
Обратный отсчёт. «1863-й. Под ударом империи» (фильм первый)
24 апреля 1863 г. в уездном городке Сокулка случилось чрезвычайное происшествие. Утром мес...
published: 10 Mar 2014
Обратный отсчёт. «1863-й. Под ударом империи» (фильм первый)
Обратный отсчёт. «1863-й. Под ударом империи» (фильм первый)
24 апреля 1863 г. в уездном городке Сокулка случилось чрезвычайное происшествие. Утром местный пристав нагрянул с визитом в егерское училище. И не застал там ни одного человека. Исчезли учащиеся, преподаватели и даже начальник училища Валерий Врублевский, поручик российской армии. Пропало и казенное имущество: охотничьи ружья, амуниция, лошади... Было заведено уголовное дело по факту хищения. А через пять дней «пропавшие» неожиданно дали о себе знать. В десяти километрах от Сокулки они вступили в ожесточенный бой с российскими войсками... В январе 1863 года в Варшаве началось восстание, а уже весной перекинулось на земли Литвы и Беларуси. Это не стало неожиданностью для российских властей. Западные губернии всегда считались неблагонадежными. Восстание 1863 года стало самым массовым на территории современной Беларуси. Но в рядах заговорщиков не было единства. Партия «белых» (крупные землевладельцы и буржуазия) хотела восстановить Речь Посполитую в границах 1772 года. Они выступали за сохранение помещичьего землевладения и надеялись решить вопрос независимости с помощью западных держав. Партия «красных» (ремесленники, студенты, малоземельная и безземельная шляхта) была настроена более революционно. Только вооруженное восстание! Обязательная передача земли крестьянам! Равноправие! Право нации на самоопределение! С тех пор прошло 150 лет. Споры о том, кем же были участники этого восстания, не утихают до сих пор. Для одних они борцы за свободу и независимость, для других -- мятежники, нарушившие законы страны, в которой жили...Так что же произошло в 1863 году? Попытка государственного переворота или неудавшаяся буржуазно-демократическая революция?- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 5416

"1863 год" дак. фільм
Паўстанне 1863--1864 гадоў, вядомае ў Беларусі, як паўстанне Каліноўскага -- найярчэйшая с...
published: 05 Feb 2013
author: Тэлеканал Белсат
"1863 год" дак. фільм
"1863 год" дак. фільм
Паўстанне 1863--1864 гадоў, вядомае ў Беларусі, як паўстанне Каліноўскага -- найярчэйшая старонка айчыннае гісторыі ХІХ стагоддзя. Фільм польскіх дакументалі...- published: 05 Feb 2013
- views: 3127
- author: Тэлеканал Белсат

Tadek-Powstanie 1863
Płyta dostępna w każdym kiosku z tygodnikiem Gazeta Polska w cenie 6,90(do dnia 4 marca)....
published: 28 Feb 2014
Tadek-Powstanie 1863
Tadek-Powstanie 1863
Płyta dostępna w każdym kiosku z tygodnikiem Gazeta Polska w cenie 6,90(do dnia 4 marca).- published: 28 Feb 2014
- views: 275

Guitar picks, shirts, and Signed posters at http://CTFxCmerch.com
(↓↓ click show more ↓↓...
published: 07 Jun 2014
Guitar picks, shirts, and Signed posters at http://CTFxCmerch.com (↓↓ click show more ↓↓) Tour Dates http://wethekingsmusic.com/tour Twitter Charles - http://twitter.com/CharlesTrippy Subscribe To Our Other Channels: http://youtube.com/CharlesTrippy http://youtube.com/Trippy *Facebook: http://facebook.com/InternetKilledTV http://facebook.com/CharlesTrippy Instagram: http://instagram.com/CharlesTrippy Google+: http://gplus.to/charlestrippy Tumblr: http://charlestrippy.tumblr.com This video is for entertainment purposes only. We don't condone anyone attempting the activities shown.- published: 07 Jun 2014
- views: 113963

Iced Earth - Gettysburg (1863)
Iced Earth's first DVD release is something different than most DVDs released by metal ban...
published: 13 Dec 2010
author: desosav360
Iced Earth - Gettysburg (1863)
Iced Earth - Gettysburg (1863)
Iced Earth's first DVD release is something different than most DVDs released by metal bands. Instead of containing live footage, it provides a deeper look a...- published: 13 Dec 2010
- views: 121412
- author: desosav360

Gettysburg 145th DVD - July 1, 1863 Confederate Attack
A sequence from the final 145th aniversary DVD film "Gettysburg: Darkest Days & Finest Hou...
published: 01 Jan 2009
author: Lionheart1864
Gettysburg 145th DVD - July 1, 1863 Confederate Attack
Gettysburg 145th DVD - July 1, 1863 Confederate Attack
A sequence from the final 145th aniversary DVD film "Gettysburg: Darkest Days & Finest Hours" - An epic and original exploration of the three days in the sum...- published: 01 Jan 2009
- views: 62563
- author: Lionheart1864

