Rod Liddle

Rod Liddlerss


Who's responsible for these anti-Semitic attacks? Give me one guess...

16 August 2014

I was attacked by a swan the other day, as I walked along the bank of the River Stour in Kent. The creature climbed out of the water and lunged… Read more


These idiotic academics would be better off working in a garden

9 August 2014

Is your life saturated with racial meaning? The most common answer to this question, when I ask friends and acquaintances, and sometimes people in the street going about their business,… Read more

Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, allegedly used the term 'slut' in 2010 in connection with journalist,  Bryony Gordon

I was a slut too, Prime Minister, and I think you're giving in to PC nonsense

2 August 2014

Is it ever appropriate to use the word ‘slut’? I always take my lead from the Prime Minister and he has assured the country that it is never appropriate or… Read more

(Picture: www.monkeywellbeing.com)

The NHS ‘wellbeing’ monkey deserves to die

19 July 2014

My young daughter has a furry beaver — lifelike in all but its eyes, which to me seem cold and dead. I bought it for her in the United States and… Read more


Just what we need! An Islamic State incorporating all the worst parts of the world

5 July 2014

There is something attractive about almost the whole of southern Europe being part of an immense and somewhat rigorous caliphate, as promised by the exciting Sunni Islamic movement formerly known… Read more

Former Head of News International Rebekah Brooks leaves the Old Bailey with her husband Charlie Brooks Photo: Getty

Rebekah Brooks takes her place in a perfect picture of modern Britain

28 June 2014

What image comes to mind when we think of Britain today? I was moved to contemplate this question after reading the Prime Minister’s inspiring treatise on British values, which seemed… Read more


A Labour elitist meets a fête worse than death

21 June 2014

It is surely only a matter of time before someone with a mischievous glint in their eye invites the Labour MP for Bishop Auckland, Helen Goodman, to open a fête… Read more

Fifa President Sepp Blatter Photo: Getty

The problem isn't that Fifa's corrupt – it's that I'm racist (oh, and you are too)

14 June 2014

Are all white women really prostitutes who should be avoided, as some children at those schools in Birmingham were apparently informed? This is obviously a delicate, if not rather fraught,… Read more

Qatar Looks To 2022 FIFA World Cup

Did anyone really think that Qatar won the World Cup fairly?

7 June 2014

I suppose the appalling shock to the soul that was occasioned by the allegation that Qatar bribed its way to hosting the 2022 World Cup was exceeded only by the… Read more

Party workers outside a polling station at the Christ Church Primary School in Brick Lane Photo: Getty

Labour has proved that it speaks for London – and nowhere else

31 May 2014

So, now almost all the votes have been counted — except for those in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets, where the vibrant and colourful political practices of Bangladesh continue to… Read more

Police from Romania and Poland work in London alongside Metropolitan police officers in the fight against offenders from abroad Photo: Getty

I’d rather have a German next door too — and I have the figures to show why

24 May 2014

Should we be worried about the vast numbers of German-born people living covertly in the United Kingdom? The Office for National Statistics estimates that in 2011 some 297,000 Germans were… Read more

MPs Vote To Decriminalise Non-Payments Of TV License

My application to be chairman of the BBC

17 May 2014

To: Karen Moran, HR Director, BBC Dear Ms Moran, I have decided to give up on the gardening this year, after a number of dispiriting setbacks. Last year I invested… Read more

Investigation In Jimmy Savile Allegations Continues

Without Paxman, the BBC will have just one interrogator: John Humphrys

10 May 2014

In a double blow for the beleaguered BBC, the corporation has lost three of its most compelling attractions in little more than a month: the Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman, and… Read more

Previous Dickin Medal winner, arms and explosives search dog 'Treo' and his handler Sergeant Dave Heyhoe

The Dickin Medal is a morally dubious piece of nonsense

3 May 2014

Apparently, mice think that women are useless. I don’t mean that they think women mice are useless — they’re keen enough on them, all right. I mean women women, like… Read more

Manchester United v Chelsea - Premier League

David Moyes was a victim of the pomposity of Manchester United

26 April 2014

I took my youngest son to a football match on Easter Monday. It used to be something I wryly called a ‘treat’ when the kids were younger, but we usually… Read more

Nigel Evans (Photo: Paul Ellis/AFP/Getty)

The Nigel Evans case proves that juries are smarter than our liberal elite

19 April 2014

You may remember this little gem of a story from a month or so back. Justifiably worried at the ramping up of rhetoric by western politicians over the crisis in… Read more


I've found the perfect compromise on breastfeeding

5 April 2014

What attitude should we take towards women who wish to breastfeed their babies in public? Older, more conservative readers may feel a little squeamish about this sort of thing and… Read more

MPs Vote To Decriminalise Non-Payments Of TV License

An ex-fascist or two isn't the BBC's problem. Its boss class is

29 March 2014

We live in a recriminatory age, one in which we are only ever a step away from the cringing, self-abnegating apology. Take the case of BBC Newsnight’s latest appointee, as… Read more


So now we know – the BBC is more scared of offending Muslims than gay people

22 March 2014

Are there enough black and minority ethnic people on our television screens? The comedian Lenny Henry thinks not and has proposed targets to ensure better representation. Lenny means stuff like… Read more

A devil monkey. Should they be restrained with Ritalin, or told to behave?

Dyslexia is meaningless. But don't worry – so is ADHD

15 March 2014

There is a beautiful symmetry to all things, I think, and probably related somehow to the concept of karma. Only two weeks ago, a bunch of researchers at Durham University… Read more

Boris Johnson Supports Shelter'S Overcrowding Children Campaign - London

Why Boris is wrong to say that the children of jihadis should be taken into care

8 March 2014

Do your children have a bleak and nihilistic view of the world? It’s hard to tell, really, when they spend 30 per cent of the day blamming away at those… Read more

Arrest Warrant Issued For Former Ukrainian Leader As Square Becomes Shrine To Dead

If Ukraine’s protests were a revolution, why wasn’t the Stop the War march?

1 March 2014

It’s ages since I last went on a decent demo and had a bit of a dust-up with the pigs. I should get out more, there’s a lot of fun… Read more


Rod Liddle: Neknominations – this is what the internet is for

22 February 2014

Wouldn’t it be boring if everyone behaved much as you behave? If everyone expressed themselves similarly? Let a thousand flowers bloom, I say. Take the case of Torz Reynolds. You… Read more


We buy dogs to reflect ourselves. So who’s buying all these killer pitbulls?

15 February 2014

I’ve called the doggie hospital three times now to find out how Jessie’s getting on. She’s just come round, at the time of writing. I think it’s partly guilt which… Read more

Gove to remove Ofsted baroness

I've invented a new game. It's called 'Six Degrees of Shami Chakrabarti'

8 February 2014

Can someone please explain to me why the BBC newsreaders were not wearing black armbands last weekend when reporting the tragic story of Sally Morgan being given the boot from… Read more