
Grain Damage vs Starch Solution: Are Grains Bad?
Review of Grain Damage by Dr. Doug Graham
In addition to the vast amounts of raw fruits a...
published: 03 Mar 2014
Grain Damage vs Starch Solution: Are Grains Bad?
Grain Damage vs Starch Solution: Are Grains Bad?
Review of Grain Damage by Dr. Doug Graham In addition to the vast amounts of raw fruits and vegetables we eat, we don't shy away from eating steamed and boiled high carb foods such as rice, quinoa, legumes, and potatoes. We frequently receive passionate comments from strict fruitarians regarding how our non-raw foods are not natural human foods and detrimental to our health. They urge us to read Grain Damage so that we can be convinced of these nasty truths about cooked starches. So, that's what we did: Ryan got a copy of Grain Damage and gives his rational assessment of the information and claims made by Dr. Graham. To check these claims, Ryan refers to the works of Dr. John Mc Dougall MD, an authority on high carb vegan starch based diets. Ryan discusses how natural of a food grains are, how nutritionally deficient they may be, how acidifying they may be, how their phytic acids affect us, and how addictive they may be. So are we giving up cooked grains and starch foods now? Did Dr. Graham provide the burden of proof for us to give up grains and starches for good? HAPPY HEALTHY VEGAN: Delicious high carb recipes. Health gurus & myths exposed. Weight loss. Let us inspire your healthy lifestyle journey with food, fun, and fitness. Look forward to two to four new episodes a week from these fit 40 somethings! CONNECT: http://facebook.com/happyhealthyvegan http://instagram.com/happyhealthyvegan http://happyhealthyvegan.org http://lovespirals.bandcamp.com (Ryan & Anji's band) Music: "Sleight of Hand" by Anji Bee from her debut solo album 'Love Me Leave Me'. Listen and buy the digital download or CD at http://anjibee.bandcamp.com - Use Promo Code YOUTUBE to get a 10% discount!!!- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 251

The Starch Solution and Why Salt is a Scapegoat
A presentation by John McDougall, M.D.. The human diet is a starch-based diet. All large p...
published: 08 Jun 2011
author: vshvideo
The Starch Solution and Why Salt is a Scapegoat
The Starch Solution and Why Salt is a Scapegoat
A presentation by John McDougall, M.D.. The human diet is a starch-based diet. All large populations of trim, healthy people, throughout verifiable human his...- published: 08 Jun 2011
- views: 56995
- author: vshvideo

The Starch Solution - John McDougall MD
This truth is simple and is, therefore, easy to explain. You must eat to live. But the cho...
published: 20 Nov 2010
author: headveg
The Starch Solution - John McDougall MD
The Starch Solution - John McDougall MD
This truth is simple and is, therefore, easy to explain. You must eat to live. But the choice of what you eat is yours. There is an individual, specific diet...- published: 20 Nov 2010
- views: 112792
- author: headveg

Dr. John McDougall, "The Starch Solution"
Presented October 7, 2012 in San Francisco California at the 13th San Francisco World Vege...
published: 08 Oct 2012
author: PacificVegan
Dr. John McDougall, "The Starch Solution"
Dr. John McDougall, "The Starch Solution"
Presented October 7, 2012 in San Francisco California at the 13th San Francisco World Vegetarian Festival hosting the 40th IVU International Vegetarian Congr...- published: 08 Oct 2012
- views: 12217
- author: PacificVegan

Starch is a major source of energy for the diet. Starch is made up of glucose molecules li...
published: 12 Apr 2014
Starch is a major source of energy for the diet. Starch is made up of glucose molecules linked together forming linear chains and also branching chains. These chains are tightly packed and organised into granules where they are stored for energy in plants. By breaking this organised system and releasing the glucose, humans are able to use starch as a source of energy. This video was created by Armando Faigl as part of an internship project with CSIRO on the Hungry Microbiome Project. For more info and videos please visit: http://www.csiro.au/hungrymicrobiome/index.html http://www.csiro.au/hungrymicrobiome/index.html- published: 12 Apr 2014
- views: 2646

