Waitangi Day, 6 February 2008

Outside the consulate

Representatives and supports of Indigenous peoples across the Pacific gathered outside the Aotearoa/NZ Consulate in Melbourne on 6 February as part of an international protest. In addition to speakers from Aotearoa a statement from the Aboriginal Tent Embassy was read by a representative of ISJA (Indigenous Social Justice Association) and Krautungalung elder Robbie Thorpe spoke. Others included Nick Chesterfield, long-term campaigner for Indigenous rights in the Pacific, and Marisol Salinas, who delivered a message of solidarity on behalf of the Mapuche people of Chile.
Video of this event on YouTube in three parts:

There is a full report with photographs on Whenua, Fenua, Enua, Vanua – http://uriohau.blogspot.com/2008/02/waitangi-day-kulin-nations-08.html
See also Aotearoa IMC -



Ziggy the ‘no nukes’ white elephant …

Ziggy outside the GPO

With a support crew drawn from Friends of the Earth, The Wilderness Society, the International Campaign To Abolish Nuclear Weapons, the Australian Student Environment Network and others, Ziggy the ‘no nukes’ white elephant toured Melbourne in the lead-up to to the 24 November federal election, spreading the message and encouraging voters to visit the website http://www.votenuclearfree.net for a summary of the different parties’ policies on the nuclear issue. On Thursday at the old GPO he was part of the audience at an impromptu performance of ‘Vote the Bastards out!’ by a choir led by Stephen Taberner of the Spooky Men’s Chorale:

Ziggy watches the ‘choir’ assemble

(see full report and links on:


and on Friday he helped make up the numbers at a rally protesting against attempts to ban the flying of the Eureka flag …

There is video of Ziggy and the choir at the GPO on EngageMedia:
