Showing posts with label jade goody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jade goody. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Tony Parsons and Jack Tweed

The news that Jack Tweed has been charged with rape gives the tabloids plenty of opportunity to talk about St Jade. Again.

It will be interesting to see what Mirror columnist Tony Parsons makes of this news as back in March he was singing the praises of the thug in his article Tweed has turned his back on Jack the lad.

In recent weeks Tweed has spent the night with three girls from the same band, and been quoted saying he felt 'sick and dirty' when he had (got caught after) a one night stand. Now he stands accused of rape.

Parsons wrote about the man who has twice been sent to prison for violence:

He is far, far more than some dumb yob and is proving it every day...Wild boys who get into a few scrapes when they are young but who grow out of it.

Two prison sentences is 'a few scrapes'? With misty eyes he continued:

I don’t know Jack Tweed yet I feel that I recognise him.

And ended his ode:

Give the lad some credit. Before our eyes, the boy has become a man.


Thursday, 9 April 2009

Jade - back from the dead!

The terror arrests did at least knock Jade off the front page of the Star for the first time in...ages. Certainly their last 6 lead stories were 'about' Jade but it probably goes back even further than that.

And as if desperation hadn't already set-in, the 8 April lead was a classic piece of Daily Star bullshit.

Jade's back in BB. But she's dead. What the hell are they on about? Are they going to exhume her body for one of the tasks? Well, no...

Big Brother bosses want one of Jade Goody’s closest pals to star in the new series so her “fantastic spirit can live on for ever in the house”. Celebrity-obsessed Scouser Jaiden Micheal, 25, is “nailed on” to be one of the 14 contestants entering the BB10 house in June. He is already being tipped by producers as hot favourite to win the reality show.

Of course, the last time Jade's 'fantastic spirit' was in the house, it led to the Shilpa-gate racist bullying fiasco. The producers want to re-live that? Unlikely...

And who is this guy anyway? The Star calls him 'would-be celeb blogger and reality show star' which suggests he's got no talent but been in Heat a few times. He's been on a Living TV show called Diet and Dancing apparently, and is in PR. Great to have a front page splash for him then.

I may end up looking foolish but I'll say here and now there is no chance that this is going to happen.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

How dare the BBC report on Jade, that's our job

The Daily Mail is taking great pleasure in reporting BBC facing viewer backlash over coverage of Jade Goody's death. Yes the BBC coverage was totally excessive - as it has been almost everywhere else - but can the Mail really complain? It was lead story on their website Sunday, half their front page Monday and if you search 'jade goody' on the Mail site, you'll find 10 articles from the last two days alone.

On a related issue, hearty congratulations to the Independent. On Monday, they put a picture on their front page of a successful young woman in her late 20s who had talent, class and had achieved something worth celebrating. So why did none of the other papers take much interest in the Cricket World Cup winning England team?

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Nothing to do with us, OK?

So the PCC has said it won't launch a full investigation into that issue of OK! despite 60 complaints. What did you expect? They have said they might reverse that decision if a complaint comes from Jade's family, but don't hold your breath. Why? Because that would assume that the family had absolutely no input whatsoever in that issue in the first place. And I for one find that exceptionally hard to believe. Max Clifford and the family have flogged off daily reports and exclusives on Jade's condition, have broadcast all sorts of private moments on her TV show - do we really believe this was all done by OK! on their own initiative?

The Mail reports Clifford was interviewed on Radio 1 (a tough one, I'm sure) where he said the issue was offensive. 'No one has handled Jade Goody more sensitively in recent times than OK! magazine,' he said, without any apparent trace of irony.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Richard Desmond - sick bastard

This is truly unbelievable. Just when you thought the Jade coverage couldn't get any more sick and twisted, who else but Richard Desmond proves it could.

This week's OK is an 'official tribute issue', 'in loving memory' of 'brave Jade', and containing her 'last wish'. All this while she is STILL ALIVE!

Is it a coincidence that the issue number is 666? That seems to sum up Desmond's deal with the devil (or is that Max Clifford?). He really should stick to his porn. The man is clearly completely devoid of any good taste or judgement, a vile cretin getting rich on a the back of a girl dying of cancer. How has it come to this?

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Jade-watch (sorry)

Trinity Mirror newspapers make a mockery of themselves and the whole Jade Goody feeding frenzy with this nonsense. An 'exclusive' on the Mirror site dated 14 March 2009:

'Can no longer speak'? So how come the next day, sister paper The People led with her, ummm, talking:

Worth reading - Terence Blacker's column on 'Saint' Max Clifford and a review of Clifford's autobiography.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Selling your cancer story

Big Brother racist and general ignoramus Jade Goody has, you may have heard, got cancer. While we can feel sympathy for anyone suffering from this disease, especially one so young and with two kids, there is something very unsavoury about what appears to be daily updates on her condition and treatment. It seems intrusive and unnecessary.

But then we see news her cancer has spread on the front page of The Sun and see quotes from Max Clifford popping up in these stories and you come to the uncomfortable conclusion that the papers are paying for her latest medical update. While you could argue she's earning money for the future of her kids, it seems a rather tacky and unpleasant way of doing it.