

Hysteria, Thy name is Woman

“For at least two thousand years of European history until the late nineteenth century hysteria referred to a medical condition thought to be particular to women and caused by disturbances of ...

Hobby Lobby Ruling May Not Be the Blow to Obamacare We Think

On today’s edition of Coffee and Markets, Brad Jackson is joined by Avik Roy to discuss the Hobby Lobby case, why it isn’t technically a victory against Obamacare itself and what this means for HHS enforcement of the law.

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Why Barack Obama won’t just unilaterally fund access to abortifacients.

If the administration decided to fund procedures that an extremely large swath of the population considers to be abortifacients then they’d be in for several more exquisitely painful months in the public disapproval barrel.

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Ginsburg’s “blistering” dissent to Hobby Lobby ruling is statist ravings

I’m so glad that Justice Ginsburg’s blistering dissent has the weight of desiccated toilet tissue. She’s no Antonin Scalia. But her vision is obvious.

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Hobby Lobby and the Amusing Meltdown on the Left

The reaction on the Left to the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision has been colorful if nothing else.  When not urging that Hobby Lobby stores be burnt to the ground, some have urged organized F#!@-ins at the stores “in the glitter aisle.”  With commentary like this, they certainly do more harm to the cause of feminism than any Supreme Court decision could ever achieve.  The | Read More »

Tech at Night: I agree with Alito, not Roberts, in the phone search case, Riley v. California

Tech at Night

I admit, when I see too much libertarian cheering about something, I look for the catch. So I had to take a closer look when I saw people disagree with aligned with people I sometimes agree with and sometimes disagree with, all cheering the Supreme Court’s decision in Riley v. California, which asserted that in a police stop, a warrant is required by police to search the data on the phone.

I have to say I agree with Justice Alito’s concurrence, more than I do with the opinion of the court by the Chief Justice. He points out that searching arrested persons predates the fourth amendment, was not altered by the fourth amendment, and is all about gathering evidence, not securing cops. So the court was right, but for the wrong reason.

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Erick’s Got The KOSKiddiots in a Tizzy

Many of you know I visit DailyKOS to keep up with the Mother Joneses, so to speak.  I have a rule that I get to stop reading their articles when the name calling begins.  I’ve had to suspend that rule today because the name calling is in some of the titles of the articles, first lines, and captions of the pictures.  I just can’t do | Read More »

Immigration and The Evils of Deliberate Chaos.

The failure of the United States government to organize and intelligently police its Southern border makes the United States of America the knowing perpetrator of a human rights atrocity. While not as bad of an All-American, 4th of July Human Rights Atrocity as The Abortion-Industrial Complex; what is currently occurring at our Southern Border with the full knowledge and active connivance of our political leadership | Read More »

BREAKING: New Allegations Point to Cochran Campaign in Mississippi Senate Vote Buying Scandal

An audio interview has surfaced in which the interviewee claims that he was to be paid by the Cochran camp to grease voters in the Mississippi GOP Senate runoff election. The audio interview, which coincides with a separate audio recording and batch of evidence produced by the newly launched, a project by Charles C. Johnson, alleges that the Cochran campaign conspired with a Mississippi Reverend | Read More »

The White House Does Not Understand What Happened in the Hobby Lobby Case

It is not surprising that most leftist commentators are completely missing the boat on the Hobby Lobby decision. After all, one does not become a writer for The Nation or Mother Jones or DailyKos by being smart or knowledgeable. What’s troubling is that the White House seems equally clueless as to what actually happened today – although it’s still up in the air whether this | Read More »