Resistant starch can help you lose weight overnight
Resistant starch can help you lose weight overnight
Free Optimal Health Blueprint http://w...
published: 17 Apr 2014
Resistant starch can help you lose weight overnight
Resistant starch can help you lose weight overnight
Resistant starch can help you lose weight overnight Free Optimal Health Blueprint http://www.Ameerrosic.com Resistant starch is a type of starch that isn't fully broken down and absorbed, but rather turned into short-chain fatty acids by intestinal bacteria. This may lead to some unique health benefits. To get the most from resistant starch, choose whole, unprocessed sources of carbohydrate such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans/legumes. What makes a starch "resistant"? All starches are composed of two types of polysaccharides: amylose and amylopectin. Amylopectin is highly branched, leaving more surface area available for digestion. It's broken down quickly, which means it produces a larger rise in blood sugar (glucose) and subsequently, a large rise in insulin. Amylose is a straight chain, which limits the amount of surface area exposed for digestion. This predominates in RS. Foods high in amylose are digested more slowly. They're less likely to spike blood glucose or insulin. Resistant starch can help you lose weight overnight In This Episode, You Will Learn: What is Resistant Starch? Where do you get it? Is RS healthy for diabetics? What bacteria benefits from it? What is retrograding? Are Potatoes a super-food? Is resistant Starch the Most Unexceptional prebiotic ever! Why you should eat Plantains Resistant starch, Blood sugar and Gut Microbes Sleep and how Resistant starch can help you Why is Butyrate so important for Optimal Health? Number #1 Optimal Health Warrior Tip... Optimal Health Warrior Quote To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. tweet graphic 3 Resistant starch can help you lose weight overnight Optimal Resources Mentioned: The Optimal Health Blueprint About the Guest Tim aka Tatertot www.freetheanimal.com Screen Shot 2014 04 14 at 9.00.32 AM Resistant starch can help you lose weight overnightBecame interested in my health in 2010 when I found myself nearly 100 pounds overweight with fatty liver, T2D, gout, high BP, high cholesterol, high trigs...all the metabolic syndrome fun you can possibly have. Discovered paleo/low carb in 2010, turned metsyn around and have been interested in gut health and resistant starch for the last couple years. I think that gut health has to be the ultimate outcome of any eating plan. As most diets don't provide much food for a flourishing gut microbiome, the addition of resistant starch is an easy way to get the nourishment you need to feed the trillions of critters residing in your large intestine that do so much for you.- published: 17 Apr 2014
- views: 331

The food we were born to eat: John McDougall at TEDxFremont
www.tedxfremont.com What food habits do all great civilizations have in common? John McDou...
published: 04 Dec 2012
author: TEDxTalks
The food we were born to eat: John McDougall at TEDxFremont
The food we were born to eat: John McDougall at TEDxFremont
www.tedxfremont.com What food habits do all great civilizations have in common? John McDougall suggests that starch-based diets are the foods humans were bor...- published: 04 Dec 2012
- views: 119513
- author: TEDxTalks

How Resistant Starch Foods Can Make You Smarter, Faster And Healthier
How Resistant Starch Foods Can Make You Smarter, Faster And Healthier http://www.ameerrosi...
published: 27 Jan 2014
How Resistant Starch Foods Can Make You Smarter, Faster And Healthier
How Resistant Starch Foods Can Make You Smarter, Faster And Healthier
How Resistant Starch Foods Can Make You Smarter, Faster And Healthier http://www.ameerrosic.com/how-resistant-starch-foods-can-make-you-smarter-faster-and-healthier/ In This Episode, You Will Learn: What is Resistant Starch Foods? The benefits of Resistant Starch foods How do you make Resistant Starch? The three different types of resistant starch R1, R2, R3 Which are the best foods for resistant starch Why do you fart so much of Resistant starch foods? Are legumes a super food? Diabetes and Resistance starch and Gut Bacteria connection Do your bacteria like Resistant starch? What are Retrograde Resistant Starch Foods? About the Guest Richard Nikoley http://www.freetheanimal.com RICHARD How Resistant Starch Foods Can Make You Smarter, Faster And HealthierI'm Richard Nikoley, the resident blogger here. Free the Animal began by a different name in 2003, and as of 2013, contains 3,500 posts and 70,000 comments from readers. Monthly readership is on the order of 200,000 page views. As the tagline says, the subject is about Biting Commentary on the Human Animal Condition. So to Free the Animal really means to free yourself to reach your best potential in all areas of life: heath, fitness, finances, social interaction, and how you think about all of them. This can mean different things for different people, with different results explored in the thousands of posts on this blog, as well as by the many hundreds of readers who participate actively in comments. I'm also author of the book, Free the Animal: How to lose weight & fat on the paleo diet, available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 1085

Starch, Glycogen & Cellulose
A mini lesson on some useful polysaccharides; starch, glycogen and cellulose. For AQA AS B...
published: 24 Jan 2013
author: James Pollock
Starch, Glycogen & Cellulose
Starch, Glycogen & Cellulose
A mini lesson on some useful polysaccharides; starch, glycogen and cellulose. For AQA AS Biology Unit 2: Variety in Living Organisms.- published: 24 Jan 2013
- views: 1350
- author: James Pollock

The Hungry Microbiome: why resistant starch is good for you
Bowel cancer is the second most common cancer in Australia. Research shows that eating fib...
published: 10 Apr 2014
The Hungry Microbiome: why resistant starch is good for you
The Hungry Microbiome: why resistant starch is good for you
Bowel cancer is the second most common cancer in Australia. Research shows that eating fibre rich in resistant starch is one way we can combat this threat. This animation shows how resistant starch moves through the intestine, feeds the healthy bacteria of the gut Microbiome and helps prevent cancer. Video transcript available here: http://www.csiro.au/news/transcripts/YouTubeTranscripts/2014/April/The_Hungry_Microbiome.html More information on our website: http://www.csiro.au/hungrymicrobiome/- published: 10 Apr 2014
- views: 35

