Varieties of Wild Mushrooms in Spain

Edit 21 Feb 2016
Wild Mushrooms in a Municipal Market in Spain.  (c) 2013 Lisa Sierra Licensed to Inc. Even though in the last half of the twentieth century, hundreds of thousands of Spanish abandoned their small towns or pueblos to find jobs in large metropolitan areas, they regularly return to the countryside on weekends and holidays ... Senderilla or Carreria This scientific name is Marasmus Oreades, (Collybia oreades)....

Zomba Hospital Phases Out Malnutrition Ward

Edit All Africa 18 Jan 2016
[Nyasa Times] Zomba General Hospital has phased a malnutrition ward which admitted children suffering from kwashiokor and marasmus ... ....

Drought: Urgent action needed to avoid economic and humanitarian disaster (DA - Democratic Alliance)

Edit Public Technologies 14 Jan 2016
(Source. DA - Democratic Alliance). Note to editor ... The Presentation and Oversight Report are available upon clicking n the respective link ... Moreover, the sector has contracted 16.2% year-on-year ... Direct effects such as marasmus and kwashiorkor in children will be exacerbated by indirect effect in terms of increased susceptibility to disease, especially for immune-compromised patients such as people living with HIV/AIDS ... (noodl. 31664716) ....

1 in 6 slum kids in Chennai underweight, says CRY study

Edit The Times of India 04 Nov 2015
CHENNAI. Here is some bad news from Chennai's slums. One in every six children (60%) below six years of age living in these impossibly crowded areas is malnourished and underweight ... CRY volunteers took up the survey of 1,250 children in slums in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Chennai ... While protein deficiency causes kwashiorkor, energy deficiency causes marasmus among children," said noted nutritionist Dr Meenakshi Balaji ... ....

NTT to reactivate Posyandu amid rampant malnutrition

Edit Jakarta Post 26 Jun 2015
The East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) administration has called on regents and mayors in the province to reactivate integrated health services posts (Posyandu) in their respective jurisdictions to help fight rampant malnutrition ... Of the 330,214 under-five-year-old children weighed during the same period, eight children, according to Fransiskus, were found to be suffering from marasmus and one from marasmus-kwashiorkor ... Tweet ....

The Biggest Crime You’ve Never Heard Of

Edit Information Clearing House 29 May 2015
By Ian Sinclair. May 29, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Morning Star" - They must have known, mustn’t they? How could they not? Perhaps they chose not to know ... Unfortunately this isn’t a hypothetical debate but the cold, brutal reality ... “Communicable diseases in the 1980s not considered public health hazards, such as measles, polio, cholera, typhoid, marasmus and kwashiorkor, reappeared on epidemic scales.”....

Tribal kids too sick and malnourished

Edit Deccan Chronicle 14 May 2015
KOZHIKODE ... The incident came to light after the team visited the tribe to provide vaccination against Kyasanur forest disease (KFD) earlier this month. A health worker in the medical team told DC that the four-year-old, younger child was suffering from both the Kwashiorkor and Marasmus diseases and his five-and-a-half-year-old brother was afflicted by Kwashiorkor ... ....

March Madness Meets Easter Gladness in the Worship Playoff

Edit Huffington Post 17 Mar 2015
The Almighty One must be wondering what One must do to excite One's creation for worship. It's one thing to watch the church's anemic Souper Bowl Sunday lose big to futbaw's Super Bowl Sunday. Moses versus Manning? Bible versus Brady? Soup versus suds? Like they say, "On any given day . ... Might marasmus, however, prove the silent killer? Why not? If babies waste away and die when neglected, why not God? Maybe God is dead ... Nonetheless....

Understanding Malnutrition

Edit 07 Jan 2015
Malnutrition is the condition of not getting enough or getting too much of a nutrient or nutrients. It's the largest contributor to disease across the globe ... Energy overnutrition is common in developed countries like the United States ... There are two forms of PEM. Starvation, sometimes called marasmus, is a severe form of malnutrition due to lack of total energy, resulting in poor growth, infertility and even death ... Sources. ... ....

Women during WW1 - readers' stories: 'I can't do the work if the men won't listen to me'

Edit The Guardian 10 Nov 2014
To mark the centenary of the first world war we’ve been asking readers to share their photos and memories of the wartime experiences of the women in their families. You can see all the contributions - or submit your own - via GuardianWitness ... Xanthe Pitt/GuardianWitness ... Monday 10 November 2014 14.45 GMT ... Grace Mitchell ... Nellie had five children but one of them died in 1912 at 8 months old from ‘marasmus’, a form of severe malnutrition ... I....

Halloween 2014 updates in gaming: Team Fortress, World of Warcraft and more

Edit Digital Spy 31 Oct 2014
We've been awash with a resurgence in horror games over the past year, but that doesn't mean other games can't get in on the act during Halloween. We round-up the biggest and best updates to games given spooky updates this week. Team Fortress 2. Every year, Valve holds a 'Scream Fortress' event for Team Fortress 2 across the Halloween period. This year's update marks the return of Marasmus, the Scottish wizard, a new Halloween event map....

UNICEF team to inspect paediatrics dept of LLR Hospital in Kanpur

Edit The Times of India 28 Oct 2014
The team will be in the city on November 23 to attend `UP PEDICON-2014', a 3-day conference, organised by the pediatrics department. The project funded by UNICEF, was started in the department in 2011. It aims at reducing severe malnutrition parentage, moderate malnutrition, under five mortality rate among children suffering from `Kwashiorkar' and `Marasmus'. Dr Y.K ... ....

Tehran to host int’l skin congress

Edit Irna 14 Oct 2014
Mansour Nassiri-Kashani, executive secretary of the congress made the announcement in an exclusive interview with Iran Daily, published Tuesday ... Doulati is founder of Center for Research and Training in Skin Disease and Leprosy ... “For example, people suffer severe emaciation in Marasmus, which is a severe malnutrition caused by shortage of protein and calorie, but their hair suffers damage in last stage.” ... **1425 ....