The Forgotten Pavlohrad Rebellion: Peasants vs Soviet Authorities | Beyond East and West
One of the biggest uprisings against Soviet power in Ukraine took place in villages near Pavlohrad – Bohdanivka and Ternivka, in western Donbas. People rebelled against collectivization and dekulakization (dispossession).
At the beginning of April 1930, the peasants took up arms. In the end, 13 peasants were killed, 200 were arrested, 27 were sentenced to death. The Dnipropetrovsk region suffered perhaps the most during the Holodomor a few years down the line.
However, the local people know little about those who resisted the famine. At the cemetery in Ternivka, there is a monument to the representatives of the Soviet authorities who suppressed the uprising. On the other hand, the rebels were buried in a mass grave along with those who died of starvation.
The joint hromadske and LSE res...
published: 23 Nov 2019
Pavlograd town
Director - Roman Bondarchuk
Screenwriter, journalist - Dar'ya Averchenko
Cinematographer - Andriy Lysetsky
Sound - Borys Peter
Music - Anton Baibakov
Executive producer - Natalia Bimbirayte
Docudays production 2011
published: 28 Jul 2011
Pavlodar is a city in northeastern Kazakhstan and the capital of Pavlodar Region. It is located 450 km northeast of the national capital Astana, and 405 km southeast of the Russian city of Omsk along the Irtysh River. As of 2010, the city has a population of 331,710. The population of Pavlodar is composed predominantly of ethnic Russians and Kazakhs with significant Ukrainian, German and Tatar minorities. The city is served by Pavlodar Airport.
One of the oldest cities in northern Kazakhstan, Pavlodar was founded in 1720 as Koryakovsky, an Imperial Russian outpost. The settlement was created to establish control over the region's salt lakes, an important source of valuable salt. In 1861 the settlement was renamed Pavlodar and incorporated as a town. Pavlodar's significance was due in lar...
published: 18 Feb 2016
Ukrainian Volunteers Help Army: Pavlohrad residents sew camouflage suits for Ukrainian soldiers
Volunteers in the city of Pavlohrad in Dnipropetrovsk region are helping soldiers on the front lines. They sew camouflage suits and masking nets and have already sent some 300 winter camouflage suits. The volunteers started to help Ukrainian army in autumn by sewing balaclavas and sleeping bags.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uatodaytv
published: 15 Feb 2015
Роми Павлограда · Ukraїner
Читайте матеріал: https://ukrainer.net/romy-pavlograda/
Згадка про ромів часто малює в нашій уяві кочівників, які зупиняються на певний час десь на околицях міста. Тим не менше, цей образ може бути розвінчаний активними громадськими об’єднаннями осілих ромів, які дбають про свої традиції, живучи великими родинами на одному місці впродовж поколінь.
Так, наприклад, живе родина Кертулая Огли в Павлограді. Це промислове місто в регіоні Подніпров'я, яке є центром вугільного басейну Західного Донбасу.
На YouTube: https://goo.gl/8Rxcwd
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ukrainer.net/
Telegram: https://t.me/ukrainer_net
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ukrainer_net/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ukrainer
Більше матеріалів на сайті: http://ukrainer.net/
published: 11 Aug 2018
Help Marine Ibrahimova from Pavlohrad
Help Marine Ibrahimova from Pavlohrad here:
Good morning! Our family with 2 children needs your help very much. On February 24, 2022, russia invaded our country. My children and I had to leave the Dnipro region. We moved to the Lviv region. I lost my job, now I can't work because I was diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthritis. I constantly take expensive medicines. I really need help. I can no longer buy medicine. I have 2 minor children. The youngest child is 4 years old, the oldest is 15 years old. Please help our family if you can. I am not currently receiving social benefits or payments from international organizations. I do not meet their criteria. If you can, please help. Thank you
published: 29 Sep 2022
Переселені-Перемещённые. Павлоград / Displaced. City of Pavlohrad
"Діти закричали: "Ура, Україна!"
Історії допомоги і надії внутрішньо переселених українців.
"Children were screaming: "Hurray, Ukraine!"
Stories of help and hope from internally displaced Ukrainians.
"Дети закричали: "Ура, Украина!"
История помощи и надежды внутренне перемещённых украинцев.
Join / Приєднуйтесь / Присоединяйтесь:
Website - https://www.babylon13.com/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/babylon13ua
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/babylon13ua
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+babylon13ua
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Babylon13UA
Вконтакте - http://vk.com/babylon13ua
Instagram - http://instagram.com/babylon13ua
published: 12 Oct 2015
Pavlohrad 3
published: 01 Sep 2016
The Forgotten Pavlohrad Rebellion: Peasants vs Soviet Authorities | Beyond East and West
One of the biggest uprisings against Soviet power in Ukraine took place in villages near Pavlohrad – Bohdanivka and Ternivka, in western Donbas. People rebelled...
One of the biggest uprisings against Soviet power in Ukraine took place in villages near Pavlohrad – Bohdanivka and Ternivka, in western Donbas. People rebelled against collectivization and dekulakization (dispossession).
At the beginning of April 1930, the peasants took up arms. In the end, 13 peasants were killed, 200 were arrested, 27 were sentenced to death. The Dnipropetrovsk region suffered perhaps the most during the Holodomor a few years down the line.
However, the local people know little about those who resisted the famine. At the cemetery in Ternivka, there is a monument to the representatives of the Soviet authorities who suppressed the uprising. On the other hand, the rebels were buried in a mass grave along with those who died of starvation.
The joint hromadske and LSE research project "Beyond East and West" sets out to explore Ukrainians' attitudes to history: in this case, whether the uprising is still commemorated in the region.
Get up to speed on Ukraine. Follow Hromadske!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HromadskeInternational
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hromadske
One of the biggest uprisings against Soviet power in Ukraine took place in villages near Pavlohrad – Bohdanivka and Ternivka, in western Donbas. People rebelled against collectivization and dekulakization (dispossession).
At the beginning of April 1930, the peasants took up arms. In the end, 13 peasants were killed, 200 were arrested, 27 were sentenced to death. The Dnipropetrovsk region suffered perhaps the most during the Holodomor a few years down the line.
However, the local people know little about those who resisted the famine. At the cemetery in Ternivka, there is a monument to the representatives of the Soviet authorities who suppressed the uprising. On the other hand, the rebels were buried in a mass grave along with those who died of starvation.
The joint hromadske and LSE research project "Beyond East and West" sets out to explore Ukrainians' attitudes to history: in this case, whether the uprising is still commemorated in the region.
Get up to speed on Ukraine. Follow Hromadske!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HromadskeInternational
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hromadske
- published: 23 Nov 2019
- views: 209
Pavlograd town
Director - Roman Bondarchuk
Screenwriter, journalist - Dar'ya Averchenko
Cinematographer - Andriy Lysetsky
Sound - Borys Peter
Music - Anton Baibakov
Executive ...
Director - Roman Bondarchuk
Screenwriter, journalist - Dar'ya Averchenko
Cinematographer - Andriy Lysetsky
Sound - Borys Peter
Music - Anton Baibakov
Executive producer - Natalia Bimbirayte
Docudays production 2011
Director - Roman Bondarchuk
Screenwriter, journalist - Dar'ya Averchenko
Cinematographer - Andriy Lysetsky
Sound - Borys Peter
Music - Anton Baibakov
Executive producer - Natalia Bimbirayte
Docudays production 2011
- published: 28 Jul 2011
- views: 3344
Pavlodar is a city in northeastern Kazakhstan and the capital of Pavlodar Region. It is located 450 km northeast of the national capital Astana, and 405 km sou...
Pavlodar is a city in northeastern Kazakhstan and the capital of Pavlodar Region. It is located 450 km northeast of the national capital Astana, and 405 km southeast of the Russian city of Omsk along the Irtysh River. As of 2010, the city has a population of 331,710. The population of Pavlodar is composed predominantly of ethnic Russians and Kazakhs with significant Ukrainian, German and Tatar minorities. The city is served by Pavlodar Airport.
