The Secrets of Mary Magdalene
A documentary about Mary Magdalene and how important she is to the history of Christianity...
published: 23 Jan 2013
author: USAGnosticChurch
The Secrets of Mary Magdalene
The Secrets of Mary Magdalene
A documentary about Mary Magdalene and how important she is to the history of Christianity and the Modern World.- published: 23 Jan 2013
- views: 30849
- author: USAGnosticChurch
The Real Mary Magdalene (National Geographic Documentary)
The Real Mary Magdalene:
The true life of Mary Magdalene is revisited in this Nat Geo doc...
published: 13 Mar 2014
The Real Mary Magdalene (National Geographic Documentary)
The Real Mary Magdalene (National Geographic Documentary)
The Real Mary Magdalene: The true life of Mary Magdalene is revisited in this Nat Geo documentary. For 1,500 years, Christians regarded the woman so close to Jesus as a reformed prostitute. Now, evidence suggests this may have been part of a devious smear campaign by the early church to remove women from the clergy. Who was the real Mary Magdalene? National Geographic: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/ Mary Magdalene wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Magdalene The Gospel of Mary: http://www.maryofmagdala.com/GMary_Text/gmary_text.html The original video was created by National Geographic and available through Creative Commons License through YouTube's video editor.- published: 13 Mar 2014
- views: 20
Secrets of Mary Magdalene - Knights Templar Gnostic Secrets
(2006) Produced by Discovery Channel, researched and written by Lori Nelson, featuring in...
published: 24 Sep 2013
Secrets of Mary Magdalene - Knights Templar Gnostic Secrets
Secrets of Mary Magdalene - Knights Templar Gnostic Secrets
(2006) Produced by Discovery Channel, researched and written by Lori Nelson, featuring interviews with many authoritative experts. This is a good overview of Biblical analysis identifying the role and significance of Mary Magdalene, the Saint of the Templars and Gnostic Cathars, who is traditionally believed by the Knights Templar to have been an Apostle of Jesus. It is a concise summary of references in both the New Testament and the Gnostic Lost Gospels of the Nag Hammadi Scrolls. The only deficiency of this video is that it does not mention an essential point, that "Magdalene" grammatically did not mean merely "from Magdala", but in fact was a title meaning "The Tower", evidencing her prominent importance among the Apostles. DEFENDING THE FAITH ------------------------------------ Academic and scholarly research that reveals the deeper underlying roots and origins of Christianity is often mistakenly used to attack the principle of faith. In the ecclesiastical opinion of the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, as the original and direct lineal continuation of the Knights Templar from 1118 AD, such criticism is superficial, deceptive, and based solely upon bad logic. Jesus the Essene Nazarene is famous for "teaching in parables", which by definition means that the Gospels were always all about metaphor. There is absolutely nothing anywhere in the Old Testament or New Testament that says that the Bible must be taken literally, and even the Nicean Council which edited the Gospels knowingly left in a multitude of original metaphorical keys and clues to the true ancient wisdom. Jesus himself constantly emphasized that initiates who are aware of the topics and precepts, metaphorically "those with eyes to see", can easily pick up on the symbolic clues to read into the Gospels their full original more ancient meanings. When educational research proves that things that people say about the Bible is not true, it is easy enough to see that the Bible itself does preserve that truth in its own actual authentic words. This is no reason to criticize faith, and does not undermine Christianity nor any other denomination or faith. Indeed, it is the ancient roots and deeper esoteric secrets underlying the religion that in fact give it much more legitimacy, greater relevance, and stronger significance to having real faith in the modern era. COPYRIGHT ISSUES & FAIR USE --------------------------------------------------- This video is part of the "Educational Documentary Film Series" of the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, collectively comprising a "Video Library" consisting of an overall derivative work in its own right. This educational documentary film is provided by our non-profit organization strictly for academic and research purposes. The video itself is presented as tangible evidence, for academic citation, proving that certain historical facts or conclusions of historians have been recognized or referred to by mass media outlets or other researchers. It is thus provided as a "living footnote", referred to in our own original more academic and scholarly research, in support of our own original works. It is our good faith belief, verified to the best of our ability, that the author