
Ross Clark rss


The strange death of individualism

2 August 2014

Hell, as one of Jean-Paul Sartre’s characters said, is other people. Unless, that is, you happen to be British and born after about 1980, in which case hell is the… Read more


Leave us to mind our own business, please

12 July 2014

The most excruciating advert I have ever seen was a British Leyland one from the 1970s featuring a crowd of Lederhosen-clad Germans, together with an assortment of other European stereotypes,… Read more


Investment special: Sell your Ferraris

26 April 2014

Here is a paradox. Study the photographs of the flats and houses being sold in London’s prime property boom and you see one minimalist interior after another. The huge, empty… Read more

Women Pickets

The equal pay bomb that could wipe out public sector jobs

29 March 2014

I have just decided that my work is of equal value to that of the feminist supermodel Cameron Russell. Neither of us, admittedly, is quite as useful as a plumber,… Read more

Night view of the fountain at the juncti

Power struggle

7 December 2013

It is ‘immoral’, asserted Michael Fallon at this week’s Spectator energy conference, to force basic-rate taxpayers to subsidise wealthy landowners’ wind turbines and the solar panels of well-off homeowners. It… Read more


End of the party - how British political leaders ran out of followers

14 September 2013

If Cyril Northcote Parkinson was still around he would devise a law for party political conferences: that the significance of what is discussed in the conference centre is inversely proportional… Read more


Why some of Britain's top schools are replicating themselves in the Far East

7 September 2013

In China you can see replicas of the Eiffel Tower, the Great Pyramid, St Peter’s Square and a large slice of Amsterdam. But more remarkable than any of them in… Read more

Irish budget airline Ryanair CEO Michael

Welcome to Ryanair Britain

31 August 2013

Which businessman is the most influential in the making of government policy? The answer came to me when I received a letter fining me £80 for forgetting to renew my… Read more

Phase Two Route Of The Proposed HS2 Rail Link Announced

As high speed rail is being dropped in California and France, it's time for Britain to take the hint

24 August 2013

In June last year I predicted in these pages that the government would allow High Speed 2 to die a quiet death. Although the government has since reaffirmed its commitment… Read more


Wasted! How 'Austerity Osborne' is still squandering billions

22 June 2013

When the Chancellor stands up to present his spending review next Wednesday it will be with the reputation of a crazed axeman. Much of the country, whether it thinks it… Read more

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Has Died

Why are lefties so sycophantic to Margaret Thatcher?

13 April 2013

I’ve been scratching my head for the past half hour trying to work out how I would react if I were a Conservative MP and a BBC reporter stuffed a… Read more

Community Centre, Botton_Village

Why I fear for my daughter

30 March 2013

To listen to many disability pressure groups, adult social care for people with learning disabilities is being slashed by a heartless government. What few of them want to tell you,… Read more


David Cameron's sex problem

23 February 2013

This week David Cameron lectured a business audience in India on how far Britain has yet to go in getting women into the boardroom. ‘My wife likes to say,’ he… Read more


Sickness in the health service

9 February 2013

A former editor of this magazine, Nigel Lawson, once described the NHS as ‘the closest thing the English have to a religion, with those who practise in it regarding themselves… Read more

Banksy - Lifestyle not in stock

Paying Osborne’s bills

12 January 2013

In her early campaigning days as Conservative leader, Mrs Thatcher had the gift of being able to relate the national economy to the domestic finances of ordinary voters. The battle… Read more


Up in the air

6 October 2012

Like the War of Jenkins’ Ear in 18th-century Anglo-Spanish relations, Heathrow is becoming something of a totem in the fight for the soul of the Conservative party. Whether you prefer… Read more


Our China syndrome

11 August 2012

The prominent story of London 2012 has been that of a country which was once an underachiever in the Olympic games but which, through sheer hard work on the part… Read more

The Tory delusion

28 July 2012

Many a Conservative MP will spend the summer dreaming happily about what the party should do in office once it has freed itself from the shackles of coalition. Few even… Read more

Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair list

Paying for PFI

30 June 2012

There is nothing as dangerous, they say, as the zeal of the newly converted. So it was when Labour under Tony Blair suddenly discovered capitalism. What had been a small-scale… Read more


The train to nowhere

16 June 2012

The fact that you cannot perform a U-turn in a train is one of the limitations of that form of transport. When the line ahead is blocked, locomotives form long… Read more

The price of gold

26 May 2012

On 27 July millions will drown in syrup as Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee, delivers his usual platitudes about international togetherness and sport without boundaries. He might,… Read more

Cameron’s tragic flaw

7 April 2012

The PM’s problem is not poshness, but impoliteness Premierships do not end in failure, as Enoch Powell once asserted, but in tragedy. They start with a beaming figure disappearing behind… Read more

Cameron’s follies

14 January 2012

Was a political brickbat from the left ever more elegantly lobbed than J.K. Galbraith’s jibe that conservative governments create ‘private affluence and public squalor’? It came to sum up perfectly… Read more

Crossed wires

5 November 2011

Chris Huhne wants to know why we don’t shop around more for our utilities. I’ll give him one reason. The liberalisation of utility markets has created an impression of bewildering… Read more


The free market in danger

22 October 2011

Young people say capitalism has failed them. They’re right. We must change the system to save it It would be easy to attack the London spin-off of the Occupy Wall… Read more