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For the record

For the Record

When scientific evidence is misrepresented in the news, experts can set the record straight. 'For the record' pieces have responded to articles making dodgy science claims, ranging from junk food causing allergies, magnets easing the symptoms of menopause or that perfume can make your unborn baby infertile.

All 'For the record' pieces

To see information by subject area please browse subjects.

Was a trial on complementary medicine in Northern Ireland "spectacularly successful"?Was a trial on complementary medicine in Northern Ireland "spectacularly successful"?
"Is your child's mobile phone scrambling their brain?""Is your child's mobile phone scrambling their brain?"
Are wartime helmets too dangerous for the classroom?Are wartime helmets too dangerous for the classroom?
"Children in agricultural areas are being exposed to a dangerous cocktail of pesticides""Children in agricultural areas are being exposed to a dangerous cocktail of pesticides"
"Research suggests even experimenting [with marijuana] can cause brain damage.""Research suggests even experimenting [with marijuana] can cause brain damage."
"Circumcision cuts risk of prostate cancer by 45%""Circumcision cuts risk of prostate cancer by 45%"
"Using mouthwash 3 times a day can give you cancer""Using mouthwash 3 times a day can give you cancer"
"The Sun calls for the screening age in England to be lowered from 25""The Sun calls for the screening age in England to be lowered from 25"
"Why you should NEVER keep your mobile in your bedroom""Why you should NEVER keep your mobile in your bedroom"
"Chemicals in food packaging may be health risk""Chemicals in food packaging may be health risk"
"Casual sex linked to depression and suicidal thoughts""Casual sex linked to depression and suicidal thoughts"
"Is BPA linked with increased risk of miscarriage?""Is BPA linked with increased risk of miscarriage?"
Chemicals in spray tan "may increase the incidence of cancer, diabetes, obesity and to impair fertility."Chemicals in spray tan "may increase the incidence of cancer, diabetes, obesity and to impair fertility."
"Danger to health in just one bottle of diet drink each day""Danger to health in just one bottle of diet drink each day"
"Lie detector tests set to be introduced to monitor sex offenders""Lie detector tests set to be introduced to monitor sex offenders"

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