Ashton Irwin // Favorite Moments (2014)
some cute/funny/dumb clips of that drumming ball of sunshine known as Ashton Fletcher Irwi...
published: 10 Jun 2014
Ashton Irwin // Favorite Moments (2014)
Ashton Irwin // Favorite Moments (2014)
some cute/funny/dumb clips of that drumming ball of sunshine known as Ashton Fletcher Irwin :---) hope you enjoy! SORRY THIS IS SO LONG I TRIED TO KEEP IT SHORT OK I do not own any of these videos, no copyright intended Videos can be found on Youtube or on https://www.keek.com/profile/5secondsofsummer http://instagram.com/5sos http://instagram.com/ashtonirwin- published: 10 Jun 2014
- views: 962
5SOS On Ashton
Almost two years ago on the 3rd of December 2011, we came together and formed 5 Seconds of...
published: 03 Dec 2013
5SOS On Ashton
5SOS On Ashton
Almost two years ago on the 3rd of December 2011, we came together and formed 5 Seconds of Summer. We've been working on some EPIC stuff for #5SOSBDAY while we've been in LA & decided to make a couple of videos about each of us and what it's like to be in a band together !! This one is about..... ASHTON IRWIN :D SUBSCRIBE to our youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/hemmo1996?sub_confirmation=1 ----- FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/5secondsofsummer TWITTER: https://twitter.com/5SOS WEBSITE: http://www.5sos.com TUMBLR: http://www.5sos-official.tumblr.com- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 232958
Martyn Ashton - Road Bike Party
Martyn Ashton takes the £10k carbon road bike used by Team Sky's Bradley Wiggins & Mark Ca...
published: 09 Oct 2012
author: Martyn Ashton
Martyn Ashton - Road Bike Party
Martyn Ashton - Road Bike Party
Martyn Ashton takes the £10k carbon road bike used by Team Sky's Bradley Wiggins & Mark Cavendish for a ride with a difference. With a plan to push the limit...- published: 09 Oct 2012
- views: 8389548
- author: Martyn Ashton
Ashton Kutcher Speech - Teen Choice Awards (HQ)
(High Quality) Encouraging words from an unlikely source. Someone in Hollywood finally tel...
published: 13 Aug 2013
author: Brandon Myers
Ashton Kutcher Speech - Teen Choice Awards (HQ)
Ashton Kutcher Speech - Teen Choice Awards (HQ)
(High Quality) Encouraging words from an unlikely source. Someone in Hollywood finally telling our kids (and whoever else is listening) 3 keys: building a li...- published: 13 Aug 2013
- views: 984261
- author: Brandon Myers
Getting To Know 5 Seconds Of Summer Part 1: Ashton Irwin
In the first of four videos, we get acquainted with 5 Seconds Of Summer's Ashton Irwin.
published: 21 Jul 2014
Getting To Know 5 Seconds Of Summer Part 1: Ashton Irwin
Getting To Know 5 Seconds Of Summer Part 1: Ashton Irwin
In the first of four videos, we get acquainted with 5 Seconds Of Summer's Ashton Irwin. Subscribe to our channel for more 5SOS videos: http://bit.ly/XYvFPb Download the 5SOS issue of Rock Sound: http://smartulr.it/rsapp Find out what else is inside the mag: http://smarturl.it/5sossound Rock Sound - the world's greatest music magazine, website and everything in between. Check us out at http://www.rocksound.tv Rock Sound magazine is available worldwide! Buy it for your mobile device or tablet here http://smarturl.it/rsapp or order a physical copy direct to your door at http://rocksound.bigcartel.com Talk to us! http://www.facebook.com/rocksound.tv http://www.twitter.com/rocksound http://rocksound.tumblr.com http://instagram.com/rocksound http://plus.google.com/+rocksound- published: 21 Jul 2014
- views: 188
Road Bike Party 2 - Martyn Ashton
Road Bike Party 2 is here! Martyn Ashton, Danny MacAskill and Chris Akrigg take you on a n...