The Gettysburg Address - Abraham Lincoln 1863
The Gettysburg Address is a speech by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and is one of the bes...
published: 16 Feb 2011
author: miniadler
The Gettysburg Address - Abraham Lincoln 1863
The Gettysburg Address - Abraham Lincoln 1863
The Gettysburg Address is a speech by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and is one of the best-known speeches in United States history.[1] It was delivered by L...- published: 16 Feb 2011
- views: 98544
- author: miniadler

Manet, Olympia, 1863 (exhibited 1865)
Édouard Manet, Olympia, oil on canvas, 1863 (Musée d'Orsay, Paris) Speakers: Dr. Beth Harr...
published: 17 Dec 2012
author: smarthistoryvideos
Manet, Olympia, 1863 (exhibited 1865)
Manet, Olympia, 1863 (exhibited 1865)
Édouard Manet, Olympia, oil on canvas, 1863 (Musée d'Orsay, Paris) Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker.- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 5744
- author: smarthistoryvideos

Time Traveler, Andrew Basiago at Gettysburg 1863 Part 2
Time Traveler, Andrew Basiago at Gettysburg 1863 Part 2
Subscribe to BackToConstitution
published: 10 Feb 2014
Time Traveler, Andrew Basiago at Gettysburg 1863 Part 2
Time Traveler, Andrew Basiago at Gettysburg 1863 Part 2
Time Traveler, Andrew Basiago at Gettysburg 1863 Part 2 Subscribe to BackToConstitution ... Andy finishes telling you the story of his time travel trip to 1863 to see Abraham Lincoln give the Gettysburg Address. He arrives in November, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and has lost his hat, jacket, shoes and one sock in the time tunnel, so the throws away the other sock so he doesnt attract attention. Oh yeah, like being barefoot in November looks normal. He shivers all the way into town, meets John Lawrence Burns, a Gettysburg cobbler and gets fitted with a size 14 shoe. I remembered them as size 13. I dont know why. I wear a size 10 1/2 D and Andy is short than me, so maybe he wears a size 9 1/2 or so. Size 14 shoes must have looked like hes riding in a boat. Burns stuffed paper in the front, to make them fit better and Andy is spotted by two fresh chickies and they are laughing at him. Id have been over there, like a fly on watermelon, talking sweet to the ladies of 1863. The chubby boy from 1972 runs into his Papa, instead and yells out, Dad What you are doing here in 1863 with me? Isnt time travel great? His father, humiliated by the kid without any cool, says, Im not your father, kid. Now go away, you bother me Just joking Anyway, youll hear how it really went down. Time Travel, Time Traveler, Andrew Basiago, Gettysburg, pyramids, codes, ancient artifacts, history, ancient history, ancient tombs, Zecharia Sitchin, ancients, Egypt, Eygptians, Egyptian Civilization, aliens, ancient aliens, UFO, ET, UFO sightings, orbs, skyfish, rods, Roswell, Comet Ison, Hubble, space, outer space, space program, space weather, planets, stars, galaxy, universe, solar system, sun, stars, technology, earth, military, government, NASA, SOHO, Nibiru, Planet X, Ison, comets, meteors, meteorites, asteroids, sun storms, sun spots, solar flares, fireball- published: 10 Feb 2014
- views: 8

Ballet Evolved - Pierina Legnani 1863-1923
Pierina Legnani was reputed to have been the first ballerina to dance 32 fouettes. But as ...
published: 01 May 2013
author: RoyalOperaHouse
Ballet Evolved - Pierina Legnani 1863-1923
Ballet Evolved - Pierina Legnani 1863-1923
Pierina Legnani was reputed to have been the first ballerina to dance 32 fouettes. But as we find out, this wasn't strictly the case. Including demonstration...- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 18269
- author: RoyalOperaHouse

Race and Conscription: The NYC Draft Riots of 1863
published: 13 Mar 2011
author: Anjali Agarwalla
Race and Conscription: The NYC Draft Riots of 1863
Race and Conscription: The NYC Draft Riots of 1863
- published: 13 Mar 2011
- views: 3928
- author: Anjali Agarwalla

Constitución Estados Unidos de Colombia 1863
Historia de la Constitución Estados Unidos de Colombia 1863...
published: 30 Sep 2013
Constitución Estados Unidos de Colombia 1863
Constitución Estados Unidos de Colombia 1863
Historia de la Constitución Estados Unidos de Colombia 1863- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 60

1863 Wheat Variety, Kansas State University
Kansas State University has released the wheat variety, 1863, in recognition of its sesqui...
published: 13 Feb 2013
author: KSREVideos
1863 Wheat Variety, Kansas State University
1863 Wheat Variety, Kansas State University
Kansas State University has released the wheat variety, 1863, in recognition of its sesquicentennial celebration in 2013. In this video, wheat breeder Allan ...- published: 13 Feb 2013
- views: 1567
- author: KSREVideos
Youtube results:

