laïque describes the scene as "not spectacular" but "invigorating" thanks to the motivation of those who chose to come. As for those who did not come:

Some Christians had refused to come support their brothers because of the presence of Frenchmen a bit too patriotic for their taste. Patriotism, the kind their grandfathers died for, has now become odious and eminently condemnable. Of course, these conscientious condemnations only hold true for Frenchmen, since the patriotism of foreigners is strongly encouraged and applauded. (…)

Of course, the journalists did not deem it useful to come, except for TV-Libertés, always conscientious and trustworthy. The other media sources scorned ostensibly the fate of the most persecuted religious community in the world. One hundred five thousand deaths in 2012 alone, repeated in 2013, then 2014… but this won't help the ratings of the nightly news. The massacre of Christians doesn't sell, it's worth nothing.

She then describes the singing of hymns in French and Aramaic, led by Yako Elish, a Franco-Iraqi Christian who co-founded the Association of Aid to the Minorities of the East. At that point the Mauritanians arrived:

The police, instead of sending them away for not having legal papers or for disturbing the peace, told us to move away. Tension and aggressiveness towards us increased, a confrontation was imminent. While I was filming the scene a policeman, very irritated, told me to move away because they might become agitated. "Madame, you are doing it deliberately, move away, it's not worth provoking them". The last straw! This was our demonstration, they came to disrupt it, but we're the ones who have to move away, back off, leave the place to them and above all not provoke them, since obviously they might become aggressive (…)

The leader of the Mauritanians chanted "Racism in Mauritania!" and "I am black! I am black!", repeating it over and over for many minutes, as we shrugged our shoulders in disbelief muttering: "Who cares if you're black!"

The crowd of Christian supporters, quite angry at being prevented from demonstrating, angry as well at the sight of a Palestinian flag flying in the distance began to shout: "Islam assassin!" "We are all Eastern Christians!", followed by "Hollande assassin!" and "Fabius assassin!". This was enough to cheer up those who bemoaned the fact that more Christians did not feel the need to come support their persecuted brothers.

Here is a brief excerpt from Wikipedia about Mauritania:

 - Modern-day slavery is still a common practice in Mauritania. According to some estimates, up to 600,000 Mauritanians, or 20% of the population, are still enslaved. A 2012 CNN report, "Slavery's Last Stronghold," by John D. Sutter, describes and documents the ongoing slave-owning cultures. This social discrimination is applied chiefly against the "black Moors" (Haratin) in the northern part of the country, where tribal elites among "white Moors" (Beidane) hold sway. Low-caste groups within the sub-Saharan African ethnic groups of the south are also sometimes enslaved.

The sign reads:

"Christians are crucified alive on crosses with nails."

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July 26, 2014, a friendly pro-Gaza demonstration

It was a bad day in Paris. I was out most of the day, so I'm just catching up. I hope my readers have other sources of information. The video below shows what happened in Paris yesterday July 26 during a pro-Gaza demonstration. I read that the demonstration had been banned. But in accordance with the rule that orders from the prefect do not apply to pro-Palestinians the ban was observed in the breach. From the video things became very violent and the police had to back off. There is a slide show at Le Figaro. The photo above reminded me of 9/11.

The websites are immersed in pro and anti comments, most of them beyond the irrational. "Irrational" no longer describes the reactions of those readers who either hate Israel or who place the blame for the violence in Paris squarely on the shoulders of the Jews themselves. There is of course some truth in this, but the Jews who promoted immigration belong almost entirely to the left and extreme-left. There is plenty of blame to go around - the French leaders of both "right" and left have pursued a catastrophic immigration policy for five decades. But right now it seems we have gone beyond the point where reasonable discourse is possible. 

A reminder: the term "antisemitism" has today the meaning of anti-Jewish, even though Arabs and Berbers are also Semites. The word (which I write as one word) does not refer to Arabs, even though in the strictest linguistic sense it does. The battle that the Western countries will have to fight sooner or later will be against Islam, not against Arabs. Islam is everywhere. It is a politico-religious ideology found in Africa, Indonesia, China, America, Europe, Russia, Turkey, etc... as well as the Middle East. For now, the Israelis, with their better army and their better skills, are winning their phase of the war. David can beat Goliath just so long. At some point, if Israel loses, the Muslims will feel superhumanly powerful and will have no trouble taking over the terrified West, unless we stop them.

Is the West worth fighting for? Not in its current state of decadence. But we have no choice. It's our civilization.

