Eureka Commemoration – 11 November

The execution of Ned Kelly in 1880 and the 118th anniversary of the execution of the Haymarket Martyrs were amongst events commemorated on 11 November at Melbourne’s Old Gaol. The 151st anniversary of the formation of the Ballarat Reform League, the 87th anniversary of Armistice Day 1918, the 30th anniversary of the dismissal of the Whitlam Labor Government in 1975 also featured in a survey of history of the day by Dr Joe Toscano of the Anarchist Media Institute, which organised the event. Those present joined in a re-affirmation of the Eureka Oath – which was proudly displayed on one of several magnificent banners erected outside the Gaol – and observed the traditional minute’s silence. The call also went out to join in ‘reclaiming the radical spirit of the Eureka Rebellion’ in Ballarat on the weekend of 3-4 December, including a “Sedition Sunday” organised by People for Civil Liberties and in Eureka Park, Ballarat, from 11am on Sunday 4 Dec. Details on [...]

See also and Melbourne Indymedia.

Outside the gaol - participants with raised fists

Re-affirming the Eureka Oath

Standing in circle with heads bowed

11am – the minute’s silence

Banners displaying Eureka flag etc

The banners

Kombi with anti-war banner etc

The peacebus

Large white dog resting

One of the dogs from the peacebus

Poster with Eureka slogans

Statement of principles