
Melanie Phillips rss


Do Israel's critics think there are not enough dead Jews?

19 July 2014

   Jerusalem It’s the moral equivalence which is so devastating. When Egypt this week proposed its ceasefire in Gaza, a BBC presenter asked whether both sides would now conclude that… Read more


The Revd Paul Flowers ticked all the right 'progressive' boxes — that's why he could get away with anything

23 November 2013

Listen to Melanie Phillips and Jesse Norman discuss Paul Flowers: Yet again, one particular question has formed on lips up and down the land. How in heaven’s name could so… Read more


The elderly are driving the recovery. It's time for generational jihadists to say 'thanks'

27 July 2013

You can blame it on David Willetts. A while back, he published a book called The Pinch arguing that the older generation had swindled the young out of their rightful… Read more


I think, therefore I’m guilty

18 September 2010

Britain is a liberal and progressive utopia – and the authorities will arrest anyone who disagrees Everyone can agree that today’s Britain — which we’re always being told has become… Read more

Welcome to the Age of Irrationality

28 April 2010

It is a truth universally acknowledged that reason and religion are mortal foes. Reason deals a death blow to religion; religion is clearly irrationality on stilts. If only religion didn’t… Read more

Al-Qa’eda has relocated to Africa

30 December 2009

There has been general shock at the attempted downing of Northwest Airlines flight 253 over Detroit. It isn’t just that yet another aeroplane terrorist atrocity was averted only by luck… Read more

Melanie Phillips

2 December 2009

To Edinburgh, that most gracious and civilised of cities, for what promises to be a less than altogether agreeable experience. I have to confess that, when BBC1’s Question Time rang… Read more

The clash of uncivilisations

21 October 2009

The BNP are using the public’s real fear of Islamism to attract support for their racist movement, says Melanie Phillips. If the political class wants to take on Griffin, it… Read more

Beware the new axis of evangelicals and Islamists

4 March 2009

Last weekend the Revd Stephen Sizer, vicar of Christ Church, Virginia Water appeared at an anti-Israel meeting with an Islamist called Ismail Patel. Patel has not only accused Israel of… Read more

Happy 60th birthday, Israel: well done for surviving

30 April 2008

What would Israel’s first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion have said if, on the day that he declared the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, he had known that… Read more


A major defeat in the war to defend the free world

1 August 2007

Shortly after the release of Alan Johnston from Gaza the website of Conflicts Forum, a group advocating engagement with Islamists and which is run by the former MI6 officer Alastair… Read more

The wizards of Oz have got it right

14 March 2007

Coming from Britain to Canberra to interview members of the Australian government is like leaving a fetid malarial swamp to be douched with fresh cold water from a mountain spring.… Read more

A terror so great we forgot it at once

6 December 2006

Dhiren Barot’s case faded because it revealed unbearable truths Dhiren who? Mention Dhiren Barot to anyone and the chances are that you’ll be met with a blank look. At best,… Read more

Hezbollah cells await Iran’s orders

2 August 2006

At a recent Stop the West rally (yes, I know, but that’s their real agenda) demonstrators waved placards proclaiming ‘We’re all Hezbollah now’. Really? If so, why were they allowed… Read more

Melanie Phillips

30 October 2004

I am currently sporting a plaster cast on my left arm which is further encased in a sling. People wonder solicitously whether I have been attacked by enraged human-rights lawyers… Read more

Let’s bring back stigma and shame

25 September 2004

The Turkish government recently announced that it intended to make adultery a criminal offence. This was not altogether surprising, since the Turkish government adheres to the principles of Islam, under… Read more

Why do politicians lie? Because they have to

18 October 2003

Tony is fighting Gordon while fending off Robin and Clare and trying to shaft Geoff while Jack beats him up about David. Iain is being knifed by Michael and Vanessa,… Read more

Honest Tony

27 September 2003

Tony Blair told us the truth. There, said it. Shocking, isn’t it? Something you would never dream of reading in a family publication. Especially The Spectator – the paper that… Read more

Road-map to Hell

17 May 2003

Colin Powell has said that he can see signs of progress over the Middle East road-map. Israel, he noted, had taken measures which ‘constitute the beginning of the road-map process’.… Read more