The silence of Marine Le Pen is also being talked about, and I will try to have a post on it time permitting. The Jewish websites have revealed that the vast majority of anti-Israel comments are banned in the French press, which triggered some sarcasm at François Desouche where the readers hostile to Israel claim this is always the case. Jewish websites consistently regard France as antisemitic and the rise of the Front National as proof. However, in the comment sections there are always some who mercifully point out that the problem in France is the rise of Islam, and that the aim of Islam is first to kill the Jews, then the Christians. Whether these sane comments have any real effect I cannot say.

Note that I am posting the video without permission from the producers. I will try to get their consent. If it is removed, you can view it at YouTube.

Many other things happened today in France: pro-Christian demonstrations in Paris and Lyon, possibly elsewhere. I will provide more information as soon as possible.

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Friday, July 25, 2014

Scenes from July 23, 2014

Here are two photos from Wednesday's demonstration in Paris. They speak for themselves. There are many more at Riposte Laïque.

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More demonstrations to come

Jean-Patrick Grumberg, writing at Dreuz (a pro-Christian, pro-Israel site), has posted a map (above) of Wednesday's (July 23) demonstrations throughout France. All demonstrations were in support of Hamas, and all were authorized by the government. Several associations sponsored these events: 1) the AFPS (Solidarity France-Palestine); 2) the Collective for a Just and Lasting Peace between Palestinians and Israelis; 3) the Collective Solidarity-Palestine; 4) the 69 Collective for Support for the Palestinian People. The first one listed above demonstrated in Lille and Reims; the second in Paris; the third in Toulouse; the fourth in Lyon:

Will these demonstrations be an excuse for pogroms, like the previous ones? We'll find out soon enough, but I can assure you already that in the neighborhoods involved, the Jews will have to hide.

Note: I have not yet learned anything definitive about  the consequences of the July 23 demonstrations. There was tight security everywhere. 

The organizers gave the public authorities all the guarantees that antisemitic violence would be disguised as anti-Zionism. The government agreed, hypocritically, and in order to contain the furor of the future masters of the country.

Nobody in France, from Dieudonné and the pro-Palestinian demonstrations when they shouted "Hitler was right", nobody still believes in the existence of anti-Zionism.

Note: There was an attempt to distinguish between antisemitism and hostility to the existence of Israel, known as anti-Zionism. People would say "I have nothing against the Jews, I just don't think Israel should exist." But this fallacious reasoning has been discredited. Islam is out to get the Jews, Israel or no Israel, just as it is out to get the Christians, wherever they may be.

Grumberg then lists the dates and times of upcoming demonstrations, throughout France, beginning with July 23 and ending July 26. Even if you don't know French, you can understand this schedule. The first word of each item is the name of the city. Note that on July 26 there will be a demonstration in Lyon where a pro-Christian demonstration is also being held.

Paris, mercredi 23 juillet à 18h30 Place Denfert-Rochereau pour se diriger ensuite aux Invalides
Lyon, Mercredi 23 à 18h place Terreaux
Lille, Mercredi 23 à 15h Metro République
Valenciennes, le 25 à 14h30 place d’Armes
Bruxelles, le 25 à 15h30 place de l’Albertine
Paris, Samedi 26/ Trocadero 15h (à confirmer)
Nice, le 26 à 15h place Massena
Vannes, 26 à 15h place de la Mairie
Avignon, 26 à 11h St Chamand
Hénin Beaumont, le 26 à 16h (lieu à venir)
Lyon, Samedi 26 juillet à 16h – Place de la République
Marseille, Samedi 26 juillet à 16h – Vieux Port
Bordeaux, Samedi 26 juillet à 16h30 Place Pey Berland
Lille, Samedi 26 juillet à 16h – Métro République – Beaux Arts
Montpellier, Samedi 26 juillet à 15h30 – Place de la Comédie
Mulhouse, Samedi 26 juillet à 16h place de la Réunion
Strasbourg, Samedi 26 juillet à 16h – Place Kléber
Toulouse, Samedi 26 juillet à 15h30 – Place du Capitole
Nantes, Samedi 26 juillet à 15h30 – Rue de la Barillerie
Douai, Samedi 26 juillet à 15h30 – Devant la sous-préfecture
La Rochelle, Samedi 26 juillet à 16h – Sur le port, statue Duperré
Le Mans, Samedi 26 juillet à 16h – Place de la République
Montauban, Samedi 26 juillet à 15h30 – devant la préfecture
Nimes, Samedi 26 juillet à 16h – Carré d’art
Orléans, Samedi 26 juillet à 15h30 – Place d’Arc
Pau, Samedi 26 juillet à 15h – devant la préfecture
Poitiers, Samedi 26 juillet à 15h – marché des Couronneries
Reims, Samedi 26 juillet à 15h – Place d’Erlon
Rouen, Samedi 26 juillet à 15h – Mairie Grand Quevilly
Saint-Etienne, Samedi 26 juillet à 16h – Hotel de ville
Saint-Nazaire, Samedi 26 juillet à 16h – devant bassin de la mairie
Tours, Samedi 26 juillet à 15h30 – Hotel de ville
Bruxelles, Samedi 26 juillet à 15h – Avenue de Stalingrad