One of the oldest cities in northern Kazakhstan, Pavlodar was founded in 1720 as Koryakovsky, an Imperial Russian outpost. The settlement was created to establish control over the region's salt lakes, an important source of valuable salt. In 1861 the settlement was renamed Pavlodar and incorporated as a town. Pavlodar's significance was due in large measure to the substantial agricultural and salt-producing industries that had developed there despite the town's relatively small population. Pavlodar's population numbered only about 8,000 in 1897. The name Pavlodar signifies The Gift of Paul, and was chosen to commemorate the birth of the Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich of Russia.
After 1955, the Soviet Government's Virgin Lands Campaign provided the impetus for the rapid growth and development of modern Pavlodar. As part of the program, large numbers of young men and women from throughout the Soviet Union settled in the city, rapid industrial and commercial expansion followed. From the mid-1960s on, Pavlodar grew to become a major industrial centre of both the Kazakh SSR and of the Soviet Union; the largest local industries are the manufacture of farm machinery, aluminum, and industrial chemicals; an oil refinery was completed in 1978. Because of a major arms and armour manufacturing facility located in the city, Pavlodar was closed to foreigners until 1992.
Pavlodar is a city in northeastern Kazakhstan and the capital of Pavlodar Region. It is located 450 km northeast of the national capital Astana, and 405 km southeast of the Russian city of Omsk along the Irtysh River. As of 2010, the city has a population of 331,710. The population of Pavlodar is composed predominantly of ethnic Russians and Kazakhs with significant Ukrainian, German and Tatar minorities. The city is served by Pavlodar Airport.
One of the oldest cities in northern Kazakhstan, Pavlodar was founded in 1720 as Koryakovsky, an Imperial Russian outpost. The settlement was created to establish control over the region's salt lakes, an important source of valuable salt. In 1861 the settlement was renamed Pavlodar and incorporated as a town. Pavlodar's significance was due in large measure to the substantial agricultural and salt-producing industries that had developed there despite the town's relatively small population. Pavlodar's population numbered only about 8,000 in 1897. The name Pavlodar signifies The Gift of Paul, and was chosen to commemorate the birth of the Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich of Russia.
After 1955, the Soviet Government's Virgin Lands Campaign provided the impetus for the rapid growth and development of modern Pavlodar. As part of the program, large numbers of young men and women from throughout the Soviet Union settled in the city, rapid industrial and commercial expansion followed. From the mid-1960s on, Pavlodar grew to become a major industrial centre of both the Kazakh SSR and of the Soviet Union; the largest local industries are the manufacture of farm machinery, aluminum, and industrial chemicals; an oil refinery was completed in 1978. Because of a major arms and armour manufacturing facility located in the city, Pavlodar was closed to foreigners until 1992.
- published: 18 Feb 2016
- views: 85
Ukrainian Volunteers Help Army: Pavlohrad residents sew camouflage suits for Ukrainian soldiers
Volunteers in the city of Pavlohrad in Dnipropetrovsk region are helping soldiers on the front lines. They sew camouflage suits and masking nets and have alread...
Volunteers in the city of Pavlohrad in Dnipropetrovsk region are helping soldiers on the front lines. They sew camouflage suits and masking nets and have already sent some 300 winter camouflage suits. The volunteers started to help Ukrainian army in autumn by sewing balaclavas and sleeping bags.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uatodaytv
Volunteers in the city of Pavlohrad in Dnipropetrovsk region are helping soldiers on the front lines. They sew camouflage suits and masking nets and have already sent some 300 winter camouflage suits. The volunteers started to help Ukrainian army in autumn by sewing balaclavas and sleeping bags.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uatodaytv
- published: 15 Feb 2015
- views: 805
Роми Павлограда · Ukraїner
Читайте матеріал: https://ukrainer.net/romy-pavlograda/
Згадка про ромів часто малює в нашій уяві кочівників, які зупиняються на певний час десь на околицях мі...
Читайте матеріал: https://ukrainer.net/romy-pavlograda/
Згадка про ромів часто малює в нашій уяві кочівників, які зупиняються на певний час десь на околицях міста. Тим не менше, цей образ може бути розвінчаний активними громадськими об’єднаннями осілих ромів, які дбають про свої традиції, живучи великими родинами на одному місці впродовж поколінь.
