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The justifications for extreme inequality have collapsed. But only the Green Party is prepared to take the obvious step Read more.

The Pricing of Everything

The Natural Capital Agenda looks like an answer to the environmental crisis. But it’s a delusion. Read more.

Bone China Tea Party

Get ready for a radical rightwing insurgency that could be stirring within the Conservative Party. Read more.

A One Way Street to Oblivion

As soon as an animal becomes extinct, a new bill proposes, it will be classified as “non-native”. Read more.

Another Silent Spring?

Neonicotinoids appear to have devastating effects across the natural world: we need a global moratorium. Read more.

The Elixir of Life – In a Poisoned Chalice?

Is life extension science an astonishing promise or an astonishing threat? Or both? Read more.

Beaver Baiters

The government’s decision to capture England’s only free-living population is unjustified and irrational. Read more.

Purging Dissent

The real enemies of press freedom are in the newsroom. Read more.

A Legal Duty to Maximise Greenhouse Gases

Buried in the Infrastructure Bill is an astonishing and hitherto-unnoticed contradiction. Read more.

Towering Imbroglio

Is the government preparing to dispose of our forests and other public land? Read more.

An Ounce of Hope is Worth a Ton of Despair

We cannot reach people by terrifying them; there has to be a positive agenda. Read more.

The Values Ratchet

How to ensure that nations slide ever further into selfishness, and ever further to the right. Read more.

Ripping Apart the Fabric of the Nation

In an extraordinary coup, farmers’ unions and the UK government have torpedoed the European Soil Framework Directive Read more.


The point of current housing policy is to sustain a system built on injustice. Read more.

The Impossibility of Growth

Why collapse and salvation are hard to distinguish from each other. Read more.

Highland Spring?

Will Scotland please get off its knees and challenge the people who claim to own it. Read more.

Are We Bothered?

The more we consume, the less we care about the living planet. Read more.

Land of Impunity

Politicians and government contractors now seem to be able to get away with almost anything. Read more.

The Shooting Party

As the food queues lengthen, the government is giving our money to the super-rich. Read more.

Brilliance and Bunkum

The terrible howlers in James Lovelock’s new book show that genius is no defence against being wrong. Read more.