Thus we see that on Saturday ("samedi") July 26 there will be no fewer than twenty-seven pro-Palestinian demonstrations in France, and one in Brussels.

Grumberg closes:

When I look at this list I say to myself that the Islamic invasion of France is in an advanced stage.

Of course it is. The invasion has never stopped. The last official figures from the government stated five million immigrants. But that was back in the late nineties. We are in 2014. When you estimate the normal population growth, plus illegals, plus the never-ending newcomers forever arriving on the shores and being housed, clothed, fed, and educated by the French taxpayers, you cannot help but be amazed when you read that the majority of Frenchmen are indifferent as to who should win the war in the Middle East.

Another article at Dreuz by Michel Garroté reveals the results of a recent poll:

62% of those polled favor banning the so-called pro-Palestinian demonstrations, while 25% oppose the ban. Of those in favor of the ban, 60% are leftist, and 70% are from the right. But at the extremes, 85% of the Front National favor the ban compared to only 43% of the Front de Gauche (extreme left). Regarding the source of last weekend's violence, 50% believe it was the result of ethnic tensions and that the problem of ethnic separatism must be addressed (hardly news).

Note: To attribute the violence to ethnic tensions is tantamount to saying it's the Hatfields and the McCoys again, in other words, two equally legitimate forces struggling against one another. But this is not the case. Islam is billions of people. Islam is jihad. Islam is out to conquer the world. Islamic leaders do not hide those facts. Islam aims to destroy Jews and Christians, and to subjugate those who survive.

The most revealing result of the poll concerns the degree of commitment on the part of the French:

71% of the French are indifferent to the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The great majority of Frenchmen refuse to take a stand in favor of one or the other.

62% of the French are against the pro-Palestinian demonstrations and 71% are indifferent to the conflict. Clearly, it is the French politicians and journalists who accord a disproportionate importance to the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

It is the selected images, favorable to Hamas, broadcast by the French media, that prompt Franco-Muslims to display their Jew-hatred in the street. Not only are French politicians and journalists meddling in something that is none of their affair, but in addition, they create chaos.

Note: Are we to understand that the French people are indifferent to the fact that the future of their country is at stake, or that a major Palestinian victory, should it ever occur, would have a resounding impact on their lives, as would a major Palestinian defeat? They cannot be so indifferent unless they are brain dead. Are they trying not to face reality? They sense the truth, but pretend it's of no importance.

Moreover, whether the French media are favorable or unfavorable towards Hamas does not change the impulse to create mayhem and violence in the streets. We saw with the World Cup that whether Algeria won or lost, the result was the same: rioting in the streets. It would of course be nice if the media told the whole truth - for example the fact that Hamas uses human beings including children as shields, which is one reason why more Palestinians are killed than Israelis.  But would it change anything for France? France is hostage to millions (ten million? twelve million?) of Muslims poised to take over.

There is another article at Dreuz that French readers may want to read. It is very short, but the comments are worth the detour. Some of the topics they discuss: Why are Catholics indifferent to the fate of Jews? (Note that some of the comments are from Catholics. They deplore the indifference of the bishops, among others.) Why is minister of Justice Christiane Taubira interested in the faces of the young Jews who help the JDL?

I have a question: Where is Marine Le Pen hiding? One commenter says she's sitting it out while the government goes down the tubes. But her continued silence on numerous issues of great importance is troubling.

Update: July 25 - A reader just sent this interesting link to Free Republic. It says that 70% of Frenchmen think France will become an Islamic State. Polls vary greatly, and one poll can contradict another. But if 71% of the people don't care who wins the war, it could be because they sense they are doomed in any case. (Or they could be regarding these two questions as separate issues.) At any rate, be cautious of polls. One poll questions one group of selected individuals, another poll questions a different group. 

