
Any other businessrss

Vladimir Putin talks to Rosneft President Igor Sechin Photo: AFP/Getty

I know how ineffective sanctions are – but these ones just might work

2 August 2014

‘Sanctions,’ said Kofi Annan, ‘are a necessary middle ground between war and words.’ Neither the EU nor the US will deploy troops or missiles to defend Ukraine against Russian-backed separatists,… Read more

Day 35 of the Queen's Baton Relay in Scotland

Forecasting is a mug’s game – but I was right about the economic revival

26 July 2014

‘Perhaps I should shift my prediction to 23 July 2014,’ I wrote in April 2012. ‘That’s the opening of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, and we must all start thinking… Read more


Any other business: trouble spots in European banking

19 July 2014

‘1914: Day by Day’, the Radio 4 series by the historian Margaret MacMillan, is a gripping reminder that significant global events often arrive not in a single eruption but in… Read more


Gold-fixing is the last ghost of the old City. It won't be around much longer

12 July 2014

In a season obsessed with sport and personal misbehaviour — separately or in combination — the word ‘fixing’ immediately brings to mind ‘match-fixing’, as in ‘Two World Cup referees suspected’… Read more


‘Dark pools’ are just another conspiracy of bankers against the public

5 July 2014

It was at the Mansion House dinner last year that a City gent two seats away announced himself to be the custodian of one of London’s ‘dark pools’. The phrase… Read more

Chancellor George Osborne And Prime Minster David Cameron Visit Manchester

George Osborne’s cynical grab for northern votes (and why I’m for it)

28 June 2014

When John Prescott used to wax garrulous about a ‘superhighway’ from Hull to Liverpool, everyone assumed it was a wheeze to spray southern taxpayers’ money across the region he saw… Read more


The return of oil price anxiety is a timely reminder to get fracking

21 June 2014

‘Iraq turmoil sends crude oil prices to nine-month high’ is the sort of headline that used to send shivers down economists’ spines, especially if it appeared on the same page… Read more


The internet is broken – and we can no longer do without it

14 June 2014

‘The internet is broken,’ a corporate chieftain told me last week. It was an arresting remark, but he did not mean that his home Wi-Fi hub had gone down and… Read more

England And Scotland Fans Arrive To Renew The Oldest Rivalry In Football

I salute the wisdom of young Scots on independence (they're voting no, by the way)

7 June 2014

It’s a constant theme of this column that today’s young need to stop whingeing about their prospects and get on with making their own future. But a quick north-of-the-border tour… Read more

Thomas Piketty Photo: Getty

Fight Thomas Piketty or face a mansion tax

31 May 2014

The postman at the door is stooped by his burden like an allegorical statue of Labour Oppressed by Capital. His wearisome, low-waged task is to deliver a copy of Thomas… Read more

American Pharmaceutical Company Pfizer Propose To Takeover British AstraZeneca

Forget about saving British big pharma – it's little pharma we should be helping

24 May 2014

Readers in all sorts of places — at the club bar, over a birthday lunch, even along the church pew — had been telling me I was wrong not to… Read more

Barclays Bank Cuts 14,000 Jobs

Are we killing investment banking? And if we are, should we care?

17 May 2014

Do we really mean to kill investment banking, or are we trampling it by accident in a fit of righteous zeal? By ‘we’ I mean politicians, regulators and public opinion,… Read more

Photo: Bloomberg via Getty

Pfizer’s already beaten Ed Miliband. Now it just needs to offer the right price

10 May 2014

Pfizer will almost certainly have to offer more than its second bid of £50 a share for rival drug giant AstraZeneca, but the American predator seems to be winning the… Read more

Curse of the Gherkin

Why the bankers’ bonus debate is not going away

A bouquet to Alison Kennedy, ‘governance and stewardship director’ at the Edinburgh-based pensions provider Standard Life, for leading the rebellion of Barclays shareholders against the bank’s decision to pay increased… Read more

Chancellor George Osborne Visits Business Affected By The Budget

George Osborne is entitled to look smug

26 April 2014

The popular pastime for financial commentators this season is sticking pins in George Osborne. To those on the left who hate everything about him, to those on the right who… Read more


Should the Co-op be preparing for its own funeral?

19 April 2014

‘Care, respect, clarity and reassurance’ are what the Co-operative funeral service says it offers the bereaved, and the parent Co-op Group may soon find itself in need of just such… Read more

Don’t blame ministers for the Royal Mail sell-off. Beat up the bankers!

12 April 2014

Vince Cable and Michael Fallon, ministers responsible for the Royal Mail sell-off, have been summoned for another select committee grilling after Easter. Meanwhile, Labour’s irritatingly smug business spokesman Chuka Umunna… Read more


Is full employment just another of George Osborne’s political stunts?

5 April 2014

‘Full employment’ usually means the lowest achievable rate of unemployment — somewhere south of 5 per cent compared with 7.2 per cent today, or to put it in numbers, fewer than… Read more


Why I’ll join the silver stampede to cash in a pension

29 March 2014

At the beginning of the last decade, a young man who claimed to be my ‘premier banker’ paid me a visit. He was accompanied by his boss, evidently there to… Read more

David Higgins outside Kings Cross station Photo: Bloomberg via Getty

HS2’s boss is right – it’s push on or be rubbed out

22 March 2014

I’m sure HS2 chairman Sir David Higgins is right to argue that if we’re serious about building a new north-south rail network, we should get on with it. The greater… Read more

Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook Photo: Bloomberg via Getty Images

Any other business: Turn down those token directorships, girls, and tell them you want to be chairman

15 March 2014

Last Saturday was International Women’s Day, but we celebrated early in Helmsley when my Yorkshire home town was featured in national news last month as a beacon of recession-beating female… Read more

Screen Shot 2014-03-05 at 14.30.51

Any other business: Britain’s chaotic energy policy puts us in Putin’s hands

8 March 2014

To have written last month that the headline ‘Kiev in flames’ looked like a black swan on the economic horizon hardly makes me Nostradamus — but sure enough, the tension… Read more

F1 Grand Prix of Italy - Race

Any other business: Why a trillion dollars of dividends is a milestone worth celebrating

1 March 2014

Dividends paid by listed companies around the world passed $1 trillion for the first time last year, we learn from a report by Henderson Global Investors. The total is 43… Read more

Previews - Winter Olympics Day -2

Any other business: The friends of Putin taking home gold from the Sochi Olympics

22 February 2014

Imagine if the BBC’s excitable commentators had been asked to cover the building of Sochi’s facilities, rather than the Winter Olympics themselves. ‘Yeesss!!’ Ed Leigh might have yelled, ‘That’s the… Read more

Antony Jenkins of Barclays Plc. Photo: Bloomberg via Getty

Where I’m looking for the next great banking blow-up

15 February 2014

A reader likens me to Dr Pangloss, the quack philosopher in Voltaire’s Candide who insisted that ‘all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds’ even after… Read more