Walmadan Country is Calling – Community Awareness Gathering, Northcote, 27 August 2011

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Following on from the very successful ‘Keep the Kimberley’ rally on August 14th, campaigners in Melbourne organised on Saturday what is planned to be the first of a series of awareness raising gatherings. Not a protest in the strict sense, perhaps, but part of the campaign and so included here. See the Walmadan Country is Calling Facebook page for details and other reports, including photos.

Footnote: campaigners in Ireland opposing a Shell refinery at Bellinaboy blockaded a road on Friday 26 August and dedicated this action as an act of solidarity with the community of Broome. See http://www.indymedia.ie/article/100410.

“Keep the Kimberley” – rally at State Library, Melbourne, 14 August 2011

View over rally, stage to left, sacred fire right

There was a marked difference in mainstream media attention towards the two Melbourne rallies on Sunday reported here: a veritable scrum at the one, seemingly total absence at this. Fortunately, organisers had put together apparently put together a team to collect photos and video, and a preview has already been posted via the event’s Facebook page. So this report is really only a supplement.

Perhaps as many as a thousand people attended in all, many having answered the call to


(From the callout.)

The red Save the Kimberley t-shirts sold out.

What the mainstream missed was a succession of inspiring speakers, singers – including veteran Shane Howard – and a finale from Dan Sultan and his band that had young and old dancing. And what is shaping up to be ‘bigger than the Franklin’.

Follow ‘Keep the Kimberley’ on Facebook

The video – see below – hopefully will give an idea of what was said, sung and done.

“Welcome to Country” came from Wurundjeri Elder Ringo Terrick:
Wurundjeri elder Ringo Terrick
Broome musician Tanya Ransom and Liz Stringer from Melbourne sang:
Tanya Ransom
Liz Stringer
Munya Andrews, an Aboriginal barrister from the Kimberley was one of the speakers:
Munya Andrews
Kimberley Traditional Owner Neil McKenzie:
Neil McKenzie

Shane Howard:
Shane Howard
Shane Howard silent
Two more speakers, Kevin Blatchford from Save The Kimberley and Felicity Wishart from the Wilderness Society:
Kevin Blatchford speaking
Felicity Wishart speaking

MC was Nikki Ashby:

Nikki Ashby at the microphone

Round and about:
Banners on back of information tents
Message to Martin Ferguson to leave the Kimberley alone

Sacred fire as centre of ring of people
Closer view of people gathered aroung fire
Closeup of fire

Neil McKenzie stooping over fire

Neil McKenzie bathes himself in smoke from the fire before speaking

Two young girls with Save the Kimberley placard
Some - slightly older - campaigner sitting on the steps with placards
Boy with skeleton design on jacket
Aboriginal flag knitted patch on back of jacket
Little girl dancing
Another shot of little girl dancing
Grown-ups dancing


Finally, photos of Dan Sultan and the band:
Dan Sultan and band on stage
Another shot of the band playing
Guitarist closeup
another of the same
Yet another
Drummer in foreground
Another band member, seems amused?
Dan Sultan introducing band members
The band in full swing
Closeup of Dan Sultan
Another closeup


Rally against Live Exports – Parliament House, Melbourne, 14 August 2011

Lyn White of Animals Australia speaking

Lyn White of Animals Australia was one of the speakers at the Melbourne contribution to nationwide rallies on Sunday calling on the Australian Government to permanently ban live animal exports. (According to an Animals Australia press release, at a total of over 20,000 “[this] was the biggest rally for animals in Australia’s history and certainly exceeded all expectations.” Certainly the steps of Parliament House were jam-packed, and because the rally was confined to the steps and footpaths it was impossible to see the full extent from ground level.
Other speakers were RSPCA Victoria’s Dr Hugh Wirth and Adam Bandt, Greens Federal Member for Melbourne. The media were out in force, making something of a contrast with another rally later in the day, where they were marked by their absence (see following post of Save the Kimberley rally at the State Library). There were also a lot of dogs, large and small, as well as AA’s ambassador sheep Timmy.
There are text reports of the rally both on the Animals Australia website – http://www.animalsaustralia.org/features/thousands-rally-against-live-export.php and in the mainstream media – for example the ABC and The Australian. See also the Animals Australia Facebook page.

Some photos from the rally:

Hugh Wirth speaking on steps of Parliament House

Dr Hugh Wirth and Timmy

Adam Bandt speaking - dog paying close attention

The dog at the right made a number of enthusiastic endorsements during the speeches. Timmy didn't seem to have much to say.

Timmy looking around at the crowd before the rally

Timmy checking out the crowd

Crowd on steps before start of the rally

Waiting for the rally to start

Some of the placards:

Closeup of placard in previous shot - Stop this Cruelty
Massive Livestock Abuse - MLA
Hand-drawn sketch of cow - Please don't; forget us
Placard with unflattering reference to Julia Gillard

Part of the media scrum at the front of the crowd

The media were competing for the best vantage point

Some views of the crowd:
Crowd on steps viewed from front left
Looking across crowd at top of steps
Looking down over crowd towards Windsor Hotel from top of steps
Little dog at start of rally, 'guarding' stack of placards

Little dog before the rally...

Golden retriever on steps after the rally

Big dog after the rally ...