of this video has already caused or allowed it to be made freely available non-commercially to the general public. Original credits have been preserved (if such were contained in the work). It has been digitally re-mastered to improve video and audio quality. Accordingly, this use cannot infringe on the economic nor attributional value to the author. This constitutes "Fair Use" under the laws of the United States (17 USC 107), and "Fair Dealing" under the laws of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and other countries. If you are the author, producer or lawful owner of copyrights in this work, and you believe that we have mistakenly identified it as under Commons License authorized for non-commercial Fair Use, please DO NOT make complaints to YouTube or otherwise. If you SIMPLY REQUEST removal of the video directly to us (through our Email or Website which are disclosed in this YouTube Channel), and provide any evidence indicating that you reasonably hold rights in the work, we will GLADLY REMOVE it promptly and voluntarily. Please respect that this Channel is needed to present many of our own original works that we are developing as quickly as we can, so it is not necessary to cause problems with the service provider only to enforce your rights, which we are committed to absolutely honour at your lawful and credible request.- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 27
Magdalena: Released From Shame
Magdalena: Released From Shame from the Jesus film project: http://www.magdalenamovie.com ...
published: 27 Nov 2012
author: yours2injesus2
Magdalena: Released From Shame
Magdalena: Released From Shame
Magdalena: Released From Shame from the Jesus film project: http://www.magdalenamovie.com This film portrays the story of Jesus as seen through the eyes of M...- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 7247
- author: yours2injesus2
The Real Mary Magdalene - Science of the Bible - Knights Templar Gnostic Secrets
(2005) Produced by Creative Differences Productions for National Geographic, supported by...
published: 26 Sep 2013
The Real Mary Magdalene - Science of the Bible - Knights Templar Gnostic Secrets
The Real Mary Magdalene - Science of the Bible - Knights Templar Gnostic Secrets
(2005) Produced by Creative Differences Productions for National Geographic, supported by the senior historical consultant Dr. Jonathan L. Reed, featuring interviews with many authoritative experts. This is a solid overview of the Biblical figure of Mary Magdalene, who is revealed by the Gnostic Gospels of the Essenes and known by the Knights Templar as one of the Apostles of Jesus. It also includes a good summary of the Gnostic Gospels including the Gospel of Saint Thomas. This video is unique for explaining that the authentic heart of Christian faith is the teachings of Jesus and the actual Gospels, distinguishing that later beliefs about resurrection are not necessary to Christian faith and spiritual salvation (at 37:05 min). It also points to evidence in the New Testament and elsewhere in the historical record that women were in fact included among leaders of the early Church (at 39:20 min). The only real mistake in this video is its highlighting Mary Magdalene as the one "from whom 7 demons had gone out", while failing to explain the fact that "casting out 7 demons" was an ancient Magi method of clearing the 7 chakras form the corruption of the material world, as part of the initiation for a High Priest, as practiced by the Essenes. This is evidence that Magdalene was actually a High Priestess initiated by Jesus, which is why to the Templars she is Saint Mary and one of the Apostles. DEFENDING THE FAITH ------------------------------------ Academic and scholarly research that reveals the deeper underlying roots and origins of Christianity is often mistakenly used to attack the principle of faith. In the ecclesiastical opinion of the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, such criticism is superficial, deceptive, and based solely upon bad logic. Jesus the Essene Nazarene is famous for "teaching in parables", which by definition means that the Gospels were always all about metaphor. There is absolutely nothing anywhere in the Old Testament or New Testament that says that the Bible must be taken literally, and even the Nicean Council which edited the Gospels knowingly left in a multitude of original metaphorical keys and clues to the true ancient wisdom. Jesus himself constantly emphasized that initiates who are aware of the topics and precepts, metaphorically "those with eyes to see", can easily pick up on the symbolic clues to read into the Gospels their full original more ancient meanings. When educational research proves that things that people say about the Bible is not true, it is easy enough to see that the Bible itself does preserve that truth in its own actual authentic words. This is no reason to criticize faith, and does not undermine Christianity nor any other denomination