published: 10 Dec 2013
Road Bike Party 2 - Martyn Ashton
Road Bike Party 2 - Martyn Ashton
Road Bike Party 2 is here! Martyn Ashton, Danny MacAskill and Chris Akrigg take you on a new journey with a new bike in RBP 2. Follow GCN on YouTube: http://gcn.eu/gcnsubs RBP2 has incredible stunts and amazing tricks all completed on a £15,000 Colnago C59 Disc. It can only be done in Road Bike Party 2! Lycra-clad trials legend Martyn Ashton's first Road Bike Party was a YouTube sensation, so a sequel HAD to be made, bigger and better than before! Martyn was in the middle of filming when his life was transformed by an accident during a trials display which has left him paralysed from the waist down. Courage, determination and great friends have helped Martyn to complete his vision for Road Bike Party 2. Road Bike Party 2 features special guest appearances from two trials riding and YouTube legends, and music from Catfish and the Bottlemen with "Rango" (http://gcn.eu/1gVfrB5) and Capella. In the words of Mr Ashton, "Party on"! No bikes were harmed in the making of this film. Music: Catfish and The Bottlemen - Rango (written by Van McCann): http://gcn.eu/1gVfrB5 Capella - We Met At A Party (written by Dara Quilty and Ciaran Smyth): http://gcn.eu/ICv5p2 A film by Robin Kitchin Big thanks to the unsung heroes: Andy 'Tunes' Ashton Blake 'Zimbo' Samson Chloe 'Darlin' Cosby Chris 'Concrete Pipes' Smith Darren 'Gym Balls' Roberts Duncan 'Fakie' Shaw Jack 'Bunny' Lindley James 'All The Boys 'Jones Mongoose 'Sweet' Bikes National 'Manchester' Cycling Centre Neil 'Brew' Martin Nico 'Loop' Turner Rowan 'Manual' Johns Scott 'Tennis Court' Merrel Thorpe 'aaaahhhh' Park and Lisa & Alfie 'The Legends' Ashton Follow the Party on Facebook and Twitter: GCN Twitter - http://gcn.eu/gcnTW Facebook - http://gcn.eu/gcnFb Martyn Twitter - http://gcn.eu/MartynTW Facebook - http://gcn.eu/MartynFB Danny Twitter - http://gcn.eu/DannyTW Facebook - http://gcn.eu/DannyMacFB http://www.dannymacaskill.co.uk/ Chris Twitter - http://gcn.eu/ChrisAkTW Facebook - http://gcn.eu/ChrisAkFB http://chrisakrigg.com/ About GCN: The Global Cycling Network puts you in the centre of the action: from the iconic summit of the Stelvio to the epic trails of Fort William, Scotland, everywhere there is pavé or dirt, world-class racing, and pro riders, we will be there bringing you all the action, essential analysis and unparalleled access every week, every month, and every year. Welcome to the Global Cycling Network | Inside cycling Youtube Channel - http://gcn.eu/gcnYT Facebook - http://gcn.eu/gcnFb Google+ - http://gcn.eu/gcnGPlus Twitter - http://gcn.eu/gcnTW Leave us a comment below!- published: 10 Dec 2013
- views: 8767422
Ashton from 5SOS Playing Summer Surprise - In:Demand Summer Live
Ashton Irwin from 5 Seconds of Summer plays Summer Surprise backstage at In:Demand Summer ...
published: 18 Jul 2014
Ashton from 5SOS Playing Summer Surprise - In:Demand Summer Live
Ashton from 5SOS Playing Summer Surprise - In:Demand Summer Live
Ashton Irwin from 5 Seconds of Summer plays Summer Surprise backstage at In:Demand Summer Live 2014. If you liked this video, hit the subscribe button For more information follow @InDemandUK on Twitter Or find more videos and everything else at http://www.indemand.fm- published: 18 Jul 2014
- views: 15582
Ashton super-try against Australia 2010
Chris' Ashton-ishing 94-metre wonder-try against Australia at Twickenham in 2010....
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: officialRFUTV
Ashton super-try against Australia 2010
Ashton super-try against Australia 2010
Chris' Ashton-ishing 94-metre wonder-try against Australia at Twickenham in 2010.- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 27059
- author: officialRFUTV
Ashton Kutcher Gets Naked
That's right! For Ellen's Season Premiere, Ashton Kutcher spared no expense, except for on...
published: 12 Sep 2011
author: TheEllenShow
Ashton Kutcher Gets Naked
Ashton Kutcher Gets Naked
That's right! For Ellen's Season Premiere, Ashton Kutcher spared no expense, except for one: clothes! Before the show he was wearing nothing more than a robe...- published: 12 Sep 2011
- views: 2897821
- author: TheEllenShow
5 Seconds Of Summer : Ashton Irwin embrasse un pingouin
Les 5 Seconds Of Summer étaient en France pour aller à la rencontre de la 5SOSFam français...