The Starch Solution Discussion
Website http://potatostrong.com/
Facebook page https://ww...
published: 05 Jan 2014
The Starch Solution Discussion
The Starch Solution Discussion
http://bit.ly/TheStarchSolution Website http://potatostrong.com/ Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/PotatoStrong Pinterest recipes http://www.pinterest.com/willkriski/plant-based-no-oillow-fat-food-and-recipes/- published: 05 Jan 2014
- views: 342

Potato Starch..Let's Make some.
the song Tgurkey in the straw predates 1922 and therefore is not a copy right issue....
published: 15 Feb 2013
author: OurHalfAcreHomestead
Potato Starch..Let's Make some.
Potato Starch..Let's Make some.
the song Tgurkey in the straw predates 1922 and therefore is not a copy right issue.- published: 15 Feb 2013
- views: 4152
- author: OurHalfAcreHomestead

Dr. John McDougall On A Starch-Based Diet Interviewed by Bananiac
Dr. John McDougall on a starch-based diet interviewed by Bananiac. Post your questions and...
published: 10 Jun 2013
author: bananiac
Dr. John McDougall On A Starch-Based Diet Interviewed by Bananiac
Dr. John McDougall On A Starch-Based Diet Interviewed by Bananiac
Dr. John McDougall on a starch-based diet interviewed by Bananiac. Post your questions and comments down below! Low-Carb VS Plant-Based Video: http://www.you...- published: 10 Jun 2013
- views: 3456
- author: bananiac

The 80/10/10 Diet Vs. The Starch Solution Diet?
Recently I've had sever...
published: 24 Oct 2013
The 80/10/10 Diet Vs. The Starch Solution Diet?
The 80/10/10 Diet Vs. The Starch Solution Diet?
http://www.realrawresults.com/801010-diet-vs-starch-solution-diet Recently I've had several people ask me how I reconcile the differences between Dr. Douglas Graham's 80/10/10 Diet and Dr. John McDougall's Starch Solution Diet, considering how while they are alike in some ways, there are key differences. The easiest way to answer this is: I follow neither diet! I take the best of both worlds and combine what makes most sense to me and what feels best for myself and make up my own personalized diet. It doesn't make much sense to buy 100% into any specific ideology when there's a whole world of possibilities and variables out there. Exercise your ability to choose and think for yourself and do what works best for YOU. :) The 80/10/10 Diet Vs. The Starch Solution Diet? Check out my website and sign up for my newsletter to get more nutrition and weight loss information and to receive my FREE special report "The Top 10 Biggest, Fattest Lies You've Been Told About Weight-Loss": http://www.realrawresults.com "Like" Chris Randall of Real Raw Results on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/RealRawResults Send Chris a donation and buy him a bunch of bananas to see more great videos: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=XMBMXSEN677QC TAGS: the 80/10/10 diet, dr douglas graham, dr doug graham, doug graham, dr john mcdougall, dr mcdougall, john mcdougall, dr mcdougall diet, the starch solution, vegan, vegan diet, vegan food, plant based diet,- published: 24 Oct 2013
- views: 2030
Youtube results:

Starch Vs. Sugar For Weight Loss
http://www.realrawresults.com/starch-vs-sugar-for-weight-loss Yes, that's right: STARCH an...
published: 21 Nov 2012
author: RealRawResults
Starch Vs. Sugar For Weight Loss
Starch Vs. Sugar For Weight Loss
http://www.realrawresults.com/starch-vs-sugar-for-weight-loss Yes, that's right: STARCH and SUGAR. Forget what you've been told before. In reality starch and...- published: 21 Nov 2012
- views: 4962
- author: RealRawResults

Sugar and Starch
Starch is just sugar by another name. Starchy diets are what turned us into a nation of di...
published: 21 Jul 2009
author: FatHeadMovie
Sugar and Starch
Sugar and Starch
Starch is just sugar by another name. Starchy diets are what turned us into a nation of diabetics.- published: 21 Jul 2009
- views: 53090
- author: FatHeadMovie

Resistant Starch 101
How resistance starch can help improve your intestinal health, improve good bacteria and d...
published: 29 May 2014
Resistant Starch 101
Resistant Starch 101
How resistance starch can help improve your intestinal health, improve good bacteria and decrease bad bacterial levels. http://justinhealth.com/free-consultation/ Dr. Justin Marchegiani office@justinhealth.com www.JustInHealth.com www.facebook.com-justinhealthwellnessclinic www.twitter.com-just_in_health www.linkedin.com-pub-justin-marchegiani-56-804-50a- published: 29 May 2014
- views: 18