or faith. Indeed, it is the ancient roots and deeper esoteric secrets underlying the religion that in fact give it much more legitimacy, greater relevance, and stronger significance to having real faith in the modern era. COPYRIGHT ISSUES & FAIR USE --------------------------------------------------- This educational documentary film is provided by our non-profit organization strictly for academic and research purposes. The video itself is presented as tangible evidence, for academic citation, proving that certain historical facts or conclusions of historians have been recognized or referred to by mass media outlets or other researchers. It is thus provided as a "living footnote", referred to in our own original more academic and scholarly research, in support of our own original works. It is our good faith belief, verified to the best of our ability, that the author of this video has already caused or allowed it to be made freely available non-commercially to the general public. Original credits have been preserved (if such were contained in the work). It has been digitally re-mastered to improve video and audio quality. Accordingly, this use cannot infringe on the economic nor attributional value to the author. This constitutes "Fair Use" under the laws of the United States (17 USC 107), and "Fair Dealing" under the laws of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and other countries. If you are the author, producer or lawful owner of copyrights in this work, and you believe that we have mistakenly identified it as under Commons License authorized for non-commercial Fair Use, please DO NOT make complaints to YouTube or otherwise. If you SIMPLY REQUEST removal of the video directly to us (through our Email or Website which are disclosed in this YouTube Channel), and provide any evidence indicating that you reasonably hold rights in the work, we will GLADLY REMOVE it promptly and voluntarily. It is not necessary to cause problems with the service provider only to enforce your rights, which we are committed to absolutely honour at your lawful and credible request.- published: 26 Sep 2013
- views: 12
Secrets of Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene (original Greek Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνή),[2] or Mary of Magdala and sometimes The...
published: 19 Nov 2013
Secrets of Mary Magdalene
Secrets of Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene (original Greek Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνή),[2] or Mary of Magdala and sometimes The Magdalene, is a religious figure in Christianity. She has been called the second-most important woman in the New Testament after Mary the mother of Jesus.[3] Mary Magdalene traveled with Jesus as one of his followers. She was present at Jesus' two most important moments: the crucifixion and the resurrection.[4] Within the four Gospels, the oldest historical record mentioning her name, she is named at least 12 times,[5] more than most of the apostles. The Gospel references describe her as a courageous servant leader, brave enough to stand by Jesus in his hours of suffering, death and beyond.[3] In the New Testament, Jesus cleansed her of "seven demons",[Lk. 8:2] [Mk. 16:9] sometimes interpreted as referring to complex illnesses.[6] Mary was most prominent during Jesus' last days. When Jesus was crucified by the Romans, Mary Magdalene was there supporting him in his final terrifying moments and mourning his death.[4] She stayed with him at the cross after the male disciples (except John the Beloved) had fled. She was at his burial. She is the only person to be listed in all four Gospels[7] as first to realize that Jesus had risen and to testify to that central teaching of faith.[8] John 20 and Mark 16:9 specifically name her as the first person to see Jesus after his Resurrection. She was there at the "beginning of a movement that was going to transform the West".[4] She was the "Apostle to the Apostles", an honorific that fourth-century orthodox theologian Augustine gave her[9] and that others earlier had possibly conferred on her. Despite her centuries-old disreputable depiction in religion, art, literature, and in recent prominent fictional books and movies, such as The Da Vinci Code, it is largely agreed today that "not a shred of solid biblical or extrabiblical evidence suggests she played the role of harlot, wife, mother, or secret lover".[4][5][9] Mary Magdalene is considered by the Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran [ELCA only] churches to be a saint, with a feast day of July 22. Other Protestant churches honor her as a heroine in the faith. The Eastern Orthodox churches also commemorate her on the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers, the Orthodox equivalent of the Western Three Marys.- published: 19 Nov 2013
- views: 0
Jesus and Mary Magdalene:Rise of the Sacred Feminine
For Beyond 50's "Spirituality" talks, listen to an interview with Margaret Starbird, the a...