published: 28 Jul 2014
5 Seconds Of Summer : Ashton Irwin embrasse un pingouin
5 Seconds Of Summer : Ashton Irwin embrasse un pingouin
Les 5 Seconds Of Summer étaient en France pour aller à la rencontre de la 5SOSFam française ! Lors de cette journée parisienne, les membres du groupe ont accordé une interview à fan2.fr, l'occasion pour les fans de découvrir de nouvelles vidéos hilarantes, dont Ashton Irwin embrassant un pingouin ! http://www.fan2.fr/5-sos-pour-fan2-fr-ashton-irwin-embrasse-un-pingouin-en-interview-a303420.html ------ Aimez et commentez nos vidéos. ► Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYYwYy8P7uovojz01Xj2R6Q?sub_confirmation=1&src;_vid=uarJ_ZHELdQ&feature;=iv&annotation;_id=annotation_901030105 SUIVEZ-NOUS ! ► Twitter : https://twitter.com/fan2fr ► Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Fan2.fr ► Google + : https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/115021583540977150944/+fan2fr/posts Vidéo Copyright © 2014 meltyProd- published: 28 Jul 2014
- views: 301
Baronesse Ashton & Urmas Paet - Das abgehörte Telefonat - Deutsch
http://www.Wahrheitsbewegung.net - Estlands Außenminister Urmas Paet hat sich verärgert ge...
published: 06 Mar 2014
Baronesse Ashton & Urmas Paet - Das abgehörte Telefonat - Deutsch
Baronesse Ashton & Urmas Paet - Das abgehörte Telefonat - Deutsch
http://www.Wahrheitsbewegung.net - Estlands Außenminister Urmas Paet hat sich verärgert gezeigt über die Veröffentlichung seines Telefongesprächs mit EU-Chefdiplomatin Catherine Ashton über die Lage in der Ukraine, teilte das estnische Außenamt am Mittwoch in Tallinn mit. Paet habe die Echtheit der Aufzeichnung bestätigt und erklärt, dass das abgehörte Gespräch am Mittwoch „nicht zufällig" im Internet veröffentlicht worden sei. Es handle sich um ein Telefonat vom 26. Februar, das nach Paets Kiew-Besuch stattgefunden habe. Den Angaben zufolge setzte Paet die EU-Außenbeauftragten davon in Kenntnis, was er bei Treffen in Kiew erfahren hatte. „(Die Ärztin) Olga Bogomolez, die die Verletzten auf dem Maidan behandelt hatte, informierte mich über Scharfschützen, die Menschen in Kiew töteten. Ihr zufolge deuten alle Indizien darauf hin, dass Menschen auf beiden rivalisierenden Seiten von ein und denselben Scharfschützen erschossen wurden", sagte Paet. Bogomolez habe ihm auch Bilder gezeigt und gesagt, dass in allen Fällen die gleiche Munition genutzt worden und Menschen auf gleiche Art getötet worden seien. © REUTERS/ Konstantin Chernichkin Unruhen in der Ukraine: Straßenkämpfe in Kiew „Besorgniserregend ist, dass die neue Koalition nicht gewillt ist, die Umstände dieser Todesschüsse zu klären. Somit wird der Verdacht erhärtet, dass hinter den Scharfschützen nicht (Präsident Viktor) Janukowitsch, sondern jemand aus der Koalition gestanden hat", sagte Paet im Gespräch mit Ashton. Dies bringe die neue Koalition von Anfang an in Misskredit. Paet zufolge ist das Vertrauen der Bevölkerung zum neuen Kabinett gleich Null. Darüber hinaus gebe es Probleme mit der Gewährleistung der Sicherheit und der territorialen Integrität sowie um die Krim u.a. Parlamentsabgeordnete würden massiv unter Druck gesetzt. Nachts kämen zu ihnen „ungebetene Gäste". Journalisten wollen gesehen haben, wie Bewaffnete direkt vor dem Parlamentsgebäude einen Abgeordneten brutal niedergeschlagen hätten. Paet weigerte sich am Mittwoch, die Aufzeichnung zu kommentieren. Zuerst wolle er sie sich selber anhören, sagte er.- published: 06 Mar 2014
- views: 165
1D's Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson Vs. 5SOS' Calum & Ashton: #1 Bandmate OTP?!
1D's Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson Vs. 5SOS' Calum & Ashton: #1 Bandmate OTP?!
Subscribe ...
published: 21 Jul 2014
1D's Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson Vs. 5SOS' Calum & Ashton: #1 Bandmate OTP?!
1D's Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson Vs. 5SOS' Calum & Ashton: #1 Bandmate OTP?!