Так, наприклад, живе родина Кертулая Огли в Павлограді. Це промислове місто в регіоні Подніпров'я, яке є центром вугільного басейну Західного Донбасу.
На YouTube: https://goo.gl/8Rxcwd
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ukrainer.net/
Telegram: https://t.me/ukrainer_net
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ukrainer_net/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ukrainer
Більше матеріалів на сайті: http://ukrainer.net/
Читайте матеріал: https://ukrainer.net/romy-pavlograda/
Згадка про ромів часто малює в нашій уяві кочівників, які зупиняються на певний час десь на околицях міста. Тим не менше, цей образ може бути розвінчаний активними громадськими об’єднаннями осілих ромів, які дбають про свої традиції, живучи великими родинами на одному місці впродовж поколінь.
Так, наприклад, живе родина Кертулая Огли в Павлограді. Це промислове місто в регіоні Подніпров'я, яке є центром вугільного басейну Західного Донбасу.
На YouTube: https://goo.gl/8Rxcwd
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ukrainer.net/
Telegram: https://t.me/ukrainer_net
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ukrainer_net/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ukrainer
Більше матеріалів на сайті: http://ukrainer.net/
- published: 11 Aug 2018
- views: 18351
Help Marine Ibrahimova from Pavlohrad
Help Marine Ibrahimova from Pavlohrad here:
Good morning! Our family with 2 children needs your help very m...
Help Marine Ibrahimova from Pavlohrad here:
Good morning! Our family with 2 children needs your help very much. On February 24, 2022, russia invaded our country. My children and I had to leave the Dnipro region. We moved to the Lviv region. I lost my job, now I can't work because I was diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthritis. I constantly take expensive medicines. I really need help. I can no longer buy medicine. I have 2 minor children. The youngest child is 4 years old, the oldest is 15 years old. Please help our family if you can. I am not currently receiving social benefits or payments from international organizations. I do not meet their criteria. If you can, please help. Thank you
Help Marine Ibrahimova from Pavlohrad here:
Good morning! Our family with 2 children needs your help very much. On February 24, 2022, russia invaded our country. My children and I had to leave the Dnipro region. We moved to the Lviv region. I lost my job, now I can't work because I was diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthritis. I constantly take expensive medicines. I really need help. I can no longer buy medicine. I have 2 minor children. The youngest child is 4 years old, the oldest is 15 years old. Please help our family if you can. I am not currently receiving social benefits or payments from international organizations. I do not meet their criteria. If you can, please help. Thank you
- published: 29 Sep 2022
- views: 22
Переселені-Перемещённые. Павлоград / Displaced. City of Pavlohrad
"Діти закричали: "Ура, Україна!"
Історії допомоги і надії внутрішньо переселених українців.
"Children were screaming: "Hurray, Ukraine!"
Stories of help and h...
"Діти закричали: "Ура, Україна!"
Історії допомоги і надії внутрішньо переселених українців.
"Children were screaming: "Hurray, Ukraine!"
Stories of help and hope from internally displaced Ukrainians.
"Дети закричали: "Ура, Украина!"
История помощи и надежды внутренне перемещённых украинцев.
Join / Приєднуйтесь / Присоединяйтесь:
Website - https://www.babylon13.com/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/babylon13ua
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/babylon13ua
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Twitter - https://twitter.com/Babylon13UA
Вконтакте - http://vk.com/babylon13ua
Instagram - http://instagram.com/babylon13ua
"Діти закричали: "Ура, Україна!"
Історії допомоги і надії внутрішньо переселених українців.
"Children were screaming: "Hurray, Ukraine!"
Stories of help and hope from internally displaced Ukrainians.
"Дети закричали: "Ура, Украина!"
История помощи и надежды внутренне перемещённых украинцев.
Join / Приєднуйтесь / Присоединяйтесь:
Website - https://www.babylon13.com/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/babylon13ua
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/babylon13ua
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+babylon13ua
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Babylon13UA
Вконтакте - http://vk.com/babylon13ua
Instagram - http://instagram.com/babylon13ua
- published: 12 Oct 2015
- views: 7023