published: 08 Jul 2013
author: 50beyond
Jesus and Mary Magdalene:Rise of the Sacred Feminine
Jesus and Mary Magdalene:Rise of the Sacred Feminine
For Beyond 50's "Spirituality" talks, listen to an interview with Margaret Starbird, the author of "The Woman with the Alabaster Jar" that was the inspiratio...- published: 08 Jul 2013
- views: 77
- author: 50beyond
The Suppressed Secrets of Jesus & Mary Magdalene
William Henry has just published a major new book, "the Illuminator," and Whitley Strieber...
published: 13 Nov 2013
The Suppressed Secrets of Jesus & Mary Magdalene
The Suppressed Secrets of Jesus & Mary Magdalene
William Henry has just published a major new book, "the Illuminator," and Whitley Strieber thinks that the information it contains is so important that it will be covered in two editions, both presented without commercial interruption. Then Linda Howe reports on the fact that the SUN is adding to global warming by heating up! Great timing.. Accounts of the genealogy and Nativity of Jesus appear in the New Testament only in the gospels of Luke and Matthew. Outside the New Testament, documents exist that are more or less contemporary with Jesus and the gospels, but few shed any light on biographical details of his life, and these two gospel accounts remain the main sources of information on the genealogy and Nativity. Matthew begins his gospel with the genealogy of Jesus, before giving an account of Jesus' birth. He traces Jesus' ancestry to Abraham through David. Luke 3:22 discusses the genealogy after describing the baptism of Jesus, when the voice from Heaven addresses Jesus and identifies him as the Son of God. Luke traces Jesus' ancestry through Adam to God. The Nativity is a prominent element in the Gospel of Luke, comprising over 10 percent of the text and being three times as long as Matthew's Nativity text. Luke's account emphasizes events before the birth of Jesus and centers on Mary, while Matthew's mostly covers those after the birth and centers on Joseph. Both accounts state that Jesus was born to Joseph and Mary, his betrothed, in Bethlehem, and both support the doctrine of the virgin birth, according to which Jesus was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit in Mary's womb when she was still a virgin. In Luke 1:31--38 Mary learns from the angel Gabriel that she will conceive and bear a child called Jesus through the action of the Holy Spirit. Following his betrothal to Mary, Joseph is troubled (Matthew 1:19--20) because Mary is pregnant, but in the first of Joseph's three dreams an angel assures him not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife, because her child was conceived by the Holy Spirit. When Mary is due to give birth, she and Joseph travel from Nazareth to Joseph's ancestral home in Bethlehem to register in the census ordered by Caesar Augustus. While there Mary gives birth to Jesus, and as they have found no room in the inn, she places the newborn in a manger (Luke 2:1--7). An angel announces the birth to some shepherds, who go to Bethlehem to see Jesus, and subsequently spread the news abroad (Luke 2:8--20). After the presentation of Jesus at the Temple, Joseph, Mary and Jesus return to Nazareth. In Matthew 1:1--12, wise men or Magi from the East bring gifts to the young Jesus as the King of the Jews. Herod hears of Jesus' birth and, wanting him killed, orders the murder of young male children in Bethlehem. But an angel warns Joseph in his second dream, and the family flees to Egypt—later to return and settle in Nazareth- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 5
Mary Magdalene - The Royal Bloodline
The 13th-century Cistercian monk and chronicler Peter of Vaux de Cernay claimed it was par...
published: 07 Dec 2011
author: TheCroTemplar .
