Privacy Policy

What data is collected?

  • We tend to not collect personally identifiable information
    • We do not collect any email addresses that you may supply in the link emailing form
    • An exception is when you contact us: for a reply, the form asks for your name and email address, both of which are optional
  • Server log information, such as:
    • Web requests
    • Internet Protocol address
    • Browser and system information
  • To store your preferences, we may use cookies

What data is shared?

  • We do not share personally identifiable information (PII)
  • We may share non-personal information, such as:
    • Software and system specifications
    • Browsing habits
    • Other non-personal data
  • To opt out of information collection by NAI members for targeted advertising you may click here


  • Please contact us at any time regarding this Privacy Policy for
    • Elaboration
    • Clarification
    • Questions
    • Suggestions