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

What good are "moderate Muslims?"

If anyone ever tries to use the argument about "peaceful Muslims" refer him to this video. It's posted at Le Salon Beige, but it should be required viewing for every idealistic moron in the Western world. Subtitled in French.

Read about Brigitte Gabriel at Wikipedia.

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July 23, 2014

Another pro-Palestinian demonstration was held in Paris on Wednesday July 23. Between 14,500 and 25,000 participated, however figures vary wildly. According to Le Parisien, it was a peaceful demonstration and there were few arrests. This demonstration was authorized by the prefect.

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"The French Demonstrator"

According to Le Parisien, the man in this photo, known as "The French Demonstrator", has become the icon of the pro-Palestinian demonstration on July 19. Strange, since he doesn't look like a typical pro-Palestinian demonstrator, but his stance, his dancer's strength and agility, his fearless readiness to attack (the police?), his haughtiness, similar to male models of haute couture, give him the look of a Hollywood bad guy. All of which caught the eye of social network mavens and photo-shoppers who wasted no time in fixing him up to their liking. Here are two re-interpretations:

See more here

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Light sentences for demonstrators

How has justice been meted out to the rioters and vandals who turned Paris (above) and Sarcelles into war zones on July 19 and 20? On the whole, the young woman who received nine months in jail with no probation plus a huge fine for posting the photo of a baby monkey is in worse straits than the rioters. According to Le Parisien:

Three suspended sentences and one acquittal were handed down on Monday evening by the criminal court of Paris, during the first trials held in conjunction with the violent pro-Palestinian demonstrations on Saturday. The heaviest penalty, a ten-month suspended sentence, was given to a 33-year-old engineer, found guilty of rebellion and of participation in a group despite orders to disperse. The man, a father with a clean record, who appeared dressed in beige suit, was named the "leader" by the prosecutor, who had asked for six months without probation and a committal order. The court ordered that his conviction not be entered on his record.

Note: In other words, officially he doesn't have a record?

Another man, father of three, a computer programmer, got off with a four-month suspended for the same offenses, as well as for covering his face during a demonstration. He was also sentenced to pay 1,150 euros to a policeman wounded during his arrest. The prosecution had asked for four months without probation and a committal order.

A woman, 31, residing in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis) was sentenced to a six-month suspended sentence and 105 hours of community service for violence, in this case tear gas thrown at the police. "I didn't think there would be incidents, when in fact it was war. I'm not part of any political group. I just came to demonstrate for Palestine with a friend," she explained to justify herself to the court. She had already be convicted for DUI, driving without insurance, insults and rebellion. The prosecutor wanted to make of her an example in order to avoid other incidents, and asked for ten months in jail with six months of community service.

Finally, one detainee arrested at place de la Bastille even though the rally was at Barbès, another district of Paris, was acquitted on charges of rebellion.

The four were judged immediately in an accelerated process.

Note: When you look at the videos and photos, you can't help wondering why they picked out these four, when others were clearly committing mayhem and destroying property. 

The prosecutor is appealing the suspended sentences.

As for those arrested on July 20 in Sarcelles Le Salon Beige reports: 

The court of Pontoise convicted three men, ages 21 to 28, to jail terms ranging from ten months, with four months probation, to six months with three months probation, for "violence towards representatives of public authority". They were immediately incarcerated. A fourth man was sentenced to three months for "carrying a forbidden weapon." A fifth person, 18, was sentenced to pay eight euros a day for fifty days.

Note: If the fine is not paid in full, the convicted person must spend time in jail corresponding to the number of days he did not pay.

Again, considering the extreme violence in Sarcelles on Sunday, the sentences are light and the vast majority of offenders were not even arrested. What about those who threw Molotov cocktails at the synagogue, who burnt the pharmacy, who destroyed public property, who attacked police cars, etc… ?

Below, another scene from Sarcelles, July 20, in Paris. 

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sarcelles, July 20, 2014

The city of Sarcelles (department of Val d'Oise) was the scene of rioting and considerable property damage on Sunday July 20, the day after the violence in the Barbès sector of Paris. The prefect of Val d'Oise, Jean-Luc Névache, banned the Sarcelles demonstration in light of what had happened the day before, but as before, the demonstrators ignored the orders.

