
BLOOD SPIRITS by Sherwood Smith -- Book Trailer
BLOOD SPIRITS by Sherwood Smith -- Book Trailer
Book trailer for Sherwood Smith's fantastic new novel, BLOOD SPIRITS, the sequel to CORONETS AND STEEL -- out now from DAW Books. Remember to watch in HD! Buy BLOOD SPIRITS at Amazon: www.amazon.com Visit Sherwood Smith's website: www.sherwoodsmith.net Script written by Sherwood Smith Produced by Sherwood Smith Directed by Karen Osborne (http Starring Stephanie Peters, Michael Atencio and Jeremy Green Editor/Camera: Karen Osborne Fight Coordinator: Nick Seddon Wardrobe: Century Costumes Makeup: Jessica Sunga Score: Thomas-Adam Habuda Narrator: Jenny Krompel Visual Effects: James Lucia Rapier supplied by McKay Labs a Studio Osborne production

Sherwood Smith, Flow Edit
Sherwood Smith, Flow Edit
Sponsors: Aze Clothing and Majesty Skis Edited By Ryan Jaeger

AZE CLOTHING- Sherwood Smith
AZE CLOTHING- Sherwood Smith
Aze clothing and Sherwood Smith from Telluride CO holdin it down

Sherwood Smith and Kay Barnes Address the Earnings Tax
Sherwood Smith and Kay Barnes Address the Earnings Tax
Members of the Fire Fighters Union and KC City Council speak of their opposition to efforts to have voters address the earning tax in Missouri

Authors Claim Gay Censorship
Authors Claim Gay Censorship
Some authors Sherwood Smith and Rachel Manija Brown are claiming that editors and publishers told them to edit out gay characters and storylines from their books. www.guardian.co.uk The Largest Online News Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Support TYT for FREE: bit.ly

Dramatic Reading of Atlanta Nights, Chapter 1
Dramatic Reading of Atlanta Nights, Chapter 1
A dramatic reading of the first chapter of Atlanta Nights, the deliberately and hilariously awful book written specifically to debunk an online publisher! This chapter was written by Sherwood Smith. For more information: en.wikipedia.org sfwa.org

Crown Duel
Crown Duel
A review of the novel Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith. Check out my other videos and my blog. If you like what you see, subscribe.

14-Crown Duel
14-Crown Duel
Hello hello today's book is Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith. Did everyone enjoy Breaking Dawn? I hope so ^^ cheers nurrodiel2@aol.com

Crown Duel part II: Court Duel Book Trailer.m4v
Crown Duel part II: Court Duel Book Trailer.m4v
This has taken me ages and it has been very difficult - especially because the number of characters required for this book trailer is a great deal larger than it was in my trailer for the first half of Crown Duel. The book was originally two books, but they're sold as one called Crown Duel - a novel by Sherwood Smith (READ IT) This is only a fan-made video made from lots of different clips, I do not own the videos used.

Judging a Book By Its Cover: a Vlog in Three Parts
Judging a Book By Its Cover: a Vlog in Three Parts
I haven't made a vlog in ages, so I thought it would be a great alternative to doing something actually productive (ie homework). Part 1: Sherwood Smith's "A Stranger to Command" Part 2: My brilliant April Fools' Day joke Part 3: John Green's "Paper Towns"

5 Novels for Teens that Build Character
5 Novels for Teens that Build Character
www.GoodReadingGuide.com Need a book to inspire you to be a better person? Try these Crash by Jerry Spinelli, Finally by Wendy Mass, A Stranger to Command by Sherwood Smith, As Easy As Falling Off the Face of the Earth by Lynne Rae Perkins, and Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli.