Mary Magdalene - The Royal Bloodline
Mary Magdalene - The Royal Bloodline
The 13th-century Cistercian monk and chronicler Peter of Vaux de Cernay claimed it was part of Catharist belief that the earthly Jesus Christ had a relations...- published: 07 Dec 2011
- views: 34970
- author: TheCroTemplar .
Mary Magdalene: Close To Jesus - Trailer
Employed as a spy and given the task of investigating the threat posed by John the Baptist...
published: 18 Jan 2014
Mary Magdalene: Close To Jesus - Trailer
Mary Magdalene: Close To Jesus - Trailer
Employed as a spy and given the task of investigating the threat posed by John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene is overwhelmed by John's powerful message of the coming of the Messiah. Gazing into John's eyes before he dies, Mary is left with the certainty that her place is at the side of this great man, Jesus Christ.- published: 18 Jan 2014
- views: 1142
Pesher of Christ song: Mary Magdalene
Pesher of Christ: Mary Magdalene; True facts are revealed here as never before. Her mother...
published: 04 Jun 2013
author: pesherofchrist
Pesher of Christ song: Mary Magdalene
Pesher of Christ song: Mary Magdalene
Pesher of Christ: Mary Magdalene; True facts are revealed here as never before. Her mother was Helena in Clementines who was: Menstruous woman in Mark 5:25, ...- published: 04 Jun 2013
- views: 32
- author: pesherofchrist
The Real Mary Magdalene ( 1 of 5 )
The Real Mary Magdalene The church for centuries has given a wrong image about this great ...
published: 25 Jun 2008
author: neversaidb4
The Real Mary Magdalene ( 1 of 5 )
The Real Mary Magdalene ( 1 of 5 )
The Real Mary Magdalene The church for centuries has given a wrong image about this great woman, let as see who really was mary magdelene.- published: 25 Jun 2008
- views: 118716
- author: neversaidb4
Youtube results:
The Real Mary Magdalene - Gnosis Ancient Evidence - Knights Templar Gnostic Secrets
(2003) Produced by BBC together with the Discovery Channel, researched by Emily Davis, an...
published: 26 Sep 2013
The Real Mary Magdalene - Gnosis Ancient Evidence - Knights Templar Gnostic Secrets
The Real Mary Magdalene - Gnosis Ancient Evidence - Knights Templar Gnostic Secrets
(2003) Produced by BBC together with the Discovery Channel, researched by Emily Davis, and presented by Hollywood actor Avery Brooks, featuring interviews with Biblical historians. This is a compelling presentation of Mary Magdalene, the Saint of the Gnostic Templars and also Cathars, who the Knights Templar considered to be one of the Apostles. The only major defect in this video is that while it emphasizes that Mary Magdalene was Biblically the one "from whom 7 demons had gone out", it fails to mention the most important fact, that the Essenes (of whom Jesus was High Priest) had a practice of clearing the 7 chakras (spiritual energy centers) to become a High Priest. This initiation requirement was considered to be "casting out 7 demons" of the corruption of contemporary society. Therefore, the Bible's emphasis that she was special because "7 demons had gone out" is a direct reference evidencing that Magdalene was in fact a High Priestess initiated by Jesus. DEFENDING THE FAITH ------------------------------------ Academic and scholarly research that reveals the deeper underlying roots and origins of Christianity is often mistakenly used to attack the principle of faith. In the ecclesiastical opinion of the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, as the original and direct lineal continuation of the Knights Templar from 1118 AD, such criticism is superficial, deceptive, and based solely upon bad logic. Jesus the Essene Nazarene is famous for "teaching in parables", which by definition means that the Gospels were always all about metaphor. There is absolutely nothing anywhere in the Old Testament or New Testament that says that the Bible must be taken literally, and even the Nicean Council which edited the Gospels knowingly left in a multitude of original metaphorical keys and clues to the true ancient wisdom. Jesus himself constantly emphasized that initiates who are aware of the topics and precepts, metaphorically "those with eyes to see", can easily pick up on the symbolic clues to read into the Gospels their full original more ancient