Andrew D. Basiago - Time Travel To Year 1863 Gettysburg
July 28, 2010....
published: 15 May 2012
author: CHANNEL3X
Andrew D. Basiago - Time Travel To Year 1863 Gettysburg
Andrew D. Basiago - Time Travel To Year 1863 Gettysburg
July 28, 2010.- published: 15 May 2012
- views: 13043
- author: CHANNEL3X

The Draft Riot of 1863
The Draft Riot of 1863: Irish whiteness, industrialization and how contemporaries and medi...
published: 08 Oct 2010
author: nyu
The Draft Riot of 1863
The Draft Riot of 1863
The Draft Riot of 1863: Irish whiteness, industrialization and how contemporaries and media since have "black-washed" the events.- published: 08 Oct 2010
- views: 2172
- author: nyu

American Civil War: A Study of the 1863 Gettysburg Campaign (1994)
The Gettysburg Campaign was a series of battles fought in June and July 1863, during the A...
published: 29 May 2014
American Civil War: A Study of the 1863 Gettysburg Campaign (1994)
American Civil War: A Study of the 1863 Gettysburg Campaign (1994)
The Gettysburg Campaign was a series of battles fought in June and July 1863, during the American Civil War. After his victory in the Battle of Chancellorsville, Confederate General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia moved north for offensive operations in Maryland and Pennsylvania. The Union Army of the Potomac, commanded by Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker and then (from June 28) by Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, pursued Lee, defeated him at the Battle of Gettysburg, but allowed him to escape back to Virginia. Lee's army slipped away from Federal contact at Fredericksburg, Virginia, on June 3, 1863. While they paused at Culpeper, the largest predominantly cavalry battle of the war was fought at Brandy Station on June 9. The Confederates crossed the Blue Ridge Mountains and moved north through the Shenandoah Valley, capturing the Union garrison at Winchester, Virginia, in the Second Battle of Winchester, June 13--15. Crossing the Potomac River, Lee's Second Corps advanced through Maryland and Pennsylvania, reaching the Susquehanna River and threatening the state capital of Harrisburg. However, the Army of the Potomac was in pursuit and had reached Frederick, Maryland, before Lee realized his opponent had crossed the Potomac. Lee moved swiftly to concentrate his army around the crossroads town of Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was the largest of the war. Starting as a chance meeting engagement on July 1, the Confederates were initially successful in driving Union cavalry and two infantry corps from their defensive positions, through the town, and onto Cemetery Hill. On July 2, with most of both armies now present, Lee launched fierce assaults on both flanks of the Union defensive line, which were repulsed with heavy losses on both sides. On July 3, Lee focused his attention on the Union center. The defeat of his massive infantry assault, Pickett's Charge, caused Lee to order a retreat that began the evening of July 4. The Confederate retreat to Virginia was plagued by bad weather, difficult roads, and numerous skirmishes with Union cavalry. However, Meade's army did not maneuver aggressively enough to prevent the Army of Northern Virginia from crossing the Potomac to safety on the night of July 13--14. The Gettysburg Campaign represented the final major offensive by Robert E. Lee in the Civil War. Afterward, all combat operations of the Army of Northern Virginia were in reaction to Union initiatives. Lee suffered over 27,000 casualties during the campaign,[4] a price very difficult for the Confederacy to pay. The campaign met only some of its major objectives: it had disrupted Union plans for a summer campaign in Virginia, temporarily protecting the citizens and economy of that state, and it had allowed Lee's men to live off the bountiful Maryland and Pennsylvania countryside and collect vast amounts of food and supplies that they carried back with them and would allow them to continue the war. However, the myth of Lee's invincibility had been shattered and not a single Union soldier was removed from the Vicksburg Campaign to react to Lee's invasion of the North.[70] (Vicksburg surrendered on July 4, the day Lee ordered his retreat.) Union campaign casualties were approximately 30,100.[3] Meade was severely criticized for allowing Lee to escape, just as Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan had been after the Battle of Antietam. Under pressure from Lincoln, he launched two campaigns in the fall of 1863—Bristoe and Mine Run—that attempted to defeat Lee. Both were failures. He also suffered humiliation at the hands of his political enemies in front of the Joint Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the War, questioning his actions at Gettysburg and his failure to defeat Lee during the retreat to the Potomac.[71] On November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln spoke at the dedication ceremonies for the national cemetery created at the Gettysburg battlefield. His Gettysburg Address redefined the war, calling for a "new birth of freedom" in the nation, which established the destruction of slavery as an implied goal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gettysburg_campaign- published: 29 May 2014
- views: 14

Grzegorz Braun o Powstaniu Styczniowym 1863 r.
OMP i UPR we Wroclawiu w klubie Intakus - Marzec 2010....
published: 30 Nov 2013
Grzegorz Braun o Powstaniu Styczniowym 1863 r.
Grzegorz Braun o Powstaniu Styczniowym 1863 r.
OMP i UPR we Wroclawiu w klubie Intakus - Marzec 2010.- published: 30 Nov 2013
- views: 88