1D's Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson Vs. 5SOS' Calum & Ashton: #1 Bandmate OTP?! Subscribe to Hollywire | http://bit.ly/Sub2HotMinute Send Chelsea a Tweet! | http://bit.ly/TweetChelsea Follow Hollywire! | http://bit.ly/TweetHollywire So between 5SOS' Calum and Ashton and 1D's Harry and Louis, who gets your vote for Bandmate OTP!? Let's kick things off with Calum And Ashton: Not only are they like so funny with their little punky sweetness, but check out exhibit A where Calum was asked who he would date in the group, if he were a girl... Yup. OK, now onto one of the greatest bromances of our time: Larry . Everyone knows that Harry and Louis are meant to be.. I mean look at the little looks they give each other and can we talk, for a second, about how good they look when they're drenched? Yeah, the rain may have dumped on their show in Switzerland, but Holy Wet Tee Shirt do those two make it look good. So are you #TeamLarry or #TeamCashton? Talk it out below and also make sure you tweet us with your #1 OTP all time.- published: 21 Jul 2014
- views: 301
Breaking: Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton discuss Ukraine over the phone
Officers of Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) loyal to the ousted President Viktor Yanukov...
published: 05 Mar 2014
Breaking: Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton discuss Ukraine over the phone
Breaking: Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton discuss Ukraine over the phone
Officers of Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) loyal to the ousted President Viktor Yanukovich have hacked phones of Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Paet and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton and leaked their conversation to the web. The officials discuss their impressions of what's happening in the country after the revolution. The gist of it is that Ukrainian people have no trust in any of the leaders of Maidan. However the most striking thing of all is the fact which concerns the use of force during the revolution, particularly the snipers who killed both protesters and officers of the riot police. Mr. Paet reveals astonishing information which confirms the rumours that the snipers were employed by the leaders of Maidan.- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 851951
5SOS Fan Mail: Ashton
5SOS are answering some of your questions... strange, strange questions.
Subscribe: http:...
published: 17 Jul 2014
5SOS Fan Mail: Ashton
5SOS Fan Mail: Ashton
5SOS are answering some of your questions... strange, strange questions. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToCapitalFM More 5SOS Fan Mail: http://bit.ly/5SOSFanMail Get involved with the UK's No. 1 Hit Music Station! Website: http://www.capitalfm.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CapitalFM Twitter: http://twitter.com/CapitalOfficial- published: 17 Jul 2014
- views: 54543
Youtube results:
Leaked: Kiev snipers hired by Maidan leaders - Estonian FM to EU's Ashton (alleged phone leak)
The snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev were allegedly hired by Maidan leade...
published: 05 Mar 2014
Leaked: Kiev snipers hired by Maidan leaders - Estonian FM to EU's Ashton (alleged phone leak)
Leaked: Kiev snipers hired by Maidan leaders - Estonian FM to EU's Ashton (alleged phone leak)
The snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev were allegedly hired by Maidan leaders, according to a leaked phone conversation between the EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign affairs minister, which has emerged online - READ MORE http://on.rt.com/dx2op3 RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 301
Ukraine - Das Ashton Telefonat (deutsch)
Das Abgehörte Telefonat zwischen Catherine Ashton und Estlands Aussenminister legt nahe: T...
published: 07 Mar 2014
Ukraine - Das Ashton Telefonat (deutsch)
Ukraine - Das Ashton Telefonat (deutsch)
Das Abgehörte Telefonat zwischen Catherine Ashton und Estlands Aussenminister legt nahe: Terrorkommandos der Opposition erschossen Demonstranten und Polizisten um Umsturz zu ermöglichen und Janukowitsch möglicherweise in den Haag wegen Massenmord anzuklagen. Diesen angeblichen Massenmord nutzt die EU als Vorwand um Janukowitsch seine Konten zu plündern und die Konten vieler anderer Ukrainer... Alternative Medien: http://www.n23.tv Bitte unterstützen sie das Projekt mit einem Beitrag: http://www.n23.tv/shop Quellenangabe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RvaC_NFO-U Bitte teilen: http://www.facebook.com/NewsX23 http://www.facebook.com/NewsN23 Bitte abonnieren: http://www.youtube.de/NewsX23 http://www.youtube.de/NewsX33 http://www.youtube.de/News237 Skype: bmp.23- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 1696
Ashton Kutcher on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 2
Ashton talks about his brother's wedding, and he has message for his "Two and a Half Men" ...
published: 06 Feb 2014
Ashton Kutcher on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 2
Ashton Kutcher on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 2
Ashton talks about his brother's wedding, and he has message for his "Two and a Half Men" predecessor Charlie Sheen. Jimmy Kimmel Live - The second part of Jimmy's interview with Ashton Kutcher #KIMMEL Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed. Website: http://www.jimmykimmellive.com Channel: http://www.youtube.com/jimmykimmellive Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=jimmykimmellive- published: 06 Feb 2014
- views: 5251
Smallzy plays 'Name and Shame' with Luke and Ashton from 5SOS
Smallzy plays 'Name and Shame' with Luke and Ashton from 5SOS...
published: 16 May 2014
Smallzy plays 'Name and Shame' with Luke and Ashton from 5SOS
Smallzy plays 'Name and Shame' with Luke and Ashton from 5SOS
Smallzy plays 'Name and Shame' with Luke and Ashton from 5SOS- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 12932