meanings. When educational research proves that things that people say about the Bible is not true, it is easy enough to see that the Bible itself does preserve that truth in its own actual authentic words. This is no reason to criticize faith, and does not undermine Christianity nor any other denomination or faith. Indeed, it is the ancient roots and deeper esoteric secrets underlying the religion that in fact give it much more legitimacy, greater relevance, and stronger significance to having real faith in the modern era. COPYRIGHT ISSUES & FAIR USE --------------------------------------------------- This video is part of the "Educational Documentary Film Series" of the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, collectively comprising a "Video Library" consisting of an overall derivative work in its own right. This educational documentary film is provided by our non-profit organization strictly for academic and research purposes. The video itself is presented as tangible evidence, for academic citation, proving that certain historical facts or conclusions of historians have been recognized or referred to by mass media outlets or other researchers. It is thus provided as a "living footnote", referred to in our own original more academic and scholarly research, in support of our own original works. It is our good faith belief, verified to the best of our ability, that the author of this video has already caused or allowed it to be made freely available non-commercially to the general public. Original credits have been preserved (if such were contained in the work). It has been digitally re-mastered to improve video and audio quality. Accordingly, this use cannot infringe on the economic nor attributional value to the author. This constitutes "Fair Use" under the laws of the United States (17 USC 107), and "Fair Dealing" under the laws of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and other countries. If you are the author, producer or lawful owner of copyrights in this work, and you believe that we have mistakenly identified it as under Commons License authorized for non-commercial Fair Use, please DO NOT make complaints to YouTube or otherwise. If you SIMPLY REQUEST removal of the video directly to us (through our Email or Website which are disclosed in this YouTube Channel), and provide any evidence indicating that you reasonably hold rights in the work, we will GLADLY REMOVE it promptly and voluntarily. Please respect that this Channel is needed to present many of our own original works that we are developing as quickly as we can, so it is not necessary to cause problems with the service provider only to enforce your rights, which we are committed to absolutely honour at your lawful and credible request.- published: 26 Sep 2013
- views: 12
Yvonne Elliman (Mary Magdalene) Everything's Alright -28*_ true light of life.com
http://www.truelightoflife.com --- http://www.insight.spruz.com __ Jesus Christ Superstar ...
published: 27 Nov 2011
author: Meioar Grant
Yvonne Elliman (Mary Magdalene) Everything's Alright -28*_ true light of life.com
Yvonne Elliman (Mary Magdalene) Everything's Alright -28*_ true light of life.com
http://www.truelightoflife.com --- http://www.insight.spruz.com __ Jesus Christ Superstar 1973 --- He is next seen walking with Yvonne Elliman (Mary Magdalen...- published: 27 Nov 2011
- views: 7672
- author: Meioar Grant
Natalie Grant: "Alive (MARY MAGDALENE)" - Official Lyric Video
published: 26 Sep 2011
author: SparrowRecords
Natalie Grant: "Alive (MARY MAGDALENE)" - Official Lyric Video
Natalie Grant: "Alive (MARY MAGDALENE)" - Official Lyric Video
- published: 26 Sep 2011
- views: 717801
- author: SparrowRecords
Legion of Christ to open archaeological park at Mary Magdalene's town
http://en.romereports.com Few miles away from Capernaum and before the Sea of Galilee the ...
published: 04 Jun 2014
Legion of Christ to open archaeological park at Mary Magdalene's town
Legion of Christ to open archaeological park at Mary Magdalene's town
http://en.romereports.com Few miles away from Capernaum and before the Sea of Galilee the Legion of Christ recently opened the Magdala Center. This spiritual center will soon offer visitors a taste of biblical archaeology.- published: 04 Jun 2014
- views: 319