2008: A Year in Books
2008: A Year in Books
My goal in 2008 was to read fifty books; I've read 57 so far. You can also see my entire list here: tinyurl.com 1. The Darkest Road (Guy Gavriel Kay) 2. Eat Pray Love (Elizabeth Gilbert) 3. On the Road (Jack Kerouac) 4. Hood (Stephen R. Lawhead) 5. The Year of Living Biblically (AJ Jacobs) 6. The Eyre Affair (Jasper Fforde) 7. Remember Me? (Sophie Kinsella) 8. Twilight (Stephenie Meyer) 9. New Moon (Stephenie Meyer) 10. A Moveable Feast (Ernest Hemingway) 11. Eclipse (Stephenie Meyer) 12. Dingo (Charles de Lint) 13. Looking for Alaska (John Green) 14. The Post-Birthday World (Lionel Shriver) 15. War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning (Chris Hedges) 16. A Fine Balance (Rohinton Mistry) 17. The Outlaws of Sherwood (Robin McKinley) 18. The Chrysalids (John Wyndham) 19. An Abundance of Katherines (John Green) 20. The Host (Stephenie Meyer) 21. The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (Michael Chabon) 22. Wicked Lovely (Melissa Marr) 23. Scarlet (Stephen R. Lawhead) 24. Gods Behaving Badly (Marie Phillips) 25. The Fox (Sherwood Smith) 26. The Last Summer of You and Me (Ann Brashares) 27. The Diary of Anais Nin, Volume One 28. Persuasion (Jane Austen) 29. Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte) 30. Alanna: The First Adventure (Tamora Pierce) 31. In the Hand of the Goddess (Tamora Pierce) 32. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (JK Rowling) 33. The Woman Who Rides Like a Man (Tamora Pierce) 34. Spirits That Walk in Shadow (Nina Kiriki Hoffman) 35. Yellow Dog (Charles de Lint) 36. Sundays at <b>...</b>

crown duel the movie trailer
crown duel the movie trailer
I'm a very visual person and I've been hoping someone would put up a CCD "trailer" thing. But since no one has, I did. Doing this wasquite exauhsting. I'll probably stick to writing fanfics still. I hope you like it. If it looks like a mish mash of movies that's cuz it is. :) if you can do one better go ahead. I'd like to see more CCD vids. I'd never realised how many period movies Keira knightly has been in until I made this vid. Anyways thanx for watching. Can you guess who the characters are?

Fernando Smith Class of 2012 SR FULL Highlights Sherwood high school (MD)
Fernando Smith Class of 2012 SR FULL Highlights Sherwood high school (MD)
Fernando Smith RB Sherwood High School

Once a Princess book trailer
Once a Princess book trailer
I'm terrible at drawing, but I like to think the bad pictures lend this trailer a certain charm. If you think the book sounds fun, you can buy your own copy at samhainpublishing.com I recommend it!

ConDor XVI Masquerade
ConDor XVI Masquerade
ConDor XVI (2009, San Diego) Masquerade, emceed by author Sherwood Smith.

Crown Duel Book Trailer.mov
Crown Duel Book Trailer.mov
A trailer I made for Sherwood Smith's book Crown Duel (The first half, not the second one that was once called Court Duel) I own none of the videos used, I am just a fan who loves this book. Video clips used: King Arthur, Merlin, Princess of Thieves, Lord of the Rings, Enjoy!

James Sherwood on Iain Duncan Smith.m4v
James Sherwood on Iain Duncan Smith.m4v
If married couples get tax breaks, what effect will this have on marriage proposals? James Sherwood imagines the effect on slushy love songs if this policy goes through. Recorded by Al Pitcher at the Worthing Comedy Festival.

ConDor XV Masquerade
ConDor XV Masquerade
ConDor XV (2008, San Diego) Masquerade, emceed by author Sherwood Smith. Sorry for the shaky panning...no tripod, tired arms.

TEDxUSC - Stephen Smith - A Revolution of Conscience
TEDxUSC - Stephen Smith - A Revolution of Conscience
England's Sherwood Forest has its legends. Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to the poor. Stephen Smith, a more recent Sherwood Forest legend, and his brother, James, created Britain's first Holocaust center, and then Aegis, the world's first genocide prevention centre... yes... in Sherwood Forest! Since then, Smith helped to create the Cape Town Holocaust Centre, was project director of the Kigali Genocide Memorial in Rwanda, and was head of the National Holocaust Memorial Day in the UK. Today, Smith is Executive Director of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute which houses the world's largest collection of audio visual interviews with Holocaust survivors. About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)