An article from Le Figaro stresses the multicultural nature of Sarcelles in which Jews from North Africa, Blacks from Ivory Coast, Chaldeans (along with Turks) and North African Muslims live side by side. The article, a tear-jerker, points out that they all were born in the same hospital and they all went to school together. The merchants whose property was destroyed cannot understand how such a thing could happen, the basic reaction being one of incredulity and shock. I suspect that some of these people, especially the Jews, are not that naive:

(…) All young people up to those who are today twenty-five years old went to the same schools. Today's ethnic separatism involves the youngest ones, those who took part in the riots on Sunday.

Laurent Berros, the rabbi of Sarcelles, is tired. It was a long night, putting things back in order. On the wall behind him this inscription: "Language is like a double-edged sword. It can appease, educate, love and create love, but it can also irritate, deaden and destroy". Last week he was informed of a peaceful demonstration in support of the Palestinian people. But the inhabitants found as early as Wednesday that the bus stops of Garges (near Sarcelles) were covered with tracts that read: "Palestine: come equipped, mortar, extinguishers, bats, on Sunday July 20. Come out in force: raid the Jewish quarter of Sarcelles". On Friday the prefect decided to ban the rally. Saturday's rioting (in Paris) justified him.

Some older Jewish residents knew things would deteriorate and stayed indoors. The rabbi asked the young security agents to be there on Sunday: Betar, the JDL and the protection services of the Jewish community. By 1:00 p.m. the atmosphere was electric. Cars raced by with the windows down as the passengers shouted :"We'll turn you into blood and fire." What struck the inhabitants of Sarcelles was the strong presence of Turks. "It was the first time I've seen demonstrators with Turkish flags saying "Death to the Jews", said François Pupponi, Socialist mayor of the city and deputy in the National Assembly.

The article goes on to describe the large number of demonstrators who showed up - five hundred according to the rabbi. The Jewish protectors began to sing the Marseillaise to show their support for the riot police. The rabbi said:

"We are not only attacked because we are Jewish but also because we are French."

One member of CRIF (an umbrella organization for numerous Jewish associations) felt that "when you attack the police headquarters of Garges, it is not the Jews who are targeted it is everything that represents the Republic. We have gone beyond the stage of antisemitism. When a trolley station, a phone booth, an employment agency are targets, what does that have to do with Israel?"

Note: Considering how pro-immigration and pro-assimilation CRIF has been in the past, these words are welcome. But it may not represent the point of view of the CRIF leadership, that has always curried favor with the government, Socialist or otherwise. Years ago, CRIF went so far as to encourage "métissage" (racial mixing) in its fawning to government policy. When Israel is in danger, though, CRIF reverts to a pro-Israel nationalism and discredits itself completely. So far as I know, CRIF has never espoused a traditionalist pro-France position, and not surprisingly it regards the Front National as the only real danger.

The pharmacy in the large business district of les Flanades was completely burnt on Sunday. Renée Banon, a small Jewish woman who has run the pharmacy for forty-two years was traumatized as images of the ruined pharmacy passed on the television screen. "Why did they do that to me?" she asked.

The article concludes with sympathy for the multicultural city of Sarcelles where the various groups have lived for a long time and rarely leave.

Note: Sarcelles is in the northern suburbs of Paris, not far from two other cities that have known severe violence in recent years: Villiers-le-Bel and Stains. There are five synagogues for its large Jewish population, two mosques, a Coptic church, one Protestant and one Evangelical church, and two Catholic churches. Dominique Strauss-Kahn is closely associated with Sarcelles and for a time was its mayor (1995-1997). The population jumped from 8,397 in 1954 to 35,000 in 1962, when the Algerian war ended. In 2011 it was 58,398. (Wikpedia)

Below, a nine-minute video showing scenes of destruction. Most of the video is devoted to the prefect of Val-d'Oise Jean-Luc Névache who explains that the disturbance lasted about fifteen minutes, that the organizers attempted to obey the ban but two hundred young persons showed up (note the discrepancy with the rabbi's figure of five hundred), not to demonstrate but to destroy. They were very mobile, in small groups and violent. Most of the damage done was to public property and to Jewish businesses. (Note: This includes the Naouri kosher supermarket, that had been attacked two years ago.) He acknowledges that the synagogues of Sarcelles were attacked with Molotov cocktails, that three policemen were slightly injured, while a ninety-one year old person who lives above the pharmacy that was burnt suffered smoke inhalation but is not in danger. He stresses that there was no confrontation between Jews and pro-Palestinians, something that has to be avoided at all costs. He points out that there were other demonstrations in Val-d'Oise that did not pose any threat and were authorized, but that the one in Sarcelles, by reason of the large Jewish population, was banned.

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