Showing posts with label christopher tookey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christopher tookey. Show all posts

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Tookey gets his ass kicked for kicking Kick-Ass' ass

To the surprise of no-one, Mail film reviewer Chris Tookey has produced a scathing 'review' of Kick-Ass.

He gives it one-star (rather than his worst rating, a turkey) because it is:

sporadically funny, efficient, and well shot.

But he goes on to say:

it's lightweight and silly, but it's also cynical, premeditated and mindbogglingly irresponsible.


The reason the movie is sick, as well as thick, is that it breaks one of the last cinematic taboos by making the most violent, foul-mouthed and sexually aggressive character, Hit-Girl, an 11-year-old.

Avoiding any mention of the film's plot, he goes on to explain - at great length - why he believes it's a paedophile's dream, even mentioning:

Worldwide child pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry.

And that's partly the fault of this film that hasn't even come out yet, apparently.

He says of Hit-Girl:

she makes comments unprintable in a family newspaper, that reveal a sexual knowledge hugely inappropriate to her years.

Some might find the description of the Mail as a 'family newspaper' more offensive that anything in this film, but is the Mail as coy as he thinks? Err, no:

Indeed, when the Mail started getting 'outraged' by Kick-Ass on 28 February, they explained exactly what she says:

In one scene, the young serial killer – played by 13-year-old American actress Chloe Moretz – screams at her victims: ‘Okay, you ****s, let’s see what you can do now.’

In another, she tells her vigilante father she wants a puppy for her birthday. When he looks surprised, she says: ‘I’m just f****** with you, Daddy’, and asks for a razor-sharp knife instead.

And they repeated those quotes on 18 March, 24 March (twice) and on 31 March as well.

That's how unprintable they are.

Tookey is also appalled by what he believes is the sexualisation of Hit-Girl:

The movie's writers want us to see Hit-Girl not only as cool, but also sexy...Paedophiles are going to adore her.

One of the film's creepiest aspects is that she's made to look as seductive as possible...She's fetishised in precisely the same way as Angelina Jolie in the Lara Croft movies, and Halle Berry in Catwoman.

As if that isn't exploitative enough, she's also shown in a classic schoolgirl pose, in a short plaid-skirt with her hair in bunches, but carrying a big gun.

Classic school girl pose, with plaid skirt and big gun? Where have we seen that before?

Ah yes, on the Mail website on 28 February. And 18 March. And 24 March.

How can Tookey possibly continue to work for a media outlet which indulges in such 'exploitative' behaviour?

Oh and then there's this:

Yes, that's Tookey's own website, where all his film reviews are collected. Just look at that vile 'exploitative' picture of a 'schoolgirl...with her hair in bunches...carrying a big gun' he's used to illustrate his Kick-Ass review.

The hypocrite.

He goes on to refer to the:

grotesque glorification of prematurely sexualised...children

Several of the people who have commented on Tookey's review on the Mail website, who have seen the film, say it does no such thing (indeed, all but around 5 of the 62 comments are attacking Tookey's useless review). Frankly, it would be hard to imagine the BBFC giving the film a certificate at all, let alone a 15, if it did.

But if Tookey is so concerned about 'prematurely sexualised children' he should have another word with his employers. In the 'Don't Miss' section to the right of his review is yet another 'story' (meaning: pap pics with words attached) about Suri Cruise. Or, as the Mail describes her, a three-year-old in a 'super-cute' outfit:

The article begins:

In mini heels and grown-up clothes, she often seems a little older than her inconsiderable years.

And one of the picture captions, refers to her:

coy expressions.

That's on top of calling her, as the Daily Quail pointed out, 'precocious', 'cuddly', 'traffic stopping', 'cute' and 'impeccable'.

Then there was the description of an 11-year-old Katy Perry as 'pretty' with an 'innocent smile'.

Not to mention the Mail saying of the 'sweet' 15-year-old Angelina Jolie:

even at the age of 15, it was clear Angelina Jolie had star potential. With her bee-stung lips and sultry brown eyes...

And what about the time the Mail ran a picture of a 14-year-old girl's bum, so readers could judge if her trousers were too tight?

Tookey, with no small amount of egotism, goes on to cliam he is the only film reviewer brave enough to take this film on:

they'll get an easy ride from the vast majority of reviewers, who either don't care about the social effects of movies or are frightened to appear 'moralistic' or 'judgmental'.

It's a bit baffling to say a film critic is afraid of being 'judgmental' - surely that's in the job decription? But it's a good job we have Tookey to show us the way, then...

Or not, given this ludicrous, and breathtakingly crass, statement:

Do we really want to live, for instance, in a culture when the torture and killing of a James Bulger or Damilola Taylor is re-enacted by child actors for laughs?

Err, whoever said we did?

Friday, 24 July 2009

Who could he mean?

The world's most predictable film reviewer, the Mail's Chris Tookey, has given Antichrist a one star review. What a surprise.

He does give the film some praise, saying:

Parts of the picture are exquisitely crafted. They have a lyricism and a milky, dreamlike quality that evoke memories of the Russian film-maker Andrei Tarkovsky, to whom the film is dedicated.

He does at least given a fair and well argued account of why he dislikes the film, and dismisses claims the film is 'torture porn'. He adds:

The sad truth is that there is nothing in Antichrist that...[the BBFC]...has not let through before, with an 18 certificate.

Which begs the question - why the fuss? But then the most interesting paragraph of all. He says:

In its defence, Antichrist turns out to be not the picture that I have seen vilified in the press, sometimes by writers who lack any context of recent cinema with which to compare it, and in at least one case by someone who hadn’t even taken the elementary step of seeing it.

Who does he mean? Surely not Christopher Hart? Writing in the, er, Daily Mail.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Not so sick after all?

Who doesn't remember the Daily Mail's campaign against the David Cronenberg film Crash?

As mentioned here, it ran (often front page) stories such as:

And in its 19 March 1997 editorial:

All the psycho-babble in the world cannot refute the simple fact. The film is sick. It should not be shown.

And the Mail's film critic Chris Tookey (5 stars for Jurassic Park 3, 1 for Zatoichi) called it 'revolting' (21 Nov 1996).

Quite surprising then to see the film reviewed in the Mail's TV guide on Saturday 7 February 2009 and given four stars...