G8 Speakout at GPO – 8 June

It was very small, and the police horses had nothing for their trouble, but at least the voice of protest was heard …
Protesters listen to speaker on steps of GPO

There had been talk of a ‘scumbag tour‘ which is presumably why the police were out in numbers – anything with ‘G’ in front of it seems to sound alarm bells. Other commitments, and possibly the weather, kept some away, and instead of the tour there was a speakout, to which various activists contributed, including two on behalf of Indigenous peoples both here and around the globe.(Next week will see Senior-Sergeant Chris Hurley in court over the death of Mulrunji on Palm Island in 2004 – see http://www.socialist-alliance.org/page.php?page=653 – [link no longer valid]) Leaflets relating to the upcoming APEC meeting in Sydney in September and the court appearance of G20 arrestees in Melbourne on August 31 were handed out.

One of the speakers


[The text of this speaker's statement can be read in a comment to the Indymedia post - see linkl below.]

Horses leaving- light reflected from riders' jackets

The light brigade retreats, to the traditional cry of “Get those animals etc”

See further Melbourne Indymedia