Free Pussy Riot – Candlelight Vigil Melbourne 17 August 2012

Melbourne’s contribution to the International Day of Solidarity called by supporters of jailed Pussy Riot members awaiting judgement and sentence (now found guilty and sentenced to two years jail – was a candlight vigil at the old GPO building in Bourke Street. Despite the cold and a forecast of hail and thunder there was a good turnout, including quite a good proportion of suitably clad sympathisers:
Balaclava wearing protesters with photos of the accused

Proceedings included the reading of a statement by Marisa of Anarchist Black Cross Melbourne and the announcement of a free punk rock music compilation ‘My Pussy Riot’ by Sydney supporters My Sydney Riot, as well as rap from Izzy Brown.

[Added 31 August - there is a fuller account of the rally by Bec Zajac in]

Video is on its way (added, see below).

Placard - We are all Pussy Riot
The mc wore an illuminated balaclava ...
Leigh announcing the compilation
The main banners
Small canine sympathiser
Protesters line up on the steps
Lineup with raised fists
An earlier rally in support of Pussy Riot which we were not able to attend was reported at the time on Melbourne Indymedia. A list of places around the world taking part in today’s action can be found on the Free Pussy Riot website.

Iceland in Melbourne graffiti

Another in our (very) occasional series of street art that catches our eye. This is on the side of what used to be Dante’s on the corner of Gertrude and Napier Streets. Possibly linked to this recent post on Indymedia Australia?

Iceland is the freeest country ... in white paint on red wall
Here are a couple more links that the Indymedia contributor might have added: